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Putin dining in the evening (1 Viewer)


Trump Grump Whisperer
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Mar 11, 2006
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I'll bet it's a bit lonely having dinner at this table. Dumbass!
no food on the table = even more lonely
His paranoia is increasing.
One of those might try to kill him.
I can't tell if that one dude is Boba Fett or Snake Eyes. What do you guys think?
They're not dining.

I'll bet it's a bit lonely having dinner at this table. Dumbass!

Someone wanna explain to American that that is a meeting table not a dining room table, that there is no food, that they are not dining, that this in fact often how Putin has been choosing to meet people (especially foreigners who do not want to go through Russia's whole COVID protocol in addition to their own)
Someone wanna explain to American that that is a meeting table not a dining room table, that there is no food, that they are not dining, that this in fact often how Putin has been choosing to meet people (especially foreigners who do not want to go through Russia's whole COVID protocol in addition to their own)
I know it's difficult to you, but imagine dinner at the table. There would be food. It's implied in the term "dinner". Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I'll bet it's a bit lonely having dinner at this table. Dumbass!
Anybody who thinks this is about covid is kidding themselves.
It's symbolic. He's unassailable, beyond the reach of ordinary mortals. Kinda like the way kings always sit on a raised dias. The way the statue of King Ramses is thirty feet tall. Pootie needs a crown; he'd be happier.

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