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Question 1 for Atheists (1 Viewer)


Mar 16, 2006
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Atheists often tell Christian's that god does not exist. So here is a question for you. Prove to me that God does not exist. Don't tell me that because you yourself haven't seen god he can't possibly exist. Throughout the course of history many many people have seen god. If you don't believe that god exists...

Prove it.
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Prove to me that god (gods) does (do) exist, with factual evidence that can be believed without a doubt, and then I will refute your arguments. Until then, I see no reason to prove god (gods) do (does) exist.
Prove to me that the Flying Spaghetti monster does not exist.
Prove that Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy do not exist.

It is not the burden of the unbeliever to prove anything. That burden lies on the believer.
The belief that god does not exists.. is a belief. So the burden falls rightly on the believer.

(And before I get shouted down as a christian extremist lol... I am catholic but I attend church once a year at christmas and myself am not sure if god exists.. so im asking for proof that he doesn't.)
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The non-existence of God-- or any deity-- is just as unbelievable and unprovable as the existence thereof.

It is a matter of faith in either case, and evangelical atheists are just another bunch of missionaries on the warpath.
LogicalReason said:
Atheists often tell Christian's that god does not exist. So here is a question for you. Prove to me that God does not exist. Don't tell me that because you yourself haven't seen god he can't possibly exist. Throughout the course of history many many people have seen god. If you don't believe that god exists...

Prove it.

I don't need to. Like Alex said the burden of proof always falls on the shoulders of the believer, or else a number of things can exist. For cryin out loud, even Saul, or Paul had to "witness or see" Jesus to verify his ressurection, why should it be any different now?
Korimyr the Rat said:
The non-existence of God-- or any deity-- is just as unbelievable and unprovable as the existence thereof.

It is a matter of faith in either case, and evangelical atheists are just another bunch of missionaries on the warpath.

Every time I read one of your posts, my respect grows more and more. I am really glad you came to this forum. Rock on!!!
I can't prove God exists--it is a conclusion that I have come to over the years.

I wish I could find a post someone did that described exactly why I feel that humans created God. I'm going to see if I can find it via a search.

LogicalReason, you sound like you might be an agnostic. I used to be an agnostic (I was raised Catholic), but have since become an atheist.

I won't be able to search now, as I am heading out the door, but I'll come back here later tonight or tomorrow.
Easiest way to prove god does not exist

Every night pray that he strikes you with a bolt of lightning while you sleep. If on the 3rd day ( significant of the holy trinity ) he doesnt awnser your prayers - It is because :

A : He doesnt exist.
B : He's too busy NOT solving any world issues.
C : He's been on vacation since the Middle Ages.
You know the question of whether or not god exists is less important that the question of whether or not any of the world religions have got any truth to them what so ever.

I can with study of history show that chirtianity is nothing more than a melting pot of pagan religions. I can show the contradictions in the bible. I can present evidence that jesus never existed. I can prove the earth is older than scripture allows. I can point out that blind faith is the same no matter what religion you follow. I can point out just how silly religious beliefs are all day,supporting my arguments with facts and scientific data.

I can not disprove the existence of something that doesn't exist if you believe that something is undefinable, unknowable, unapproachable, unquestionable, unfalable (yes I know....), unmaterial(and this one too..), unmeasurable, and unimaginable.

I've got to give you credit though, you theists are very creative at making up excuses for the inactions of a nonexistant being, and even better at disbelieving any data that may show scripture to be wrong.

let me bastardize jamesrage's signature " There is a big difference in believing superstion and believing in the reality you moron." You know... I have always though his sig was a pinnacle of arrogance and intolerance. Even though I choose to mock it here. Rewording it, yet maintaining it's original sentiments redirected at a different target. I find it no less wrong. I will not, however, delete it as I think it makes 2 points for me.
Rowan said:
Prove to me that the Flying Spaghetti monster does not exist.

hee hee hee hee hee...

why couldnt there be a flying spaghetti monster on sesame street? that would have made it so much more awesome.
star2589 said:
cant. there is no way to prove or disprove god's existence.

But there is more evidence to say a god did not create the universe.
alex said:
But there is more evidence to say a god did not create the universe.

there is none. no matter what scientific evidence is presented, it could always be argued that god did it in whatever way the science indicates.
LogicalReason said:
Atheists often tell Christian's that god does not exist. So here is a question for you. Prove to me that God does not exist. Don't tell me that because you yourself haven't seen god he can't possibly exist. Throughout the course of history many many people have seen god. If you don't believe that god exists...

Prove it.

Back to the common misrepresentation of atheism. Atheism is a lack of belief because there is no evidence to support the extraordinary claim of a god exiting.

We have Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Wiccans, Druids, Gnostics, Hare Krishnas, Santarians, Scientologists and many others claiming that their belief is the right one. You are prepared to tell everyone that doesn't follow your god that their god is wrong.

As to your actual question, it is virtually impossible to prove a negative. This is especially true when the claim is being made of something that is supernatural. That is why the burden of proof is on those making a claim. Atheists aren't making a claim, they are denying one.

So, here's a counter challenge for you. Prove that Zeus doesn't exist.
MrFungus420 said:
So, here's a counter challenge for you. Prove that Zeus doesn't exist.

Olympus has been climbed and flown over now...no zeus. Sorry I couldnt help myself MrFungus...:3oops:
The concept of "God" is too broad and means too many things to different people, to be able to neatly prove its existence or nonexistence without being a little more specific. It's like asking someone to prove that stuff does not exist.

If you'd give me some characteristics of what you consider to be God, I'll tell you why I find it implausible.
Kandahar said:
If you'd give me some characteristics of what you consider to be God, I'll tell you why I find it implausible.

Exactly. One has to define exactly what "God" is, before they make all these baseless claims about him.
jallman said:
Olympus has been climbed and flown over now...no zeus. Sorry I couldnt help myself MrFungus...:3oops:


But, of course, the obvious answer to that is that He obviously wasn't there at the time... :2razz:
star2589 said:
there is none. no matter what scientific evidence is presented, it could always be argued that god did it in whatever way the science indicates.

But their would be no actual evidence to support that claim. What proof is their that a god created us? Their is endless evidence that we evolved over time.
alex said:
But their would be no actual evidence to support that claim.

there is no evidence that supports or contradicts it.

alex said:
What proof is their that a god created us?


alex said:
Their is endless evidence that we evolved over time.

there is indeed endless evidence that we evolved overtime, but that in no way is evidence against god's existence.
star2589 said:
there is no evidence that supports or contradicts it.

Their is evidence that contradicts it. The evidence that we slowly evolved over time and were not put here by a god.

star2589 said:
there is indeed endless evidence that we evolved overtime, but that in no way is evidence against god's existence.

When science can answer all the questions that religion (god) was thought to answer, but with evidence to back it up, where religion has none, I say that is proof enough of a god not existing. Is evolution proof that a god did not create humans or put us here? Yes, it is.

When there is not a single shred of proof that a god exists, then why should I believe it, or anyone for that matter? Faith is not a good answer. Faith is based on feelings and emotions. Feelings are not always right and without any evidence to support it, faith means nothing when trying to say a god exists. Faith can be a component of a realistic belief, but it cannot be the only reason for it. Should I believe that Superman really exists just because someone told me that he does? Anyone would require proof for that. A god is no different.
alex said:
When science can answer all the questions that religion (god) was thought to answer, but with evidence to back it up, where religion has none, I say that is proof enough of a god not existing. Is evolution proof that a god did not create humans or put us here? Yes, it is.

evolution is proof that the creation story in genesis, and the creation stories by many other religions, are not true. it is not proof that god does not exist. God could have started or guided the evolution process. He could have created the universe and then left it alone and evolution could have happened by chance. There's no way to know.

alex said:
When there is not a single shred of proof that a god exists, then why should I believe it, or anyone for that matter?

no clue, I certainly dont.

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