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Psycho Christian Strikes again! (1 Viewer)

Technocratic_Utilitarian said:

I bet the husband was glad to rid the home of her presence.

OMG thats too funny... I guess the guy must have a small **** to be with that woman... Who else would take her but a guy who cant get taken?

One thing i hate most in life is radicals!
AK_Conservative said:
OMG thats too funny... I guess the guy must have a small **** to be with that woman... Who else would take her but a guy who cant get taken?

One thing i hate most in life is radicals!

That's one of the best clips I've seen in a while!!!!
Someone needs an exorcist for X-Mas (*gasp* I said "X-Mas".....BLASPHEMY!!!!)
Personally, I find it horrific that people like that actually exist in public and aren't locked up. She's a damn lunatic.
Who in the world would put up with a fat hog like that? You would have to be a complete idiot to even look at her. I've seen better looking pigs that that.
She should marry Bush. I think he would dig her attitude.

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