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Public opinion shouldn't matter (1 Viewer)


Dec 21, 2004
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Ya know what I don't like about US politics. The politicians listen to the people to much. They do what we like to keep their jobs, even if its not the right decision.

For Example: We all know that smoking is harmful to us all and we would all be better with out it. But no politician would sugesst banning smoking because no one would vote for them.

Even though I don't agree with a lot of the supreme court's decisions, I do respect that they do what they feel is right. We should start letting politicians do their jobs. We put them their, let them make the tough decisions. Why? because we don't always have all the facts.

For Example: Let's say in 2000, Bush wanted extra security in the airports of the US because of a terrorist group called Al Queda. Who the hell is Al Queda? No, it already takes me too damn long to get on a plane! That is what we would have heard.

We don't have all of the intelligence that high level politicians have working for them. What we think is best, is not always best. So let the politicians do what is right.
I'd rather have congress people listening to the people than to special interest lobbyists. Moreover, Al Qaeda was known to the masses even before 9/11, in fact, that was my first reaction when I heard about it when my clock alarm went off saying that a second plane went into the WTC buildings. Remember the U.S.S. Cole?

There should be a freeflow of information because lawmakers are definitely NOT omniscient. They don't know everything.
For Example: Let's say in 2000, Bush wanted extra security in the airports of the US because of a terrorist group called Al Queda. Who the hell is Al Queda? No, it already takes me too damn long to get on a plane! That is what we would have heard.
Do you feel any safer now after three years of running around clucking hysterically? About the only useful thing that has happened is that they've beefed up the ****pit doors. :rolleyes: looks like nannie's on the job.
I am just trying to say that people do not always know what is best for them. Yeah shuamort, people like us are pretty imformed. But the average american doesn't know too much about what is going on in the world. Even we don't know everything that is going on. Do you get e-mail from the CIA or something?

Politicians should do what is best for the country, not what the people think is best for the country.

Every politician acts on what the people think. Even George W. Bush does it. But I like that he went to Iraq because that is what he thought would be best for us, even though he knew it would hurt him in a reelection campaign.
pwo said:
Politicians should do what is best for the country, not what the people think is best for the country.

Every politician acts on what the people think.

I disagree. Using the word 'every' is a definative, human nature is anything but.

Politicians are humans too - they do what looks good to them and thier pocketbook so they can get re-elected. Few, like Ron Paul will get elected everytime because he has maintained consistancy as a Constitutionalist. Same applies for Kennedy - he is consistant in his pathetic arguments against Republicans. Those two are hard to beat when it comes voting season.
pwo said:
Ya know what I don't like about US politics. The politicians listen to the people to much. They do what we like to keep their jobs, even if its not the right decision.

For Example: We all know that smoking is harmful to us all and we would all be better with out it. But no politician would sugesst banning smoking because no one would vote for them.

Even though I don't agree with a lot of the supreme court's decisions, I do respect that they do what they feel is right. We should start letting politicians do their jobs. We put them their, let them make the tough decisions. Why? because we don't always have all the facts.

For Example: Let's say in 2000, Bush wanted extra security in the airports of the US because of a terrorist group called Al Queda. Who the hell is Al Queda? No, it already takes me too damn long to get on a plane! That is what we would have heard.

We don't have all of the intelligence that high level politicians have working for them. What we think is best, is not always best. So let the politicians do what is right.
It seems that you oppose democracy itself. You oppose politicians doing what is good for the people, what will keep them in office? If anything, I'd say people should have more influence over politicians. For example, over the past few years these politicians have voted to raise their salary each year (what a surprise!). Doesn't it seem wrong, then to not allow other workers to have this same privilege? You are right, though, that a majority of people in this country are simply ignorant. We on the left call these people Republicans. Just joking there, but in all seriousness, people should be encouraged to learn more about political issues. And then, at the end, you claim that politicians have greater intelligence than do most people. Have you been asleep your whole life? We haven't had a truly good president in 60 years, the deficit continues to rise, the poverty rate is still 12%. If these politicians are the best and brightest our country has to offer, well, then it's a sad time to live in America.
anomaly said:
We haven't had a truly good president in 60 years, the deficit continues to rise, the poverty rate is still 12%.
WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! Please tell me you haven't forgotten about the last great Democrat who, while president, oversaw great economic prosperity and turned deficits into surpluses. :p
anomaly said:
If these politicians are the best and brightest our country has to offer, well, then it's a sad time to live in America.
It's never a sad time to live in America - no matter what politician is in office.
Batman said:
WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! Please tell me you haven't forgotten about the last great Democrat who, while president, oversaw great economic prosperity and turned deficits into surpluses. :p

It's never a sad time to live in America - no matter what politician is in office.
You speak of Clinton? If you've read many of my hundreds of posts on here, you'd know I'm a critic of Clinton. And, wait, are you actually saying that you are a pro-Clinton Republican?
anomaly said:
You speak of Clinton? If you've read many of my hundreds of posts on here, you'd know I'm a critic of Clinton. And, wait, are you actually saying that you are a pro-Clinton Republican?
I was being very sarcastic, thus the :p
I just found it odd that you would say there hasn't been a good leader for decades when so many on the left found him to be the Knight on a white horse. What was the one thing he did or did not do that you criticize him most for? Keep it short.

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