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Psychic Sylvia Browne gets it all wrong (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2005
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Saint Paul, MN
Political Leaning
Famous TV Psychic Makes Miner Mistake
Browne: "No. I knew they were going to be found. I hate people that say something after the fact. It’s just like I knew when the pope was dead. Thank God I was on Montel’s show. I said, according to the time, it was 9-something and whatever Rome time was. And I said he was gone, and he was."

Noory soon announced that there were new reports that all but one of the miners was dead.

Browne — who was still in the studio taking questions from listeners — had to say something. Now she was just riffing: "I don’t think there’s anybody alive, maybe one. How crazy for them to report that they were alive when they weren’t!" Then she added: "I just don’t think they are alive." She cleared her throat, and there was a deafening pause.

Sylvia has also agreed to be tested by the James Randi organization to prove her psychic abilities. Here's the video of that right here.
There's also the clock on his main page showing that it's been now 222 weeks since she's agreed to do it.
Sylvia Browne's predictions for 2005:
US will pull out of Iraq by mid-year

US will go to war with N. Korea in "the next couple of years"

Medical technology will help improve US economy

2008 will bring drug benefits for the elderly

We are going to allow drugs to come in from Canada

A scandal with the FDA

someone close to GW Bush will have a big problem with liquor

Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake will break up as will Kurt Russel and Goldie Hawn.

There will be problems with the Catherine Zeta-Jones/Michael Douglas marriage and Demi Moore will get pregnant with Ashton Kutcher's spawn.

The next 3, 4 or 5 years will bring about help for MS.

A vaccination for uterine, lung and colon cancer.

Britney Spears will have a baby, but her marriage won't last

Robert Blake will get off.

Donald Trump's marriage will last 2 years.

Elizabeth Taylor may not live through the year.

Gay marriage will be allowed state by state in the next year.

Medicinal marijuana will be allowed this year, towards the fall.

The divorce rate will level off.

The economy will turn down at the beginning of the year, then pick up again later.

Her financial advice-buy real estate.

Unemployment will be bad till fall.

We will stop frivolous lawsuits by fining lawyers who file them.

Michael Jackson will be convicted and go to jail.

Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston will break up.

Laser surgery will be a big breakthrough. They will use a light beam type of thing. It will zap tumors and things.

TX, NC, FL will be hit by bad storms. We are in a polar tilt.

Anybody still wanna believe this bullshit?
She is one of the biggest fakes of all time. She tells people what they want to hear!:roll:
LOL...well, she wasn't COMPLETELY wrong with her 2005 "predictions"....but the ones she did get right should have been obvious to EVERYONE!!! (i.e. Britney Spears having a baby, Brad and Jen splitting up....)
I heard her get the miner thing wrong. The charlatan host didn't even question her on it. She is such a fraud!
I used to watch her many years ago on talk shows and she was quite convincing in her double speak and in 'comforting' members of the audience.
Like others of her ilk, they begin to believe their own hype and really go off the deep end, getting more outlandish, backpedalling like crazy and, if you can imagine the visual, trying to dig themselves out of their self-created hole with a few shovels going at once and nothing positive happening.
People can predict the not-so-distant future pretty well if they have good knowledge of science and current events-she has neither.
Ms. Browne has become a bad parody of herself and isn't doing anyone a service by continuing her 'act'. Sometimes we know when to shut the lights and go home....someone wanna tell her it's time?

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