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Putin and Trump Interior Decorating Tastes (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Trump has wood! Everyone needs two helipads, can’t keep the guests waiting to embark or disembark! Self-leveling pool table.

Crew list is all Russian security….:unsure:

Trump has wood! Everyone needs two helipads, can’t keep the guests waiting to embark or disembark! Self-leveling pool table.

Crew list is all Russian security….:unsure:

Ugh. He's a nouveau riche asshole.
Ugh. He's a nouveau riche asshole.
Sad. Here he has this huge party boat and he's too paranoid about Covid and assassination to invite anyone over to have fun.
So the owner of the yacht is a secret now only known to the Italian police and the captain. The captain, who is British, says the owner isn’t Putin nor has Putin ever set foot aboard.
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The captain states he is under an “airtight” NDA to say who the owner is.

Apologists gonna….you know!
“Bennett-Pearce - who said the superyacht's crew is 70 per cent Russian - admitted he'd heard the whispers - but said he was bound by a "watertight nondisclosure agreement" that stopped him revealing the owner.

But he denied the vessel belongs to Putin or that the Kremlin has ever been aboard, telling the outlet: "I have never seen him. I have never met him."”


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