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Psaki says calls to enhance USA oil production are a misdiagnosis (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2017
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The fossil fuel industry looks at war as an opportunity for price gouging as a means to further soak the USA
consumers. Why do we stand for this?
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The fossil fuel industry looks at war as an opportunity for price gouging as a means to further soak the USA
consumers. Why do we stand for this?

Why don't you just call for nationalizing the energy sector?

The fossil fuel industry looks at war as an opportunity for price gouging as a means to further soak the USA
consumers. Why do we stand for this?
So what is your excuse for the drastically lower prices a year ago? They just suddenly decided to "gouge"?
So what is your excuse for the drastically lower prices a year ago? They just suddenly decided to "gouge"?
Trying to keep people driving whether they could afford to or not and bearing in mind plenty quit going out in the best interest of their health and millions began working from home so a ton of driving suddenly vanished.

That was their decision ......now they want to gouge to cover the cost of obscene CEO salaries, Golden Parachutes and stock options. In spite of the fact none lost money ......

Just think one bicycle will last all of our lives and is a healthier choice.
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great idea.......considering the billions in tax dollar subsidies this industry has received I say we the people should own it.

We should. National resources like oil and water should not be used for the profit of individuals or companies.

I sure both of you would agree that healthcare is far more important than energy to a population. Do either of you support nationalizing the healthcare industry along with the energy sector?
I sure both of you would agree that healthcare is far more important than energy to a population. Do either of you support nationalizing the healthcare industry along with the energy sector?

The fossil fuel industry looks at war as an opportunity for price gouging as a means to further soak the USA
consumers. Why do we stand for this?
"I would also note that on oil leases, what this actually justifies in President Biden's view is the fact that we need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, on oil in general ... and we need to look at other ways of having energy in our country and others."​

In other words...we won't hit Russia where it hurts...and we won't increase US oil production...because we want energy prices to increase to justify alternative energy.

And, in the meantime, if it costs Americans and others around the world a LOT more for energy...too ****ing bad. We don't care.
It's well past time to transition past fossil fuels. As much as it generates money for us, it also helps violent despots threaten their regions and the world again and again. I don't see that changing. It also sucks for the environment. We need a thirty or so year plan to quit the game, IMO.
If hundred dollar oil is not enough incentive to complete the hundreds of wells left waiting since the last boom then I don't know what more should be done.
You're an "anarchist", correct?
Within reason. I understand that the idea of no central government is not realistic at national levels, and that there are things that must be done to protect folks from mega corporations and their greed. Things like health insurance companies and huge companies that have purchased lots of hospitals and are squeezing them for as much profit as they can get.

I'm an "eat the rich" anarchist.
If hundred dollar oil is not enough incentive to complete the hundreds of wells left waiting since the last boom then I don't know what more should be done.
Yup, I might be able to sell my oil lease again.
Within reason. I understand that the idea of no central government is not realistic at national levels, and that there are things that must be done to protect folks from mega corporations and their greed. Things like health insurance companies and huge companies that have purchased lots of hospitals and are squeezing them for as much profit as they can get.

I'm an "eat the rich" anarchist.

"eat the rich"

LOL. He's an Aerosmith anarchist, which means $200 concert tickets and $60 t-shirts.
"eat the rich"

LOL. He's an Aerosmith anarchist, which means $200 concert tickets and $60 t-shirts.
I've never paid $60.00 for tshirt, But I have seen Aerosmith live.

Back in the 80s
I sure both of you would agree that healthcare is far more important than energy to a population. Do either of you support nationalizing the healthcare industry along with the energy sector?
People can choose to conserve gas. People will pay all they have to get health care for their children.
It's well past time to transition past fossil fuels. As much as it generates money for us, it also helps violent despots threaten their regions and the world again and again. I don't see that changing. It also sucks for the environment. We need a thirty or so year plan to quit the game, IMO.
We still don't that the technology and engineering to "transition past fossil fuels"...at least, not without creating crippling inflation and poverty.

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