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Put all canadians on ignore. (1 Viewer)


Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego
Political Leaning
I understand there have been some new additions on the forum (namely canuck) and his other terd friend from canada. Honestly these people know nothing of what is going on in the world from only what their french counterparts tell them. I think you will find it usefull to your health and your sanity to put these individuals on your ignore list.
I understand there have been some new additions on the forum (namely canuck) and his other terd friend from canada. Honestly these people know nothing of what is going on in the world from only what their french counterparts tell them. I think you will find it usefull to your health and your sanity to put these individuals on your ignore list.

Yea, that ignore/buddy list, what exactly does that do? I don't use either myself. For instance if champs puts me on his ignore list does that mean he never sees my posts? And who's the other terd friend, and should I? Or is his other terd friend that guy that also lives inside his head?
I understand there have been some new additions on the forum (namely canuck) and his other terd friend from canada. Honestly these people know nothing of what is going on in the world from only what their french counterparts tell them. I think you will find it usefull to your health and your sanity to put these individuals on your ignore list.

Why are you picking on our Canadian friends?

They have a country that runs reasonably well, contrary to ours. They don't start wars based on lies. They don't send terrorists into our country because there are no Canadian terrorists. They don't have a villiage idiot ruining their economy like we have.

Lighten up, they are the best friends we could have.:2wave:
teacher said:
What lies? Be specific.

Exactly what lies? And I think canuck has another cave buddy. You call the french people aare best friends, old and wise? I think someone needs to live a little life and wisen up.
Theres a difference between french speaking candians and the french SKILMATIC.......

Anyway, the ignore function is a cop out. I'm sure many people feel the same way about you're posts. At least do others the courtesy of skimming their posts. I'd do the same for you ;).
SKILMATIC Exactly what lies? [/QUOTE said:
Over and over on this sight some say "Bush lied". Over and over I ask, "what lies, be specific". Never an answer. How does one debate that? The best I can come up with is, "no he doesn't". Fine in a Monty Python skit but this is DEBATE Politics.
OdgenTugbyGlub said:
Theres a difference between french speaking candians and the french SKILMATIC.......

Anyway, the ignore function is a cop out. I'm sure many people feel the same way about you're posts. At least do others the courtesy of skimming their posts. I'd do the same for you ;).

Well that would be a decent post if it made an ounce of sense. I am not french. I am not a cop out I have common sense. And please skim my posts becasue you have made it quite apparent you arent even on my level. This canadian has nothing to offer this forum other than conspiracy theories from his own french media machine. I will cont. to ignore this frnechie till he provides just one ounce of some facts.

Over and over on this sight some say "Bush lied". Over and over I ask, "what lies, be specific". Never an answer. How does one debate that? The best I can come up with is, "no he doesn't". Fine in a Monty Python skit but this is DEBATE Politics.

O I know its much like this ogdentugbyglub guy. His name doesnt even make sense much like his posts:lol: . You can see for yourself he isnt on my level if you read his post #1105 he is talking about my post 1097 on the support the troops thread in the polls section. He seems to think big words(which they arent) were just put in their for effect :rofl . I guess words are just effects :lol: . Mabe this post is an effect too? How about this supercalifredialisticexplyalidocious? Now is that a good enough effect for ya?

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