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Puppet of Putin Doubles Down to Prove his Loyalty in Polemical Rant. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 28, 2011
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SF Bay Area
Political Leaning
English On-line Translation of Medvedev, shoe shiner to Putin.

"Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, together with Deputy Prime Minister Kaczynski, as well as the prime ministers of the Czech Republic and Slovenia, went to Kiev on a specially guarded train. Almost like Ilyich in an armored wagon for German money. ... Upon his return, Morawiecki solemnly announced the development of a program for the "de-Russification of the Polish and European economy." Bravely clarifying that "it may be expensive."

...But Poland may no longer take costs into account. Everything she could lose because of her own long-term pathological Russophobia has already been lost. So now, as the favorite neighbors of the Poles say, "the barn burned down – burn and the hut."

When it comes to Russia, Poland is literally writhing in "phantom pains." It is very difficult for its elites to come to terms with the fact that the Time of Troubles almost 400 years ago ended with the expulsion of the Polish occupiers from the Kremlin. ...

Polish propaganda is the most vicious, vulgar and screeching critic of Russia. Community of political imbeciles.

... in Poland they dream of forgetting about the times of the Second World War. First of all, about those Soviet soldiers who defeated fascism, expelled the occupiers from Polish cities and prevented them from blowing up Krakow, liberated prisoners of Auschwitz and Majdanek.

...Now the interests of Polish citizens are sacrificed to the Russophobia of these incompetent politicians and their puppeteers from across the ocean with obvious signs of senile insanity. The decision to abandon the purchase of Russian gas, oil and coal, opposition to Nord Stream 2 have already caused serious damage to the economy of this country. Now it will only get worse. The same applies to many other steps, which are based not on economics, but on politicking under the guise of "de-Russification". But now it is much more important for the vassal Polish elites to swear allegiance to their suzerain , America, than to help their own citizens, so they will constantly maintain the fire of hatred against the enemy in the face of Russia.

...And vice versa: economic cooperation with our country is beneficial to the Poles, human ties are indispensable, and cultural and scientific exchange between the homelands of Pushkin and Mickiewicz, Tchaikovsky and Chopin, Lomonosov and Copernicus is vital. And most likely, then they will make the right choice – themselves, without prompting and pressure from the overseas elites suffering from dementia.


... in Poland they dream of forgetting about the times of the Second World War. First of all, about those Soviet soldiers who defeated fascism, expelled the occupiers from Polish cities and prevented them from blowing up Krakow, liberated prisoners of Auschwitz and Majdanek.
Warsaw uprising moment
You are speaking of the moment the uprising started and Stalin held back so as to let the Germans slaughter the Polish population for them...oh yes, that infamy is well known.
Warsaw was completely, completely destroyed.
Oh yes, the Poles owe so much to the Russians. LIke the joint invasion of Poland by Germany and the Soviet Union, the one that stated WWII. Or perhaps the thanks of Russia keeping all the territory they invaded in 1939? Or maybe Medvedev was musing on the thanks owed Russia for the Katyn Forest Massacre, where Stalin was advised by Beria to wipe out all Polish officers and intellectuals?
Oh yes, the Poles owe so much to the Russians. LIke the joint invasion of Poland by Germany and the Soviet Union, the one that stated WWII. Or perhaps the thanks of Russia keeping all the territory they invaded in 1939? Or maybe Medvedev was musing on the thanks owed Russia for the Katyn Forest Massacre, where Stalin was advised by Beria to wipe out all Polish officers and intellectuals?

On the other hand, if it wasn’t for the USSR smashing the Nazis all the way back to Berlin it’s entirely likely there wouldn’t be a Poland today.
On the other hand, if it wasn’t for the USSR smashing the Nazis all the way back to Berlin it’s entirely likely there wouldn’t be a Poland today.

Ya, that's like being grateful to the partner of a rapist murder that killed his partner in the rape, and now wants the victim to thank him by consenting to be just raped for the next 1/2 century.

WTF? No gratitude by Ms. Poland?

LOL...you should be ashamed to even go there.
On the other hand, if it wasn’t for the USSR smashing the Nazis all the way back to Berlin it’s entirely likely there wouldn’t be a Poland today.

Władysław Szpilman

would like a word with you.

(“Germans kill our bodies, Russians kill our souls”)

Also Fredric Chopin, who left Warsaw aged 20, never to return. Throughout his life Poland did not exist. It had been swallowed by Russia, Prussia and Austria in 1795, and only re-materialized as an independent country 123 years later.
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Ya, that's like being grateful to the partner of a rapist murder that killed his partner in the rape, and now wants the victim to thank him by consenting to be just raped for the next 1/2 century.

WTF? No gratitude by Ms. Poland?

LOL...you should be ashamed to even go there.

Again, considering the alternative to the Soviets driving the Nazis out was decades as “lebensraum”, with the Poles slaves at best, that’s a laugh.

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