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Putin send a very large message to the oligarchs (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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Not one, but two Russian oligarchs and their families have been killed in their on homes. The police in one of the killings says it look like a murder suicide and the other just plain murder. I suspect both were supposed to look like murder suicide, but the message has been sent, back me, Putin, or you and your family will die. I think he has sent the message loud and clear, don't you?

Not one, but two Russian oligarchs and their families have been killed in their on homes. The police in one of the killings says it look like a murder suicide and the other just plain murder. I suspect both were supposed to look like murder suicide, but the message has been sent, back me, Putin, or you and your family will die. I think he has sent the message loud and clear, don't you?
Might not have anything to do with Putin. These guys are former VP's of Gazprombank or closely tied to it. Something smelly going on there? We'll probably never know. But I agree there was no suicide in it.

Not one, but two Russian oligarchs and their families have been killed in their on homes. The police in one of the killings says it look like a murder suicide and the other just plain murder. I suspect both were supposed to look like murder suicide, but the message has been sent, back me, Putin, or you and your family will die. I think he has sent the message loud and clear, don't you?
Yeah, definitely no "suicide" involved. And even less subtle than a severed horse's head in the bed.

Not one, but two Russian oligarchs and their families have been killed in their on homes. The police in one of the killings says it look like a murder suicide and the other just plain murder. I suspect both were supposed to look like murder suicide, but the message has been sent, back me, Putin, or you and your family will die. I think he has sent the message loud and clear, don't you?

Might not have anything to do with Putin. These guys are former VP's of Gazprombank or closely tied to it. Something smelly going on there? We'll probably never know. But I agree there was no suicide in it.

Easy test: did they or did they not rudely contradict Putin publicly?
Not that I've seen. Did you hear differently?

I'd think that if he wanted to send a message, he'd kill people who didn't kiss his ass.

I suppose randomly killing oligarchs sends a stronger if more random message: watch out, I'm ****ing crazy
To say it's suspicious is an understatement. But we don't know for sure. For example, it's reported one family was in the apartment locked from the inside and police had to break the door down. Was that an indication it wasn't others involved, or just a better job at hiding their role?

We've yet to see what an investigation finds from physical evidence, witnesses, surveillance videos, etc. Remember when Israel got caught for sending a hit squad that horrifically assassinated a man in his hotel room, drugging him paralyzing him while he drowned unable to breath? Regardless of what happened, it is a heck of a message to Putin oligarchs.

A couple questions, though.

What do we know about whether these two had turned on Putin? And what do we know about whether Putin can get his hands on their/his money - not that that matters in terms of what happened.
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Might not have anything to do with Putin. These guys are former VP's of Gazprombank or closely tied to it. Something smelly going on there? We'll probably never know. But I agree there was no suicide in it.
Things like this don't happen in russia without putin's approval.
Not one, but two Russian oligarchs and their families have been killed in their on homes. The police in one of the killings says it look like a murder suicide and the other just plain murder. I suspect both were supposed to look like murder suicide, but the message has been sent, back me, Putin, or you and your family will die. I think he has sent the message loud and clear, don't you?
Maybe it's just a coincidence.


Not one, but two Russian oligarchs and their families have been killed in their on homes. The police in one of the killings says it look like a murder suicide and the other just plain murder. I suspect both were supposed to look like murder suicide, but the message has been sent, back me, Putin, or you and your family will die. I think he has sent the message loud and clear, don't you?

Whoever killed them or if it was murder/suicide there is at least one clear message for Russians: things are not going well for Russia.

And that's a good message IMO.
Things like this don't happen in russia without putin's approval.
What if with the US sniffing around Hunter Biden's financial dealings and Burisma, they got in touch with some people in the industry and these two either cooperated or it was feared they might? I haven't tried to follow all the CT's about Hunter, but Gazprom is ringing a bell. I could be totally off base here, but it sounds more like mob. Putin would have poisoned them. I never heard of him going after the wife and kids before.

Not one, but two Russian oligarchs and their families have been killed in their on homes. The police in one of the killings says it look like a murder suicide and the other just plain murder. I suspect both were supposed to look like murder suicide, but the message has been sent, back me, Putin, or you and your family will die. I think he has sent the message loud and clear, don't you?
They must've stopped kissing Putzin's butt. But....this is too messy. Putzin likes the typical spy cliché in poison.

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