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Question to Green Party Supporters/Far left Democrats (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
If the stakes aren't so high in the next election, would you vote Green or independent rather then Democrat/Rep? By the time the next election comes around, I'm going to be old enough to vote so I will be voting Green. Why keep voting for the lesser of two evils? No progress to be made that way in my opinion.
You have to admit - there is one perk of the electoral college. If you're not in a swing state, you can use your vote to make a statement instead of going with the lesser of the evils.
I'm registered green.....but, I live in the Bluest freakin state ever....NY will always be Blue in the Presidential election....so I can vote for whoever the hell I want....heh.
tecoyah said:
I'm registered green.....but, I live in the Bluest freakin state ever....NY will always be Blue in the Presidential election....so I can vote for whoever the hell I want....heh.

Yeah same. I live in New York City so it doesn't matter which way I vote.
To all voters of Green: the Republican party whole heartidly supports and encourages your vote.
To all voters of Green: the Republican party whole heartidly supports and encourages your vote.

I bet you do. Not that I care. If your going to just vote Republican or Democrat every year and expect change then you would be a moron. Who really cares if the Republicans win because of the Greens? They aren't very much different then Democrats. They're all a bunch of a corrupt politicians, ever eager to please the corporations at our expense.
FinnMacCool said:
I bet you do. Not that I care. If your going to just vote Republican or Democrat every year and expect change then you would be a moron.

But voting for any other party and expecting change doesn't make you a moron?

FinnMacCool said:
Who really cares if the Republicans win because of the Greens?


FinnMacCool said:
They aren't very much different then Democrats.

Agreed... to a certain extent. They're both statist parties but with different priorities.

FinnMacCool said:
They're all a bunch of a corrupt politicians

What an asinine generalization.

FinnMacCool said:
ever eager to please the corporations at our expense.

And the Greens (or any 3rd party) would be any less susceptible to corruption if they were to gain the status of a major party?
FinnMacCool said:
If the stakes aren't so high in the next election, would you vote Green or independent rather then Democrat/Rep? By the time the next election comes around, I'm going to be old enough to vote so I will be voting Green. Why keep voting for the lesser of two evils? No progress to be made that way in my opinion.

So whay you appear to being doing, is instead of voting for the lesser of two evils, voting for the most evil thing you can find?
But voting for any other party and expecting change doesn't make you a moron?
Well the only other option is a revolution. . .but no one wants that.

What an asinine generalization.
Have you ever heard of an honest politician?
And the Greens (or any 3rd party) would be any less susceptible to corruption if they were to gain the status of a major party?
No but at least it would offer an alternative to regular off the mill corruption whch seems to plauge democrats and republicans. If the Green party turned out to be corrupt as well, the american people would vote them out.
So whay you appear to being doing, is instead of voting for the lesser of two evils, voting for the most evil thing you can find?

Obviously our ideas of what evil and what isn't is a bit different.
The Real McCoy said:
To all voters of Green: the Republican party whole heartidly supports and encourages your vote.

Just like the DNC whole heartedly supports and encourages Libertarian voters.
Just like the DNC whole heartedly supports and encourages Libertarian voters.

As do I, but without the sarcasm. I support the Green Party because it matches my personal beliefs most and that its a third party but I support the Libertarian party as well because its a third party. I just think that it's immoral and stupid to have to choose between two parties every year.
FinnMacCool said:
Obviously our ideas of what evil and what isn't is a bit different.

Greens are not much different from dems and reps. Dems and reps want to take people's money, give it to other people, and tell people what social, political or economic activities they can engage in. The only differences between you types is that you have different opinions on who gets what, how much, and how.

Libertarians don't want other people's money, don't want to give it to other people and want people to enjoy thier rights, and we don't want to proscribe any actions except those that evidence a systematic violations of Life, Liberty or Property.
Greens are not much different from dems and reps. Dems and reps want to take people's money, give it to other people, and tell people what social, political or economic activities they can engage in. The only differences between you types is that you have different opinions on who gets what, how much, and how.

Libertarians don't want other people's money, don't want to give it to other people and want people to enjoy thier rights, and we don't want to proscribe any actions except those that evidence a systematic violations of Life, Liberty or Property.

I believe that people are free to enjoy their rights as well so long as it doesn't interfere with other people enjoying their rights.
Voting for a third party is, unfortunately, useless in a plurality system. Push for proportional representation and then your green vote might count for something.
FinnMacCool said:
I believe that people are free to enjoy their rights as well so long as it doesn't interfere with other people enjoying their rights.

Which is the core of the libertarian belief. I was just reading another thread, and it seemed you espoused faily libertarian views.

The ONLY thing I like about the Greens is their work on election reform, as generally they are in line with the LP on that, and both recognize the excluding practices created by the dems and reps.

The Greens generally want to use the state in different ways that dems and reps, as I pointed out earlier, of: from who, to who, how much, and how. the give no real credence or different view as to the purpose and behavior of the institution of government. Same ideas with green shellac.
libertarian_knight said:
Which is the core of the libertarian belief. I was just reading another thread, and it seemed you espoused faily libertarian views.

The ONLY thing I like about the Greens is their work on election reform, as generally they are in line with the LP on that, and both recognize the excluding practices created by the dems and reps.

The Greens generally want to use the state in different ways that dems and reps, as I pointed out earlier, of: from who, to who, how much, and how. the give no real credence or different view as to the purpose and behavior of the institution of government. Same ideas with green shellac.

Pshaw. I bet you like about half of the green platform. They're social liberals too, ya know.
Which is the core of the libertarian belief. I was just reading another thread, and it seemed you espoused faily libertarian views.
I've seriously considered supporting libertarians but I'm just not into a lot of their ideas. Out of curiousity, what thread was that?

The Greens generally want to use the state in different ways that dems and reps, as I pointed out earlier, of: from who, to who, how much, and how. the give no real credence or different view as to the purpose and behavior of the institution of government. Same ideas with green shellac.

Your right about that. I don't think it really needs to though. Do you?
I'm Green. But I'm voting for Hillary.
Voting for a third party is, unfortunately, useless in a plurality system. Push for proportional representation and then your green vote might count for something.

Yeah but until that happens, theres no real reason for me not to vote Green. At least I'll be helping to make a statement somewhat.
Billo_Really said:
I'm Green. But I'm voting for Hillary.

I have my little brother and sister trained to say "That's the next president of the US" when they see her picture. :mrgreen:
FinnMacCool said:
Yeah but until that happens, theres no real reason for me not to vote Green. At least I'll be helping to make a statement somewhat.

Unless you can get 51% of the voters to vote green, the only statement you'll be making is "I lost".
FinnMacCool said:
I. . .hate. . .that. . .woman. Thats one of the reasons why I won't be voting democrat anytime soon.

Tsk tsk. You shouldn't hate your future president.

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