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ptsdkid: I have a solution for your stress disorder!! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
United States of America and proud of it!
Political Leaning
Dear ptsdkid,

I hear you've been suffering from your stress disorder for quite some time now. Over 40 years, is it?

Well, I think I've found a solution for you. It's a little thing called, "Scientology:"


You've probably never had much luck with psychiatric drugs, so I would suggest you give this a try. Also, I have direct line where you can reach Tom Cruise and talk to him about the benefits of Scientology:


That's his new toll free line he's set up for people who want to discover Scientology. Just call him up and tell him how much you liked War of the Worlds. Also, Katie's now available. If you want, he might hook you up.

Dear ptsdkid,

I hear you've been suffering from your stress disorder for quite some time now. Over 40 years, is it?

Well, I think I've found a solution for you. It's a little thing called, "Scientology:"


You've probably never had much luck with psychiatric drugs, so I would suggest you give this a try. Also, I have direct line where you can reach Tom Cruise and talk to him about the benefits of Scientology:


That's his new toll free line he's set up for people who want to discover Scientology. Just call him up and tell him how much you liked War of the Worlds. Also, Katie's now available. If you want, he might hook you up.

Thank you Mr. President. I think if all the humans studied under the mental skill of Tom the world would be a differant place.
Ivan The Terrible said:

Thank you Mr. President. I think if all the humans studied under the mental skill of Tom the world would be a differant place.

Yes, indeed. Thank you Ivan. It's obvious just by watching, RAIN MAN that Tom has extensive experience with people who have mental disorders.
George_Washington said:
Yes, indeed. Thank you Ivan. It's obvious just by watching, RAIN MAN that Tom has extensive experience with people who have mental disorders.
It's obvious just by the fact that he's a Scientologist that Tom has extensive experience with people who have mental disorders.
cnredd said:
It's obvious just by the fact that he's a Scientologist that Tom has extensive experience with people who have mental disorders.

Yes Tom should play Russian roulette with and automatic.....
He goes first.


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