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Putin 'is suffering 'roid rage from steroid treatment for cancer': Western spies believe his 'increasingly erratic' behaviour, bloated appearance and (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Political Leaning

his 'increasingly erratic' behaviour, bloated appearance and absurd social distancing for visitors is a result of medical treatment​

  • Intelligence sources suggest Vladimir Putin could be suffering with cancer, Parkinson's disease or dementia
  • The 69-year-old despot's 'bloated face and neck' could be potential side effects of prolonged use of steroids
  • Russian President's health condition has come into question over recent months owing to his appearance
  • Putin has repeatedly looked 'ashen and bloated' and with a pale complexion
69-year-old Putin’s ‘increasingly erratic behaviour’, combined with a bloated appearance in recent footage – and the absurd distance he insists on keeping from visitors to the Kremlin.

much like koba in 1953 , great news for the world ...
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How does one look at the pictures of him shirtless on a horse and think "roids"?
10 years old pictures, one for sure, he looks terrible today

Why on Earth would he take steroids and not lift?

They have bad negative side-effects, and they only accomplish anything if you train and eat right. Then you end up looking like some weird lab experiment:


There's no other point to doing them. Why else would Putin take steroids? Because he wants to have to mentally combat excessive aggression? That's moronic.

How's this: he's an evil man with a delusion of it being his destiny to reform the Soviet Union.
Why on Earth would he take steroids and not lift?

They have bad negative side-effects, and they only accomplish anything if you train and eat right. Then you end up looking like some weird lab experiment:

There's no other point to doing them. Why else would Putin take steroids? Because he wants to have to mentally combat excessive aggression? That's moronic.

How's this: he's an evil man with a delusion of it being his destiny to reform the Soviet Union.
I have no idea if the kind of steroids he'd be on for medical reasons explain any of his behavior, but steroids are widely used in medicine, including for cancer patients. I've been on them several times, orally, and cremes of various sorts. They are anti-inflammatory - generally. Short term for me on the oral route, but they're very common drugs in western medicine. E.g.

Common side effects of systemic steroids include:

Or could he have gotten a bit chubby like so many others during the covidemic? So many theories to choose from....
I have no idea if the kind of steroids he'd be on for medical reasons explain any of his behavior, but steroids are widely used in medicine, including for cancer patients. I've been on them several times, orally, and cremes of various sorts. They are anti-inflammatory - generally. Short term for me on the oral route, but they're very common drugs in western medicine. E.g.

Did you feel like it altered your behavior?
Why on Earth would he take steroids and not lift?

They have bad negative side-effects, and they only accomplish anything if you train and eat right. Then you end up looking like some weird lab experiment:


There's no other point to doing them. Why else would Putin take steroids? Because he wants to have to mentally combat excessive aggression? That's moronic.

How's this: he's an evil man with a delusion of it being his destiny to reform the Soviet Union.
Some medical conditions are treated with steroids. When I was first diagnosed with Crohn's I was put on steroids for a month.
I guess there's a bunch of kinds of steroids too. The corticosteroids act like hormones that lessen inflammation and there's anabolic steroids that athletes take. They mimic testosterone.
Utter crap as usual. We know he uses at least two doubles, so which Putin is this silly story based on ?

What story should we make up for Sleepy ? He needs bags of Steroids except they tend to wreck his already weak bladder .
Why on Earth would he take steroids and not lift?
There is more than one type of steroid. Some are used for combatting lupus, loss of virility, skin conditions, muscle loss (not just muscle gain)

Why take weight reducing pills when simple exercise would be far safer???

Back in the mean ol' Cold War days we had a 'theory'. It was called the 'Dying Russian Generals Scenario'. It was suggested the old WWII generals wanted to settle the score they left undone after WWII- taking all of Europe and knocking America back across the ocean.

Perhaps this is a case of a ruthless dictator feeling his end coming and wanting his legacy to be a 'restored' USSR to compare with Peter the Great. Not saying it's logical but history is full of dictators thinking they could mold the world as they want it rather than what is possible... ✌️
Did you feel like it altered your behavior?
No, not at all, but I only did short term treatments a couple of times. They start you on a big dose and every day for a week or so (as I recall) you walk the dose down, then off entirely. They were to deal with some normal things like swelling, etc. I have arthritis (psoriatic) that likely contributed and it's a common way to dampen inflammation.

Long term oral use (or injections) does frequently lead to bloating and weight gain, as the steroids mess with your hormones, but the kind of treatments I had were over so fast that the steroids didn't affect me at all, except for doing a good job reducing swelling and pain.

The other use is for skin conditions, and I swear dermatologists wouldn't know what to do with me if they didn't prescribe steroid cremes. I bet I have 10 different lotions of different strengths and types in the cabinet. "I broke out in a mild rash." Doctor - here's some steroid creme - that'll be $150. Some version of that literally every time I've been to the dermatologist, or took my mother in law, or wife.... So now I try a cream from a past visit first, THEN if that fails go to see the doctor. Haven't been back in many years.
I have no idea if the kind of steroids he'd be on for medical reasons explain any of his behavior, but steroids are widely used in medicine, including for cancer patients. I've been on them several times, orally, and cremes of various sorts. They are anti-inflammatory - generally. Short term for me on the oral route, but they're very common drugs in western medicine. E.g.

Right, there are so many non-workout uses, but what's the point of attacking him over it otherwise?

Some medical conditions are treated with steroids. When I was first diagnosed with Crohn's I was put on steroids for a month.
I guess there's a bunch of kinds of steroids too. The corticosteroids act like hormones that lessen inflammation and there's anabolic steroids that athletes take. They mimic testosterone.

I know. I know. But OP is about "roid rage", which is not a medical use result. It's abuse.
Utter crap as usual. We know he uses at least two doubles, so which Putin is this silly story based on ?

Which body double is this one?

Utter crap as usual. We know he uses at least two doubles, so which Putin is this silly story based on ?

What story should we make up for Sleepy ? He needs bags of Steroids except they tend to wreck his already weak bladder .
Imagine thinking "80 year old dude has bladder troubles" is some sick burn lmao have you ever met an old person?
Utter crap as usual. We know he uses at least two doubles, so which Putin is this silly story based on ?

What story should we make up for Sleepy ? He needs bags of Steroids except they tend to wreck his already weak bladder .
But 76 year old Trump who has never authorized an honest personal medical records disclosure and is visibly suffering acute mental
and emotional disorder is your viable alternative?

All RWE stories about Joe Biden are "made up" because the only evidence you have is that he stutters and is in reasonably
good shape for his age and unusually intense rigors of his responsibilities.

Incapable or uninterested in facts supported criticism of Biden, whitelash deeply resents that Biden got here as a result of black
South Carolina voters suddenly warming to his candidacy, followed by his selection of Kamala Harris as his running mate.

That is it, that is all you got, but the constant spew of anti Biden BS is not accompanied by new supporting facts.

Meanwhile, Biden's critics ignore that they still support a racist, misogynist, malignant narcissist, great brained authoritarian
as an example of their discernment as to who should lead the U.S.

Russia is less democratic today than it was under Krushchev, a fact lost on cult Trump as they flock to adore their loser.

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Why on Earth would he take steroids and not lift?

They have bad negative side-effects, and they only accomplish anything if you train and eat right. Then you end up looking like some weird lab experiment:


There's no other point to doing them. Why else would Putin take steroids? Because he wants to have to mentally combat excessive aggression? That's moronic.

How's this: he's an evil man with a delusion of it being his destiny to reform the Soviet Union.
Steroids aren't only used for muscle building, doctors prescribe some to counter various symptoms.
Why on Earth would he take steroids and not lift?

They have bad negative side-effects, and they only accomplish anything if you train and eat right. Then you end up looking like some weird lab experiment:


There's no other point to doing them. Why else would Putin take steroids? Because he wants to have to mentally combat excessive aggression? That's moronic.

How's this: he's an evil man with a delusion of it being his destiny to reform the Soviet Union.
Steroid use and abuse is common, mostly with people you’d never expect. Those late night low T ads are for steroids, a large percentage of men over 40 are on them. Go to any gym, a sizable percentage of guys there are on steroids.

Many anti aging treatments are HGH + Testosterone (steroids). Putin is 70, I’d be shocked if he wasn’t on an anti-aging regimen.

Take GW50156, SR9009, RAD140, LGD4033, etc. None of these are approved for human use, yet there are vast communities online where people are their own lab rats. Mediocre amateur masters athletes get caught taking with this stuff all of the time.

Vanity trumps sanity.
This article is targeted chatter to create talk that Putin is psychotic and ready to nuke, therefore a pretext to take action.

Notice all the comments of agreement that a photo of a puffy face is evidence of whatever.
I was wondering about that. Every time I've seen him on TV in recent weeks, he looked like shit. I thought maybe he just wasn't sleeping right, due to the stress of the whole situation he created...but a serious medical condition would make sense too.

He's only 69, which isn't that old by Western standards. But he has already outlived most Russian men.
the spurious speculation in the OP, based on some photos and ambivalent and anonymous 'experts' is an ariel attack on our collective intelligence. In my case, I just shot it down without having to reload.
Steroids aren't only used for muscle building, doctors prescribe some to counter various symptoms.

I know that.

But when people take them for muscle building, they are usually taking far higher doses likely to result in side effects like "roid rage", which specifically is what OP is about.

Steroid use and abuse is common, mostly with people you’d never expect. Those late night low T ads are for steroids, a large percentage of men over 40 are on them. Go to any gym, a sizable percentage of guys there are on steroids.

Many anti aging treatments are HGH + Testosterone (steroids). Putin is 70, I’d be shocked if he wasn’t on an anti-aging regimen.

Take GW50156, SR9009, RAD140, LGD4033, etc. None of these are approved for human use, yet there are vast communities online where people are their own lab rats. Mediocre amateur masters athletes get caught taking with this stuff all of the time.

Vanity trumps sanity.

Again, the kind of steroid use that causes "roid rage" is at doses that produce a slew of side effects you would not expect to see in people who are being treated for medical conditions. And the thread specifically said "roid rage". Not medical treatment for so-called "low T" and not SARMS.

Actually, that's not even right.

RAD140 and LGD4033 are SARMS. Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. They bind to your androgen receptors to spur muscle growth, but they don't send your testosterone through the roof, which is what causes "roid rage". (And neither do the kind of doses prescribed for "low T").

GW50156 ("Cardarine"), SR9009 ("Stenabolic"), and a couple others target PPA receptors. They don't build muscle. They can spur mitochondria production, etc., and generally improve cardiovascular output.

Look, it's just a bizarre thread. Putin is not some steroid freak who launched the Ukranian war out of "roid rage."
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