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Question for night owls and across the pond - how is the site performing after update? (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
We continue to monitor the processes and cleaning things up in the background.

How is the site between 2-5am CST? Our logs are looking good.

Any feedback of site feel, slowing down or hickups?

I believe I can bypass the word filter in Tapatalk.

Sent from Hillary's private email server.
We continue to monitor the processes and cleaning things up in the background.

How is the site between 2-5am CST? Our logs are looking good.

Any feedback of site feel, slowing down or hickups?


I am frequently on during that time period and have noticed no issues.
Well I post the word shit on Tapatalk, and it appears to show all letters. So I modified it, unless that's not a covered word.
Shit is no longer a filtered word. Some may say that's bullshit and others may say that's horseshit but the fact remains that Tapatalk isn't bypassing the ****ing filter.

Shit is no longer a filtered word. Some may say that's bullshit and others may say that's horseshit but the fact remains that Tapatalk isn't bypassing the ****ing filter.

Okay then, I guess I did know it was off the list. (y)
No issues, unlike the old board. Old board, between 10:50 to 11:20ish CET the board was inaccessible basically. Not anymore.

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