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Putin ally Viktor Medvedchuk detained in "special operation," Zelensky says (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Political Leaning
It's gonna get way worse before it gets better.

"Ukraine's security services on Tuesday said they had arrested pro-Russian politician Viktor Medvedchuk, who is President Vladimir Putin's closest and most influential ally in Ukraine."

He broke house arrest and was trying to flee Ukraine.
Ukraine arrests an Ukrainian citizen on political crimes including alleged treason, puts him under house arrest, then expects him to stay put in a War Zone, recaptures him after he flees and then offers to trade that Ukrainian citizen to a hostile foreign country for civilian prisoners held by that country? Yup, the Rule of Law is alive and well in this Pro-Western ally state. He should be tried and either be found guilty or innocent of the crimes he has been accused of before he is discarded from Ukraine. Even alleged traitors have a right to a fair and impartial trial in a country which values liberal principles as Ukraine claims it does. This is the Wild West, not the Rule of Law at work.

This in no way should be read as an excuse for what Putin's Russia is doing to Ukraine. However if Ukraine wants to become a Western state, then it must start acting like one. Ukraine is condemning Russia of meting out summary and cruel punishment on Ukrainian citizens. That condemnation is justly deserved. But to then turn around and do something similar undermines Ukrainian claims of being better and implies manipulative hipocrisy at work. Do better, Ukraine, even when your country is under attack.

Cheers, be well and stay alive.
Ukraine arrests an Ukrainian citizen on political crimes including alleged treason, puts him under house arrest, then expects him to stay put in a War Zone, recaptures him after he flees and then offers to trade that Ukrainian citizen to a hostile foreign country for civilian prisoners held by that country? Yup, the Rule of Law is alive and well in this Pro-Western ally state. He should be tried and either be found guilty or innocent of the crimes he has been accused of before he is discarded from Ukraine.

I disagree. POW swaps continue. There was just another swap last week.

If Ukrainian POW's can gain their freedom in exchange for this piece of shit, I have no porblem with such an exchange.

And neither would Medvedev. Where do you think he was fleeing to? Mariupol?

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