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Putin orders forces to ‘maintain peace’ in Eastern Ukraine after recognizing separatist regions (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 7, 2018
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A long-feared Russian invasion of Ukraine appeared to be imminent Monday, if not already underway, with Russian President Vladimir Putin ordering forces into separatist regions of Eastern Ukraine.
A vaguely worded decree signed by Putin did not say whether troops were on the move, and it cast the order as an effort to “maintain peace.” But it appeared to dash the slim remaining hopes of averting a major conflict in Europe that could cause massive casualties, energy shortages on the continent and economic chaos around the globe.
There goes his gas deal with Germany. Nord Stream 2 is cancelled.
There goes his gas deal with Germany. Nord Stream 2 is cancelled.
Just postponed for the sake of not upsetting the US immediately .
The line is finished and ready to start . Just a matter of time before it flows .

In the meantime the EU moans and groans and does not get enough gas and at a horrific price .

Looks like a clear extra bargaining chip for the Grand Master and another huge hole in the stuttering EU economy .
Just postponed for the sake of not upsetting the US immediately .
The line is finished and ready to start . Just a matter of time before it flows .

In the meantime the EU moans and groans and does not get enough gas and at a horrific price .

Looks like a clear extra bargaining chip for the Grand Master and another huge hole in the stuttering EU economy .
It is more than a matter of time. The certification process has been frozen. Europe was getting too dependent on Russian energy anyway. They need to find other sources and cut Russia off. They know it. They don't want to be dependent on a rogue state that threatens attacks on neighbors and declares parts of other countries to be new countries.
It is more than a matter of time. The certification process has been frozen. Europe was getting too dependent on Russian energy anyway. They need to find other sources and cut Russia off. They know it. They don't want to be dependent on a rogue state that threatens attacks on neighbors and declares parts of other countries to be new countries.

There has been a misinformation- I dont know whether deliberately- as regards the pipeline Nord Stream 2. It means different things to different people. The one thing Nord Stream 2 does not do is increase European dependency on Russian gas. The gas pipelines from Russia to Germany through Ukraine has the capacity to carry all the gas Russia can ship to Germany. Right now it is operating at less than half the capacity.

1. Germany. The beauty of Nord Stream 2 for Germany is that the gas from Russia is delivered directly to Germany. It bypasses Ukraine. Transition through Ukraine in the past had resulted in disruptions due to squabbles between Russia and Ukraine.

2. Russia. For Russia the beauty of Nord Stream 2 is she can deliver her gas directly to Germany. She doesnt have to pay transit fees to Ukraine. And more importantly: Putin can kick Ukraine's ass without disrupting gas deliveries to Europe.

3. Ukraine. Ukraine hates Nord Stream 2 because it can allow Russia to ditch Ukraine. Cutting Ukraine out of the gas business and losses to her in billions of dollars in transit fees. Worse for Ukraine, with no pipelines carrying vital gas to Europe, Russia can kick her ass without causing an economic crisis.

Now Nord Stream 2 is on ice. But that suspension does not impact Russia's ability to deliver all the gas she can to Europe.
There are no perfect humans and thus no perfect countries.
It’s not about perfection. It’s about not being able to justify your pearl clutching over something Western Europe has been doing for 2,000 years and the West’s rank hypocrisy in projecting that people only have a right to self determination if they want them to.
A long-feared Russian invasion of Ukraine appeared to be imminent Monday, if not already underway, with Russian President Vladimir Putin ordering forces into separatist regions of Eastern Ukraine.
A vaguely worded decree signed by Putin did not say whether troops were on the move, and it cast the order as an effort to “maintain peace.” But it appeared to dash the slim remaining hopes of averting a major conflict in Europe that could cause massive casualties, energy shortages on the continent and economic chaos around the globe.
In Russian, "maintain peace" must = Illegal Occupation
It’s not about perfection. It’s about not being able to justify your pearl clutching over something Western Europe has been doing for 2,000 years and the West’s rank hypocrisy in projecting that people only have a right to self determination if they want them to.


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