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Prussian Blue - Is this true? (1 Viewer)

sad isn't it?

I was scanning their blog thingy and some links there, its rather sickening that people like this still exist today...

WTF is racial science anyway? gosh, dumb stuff...
Why is it "sickening" and "sad"?
WinterSun said:
Why is it "sickening" and "sad"?

What do you mean, you don't think it's sad?
Brigand said:
What do you mean, you don't think it's sad?

Well no I don't, because these kids are being raised to understand European culture. What is so sad about that?
galenrox said:
no, they're frickin nazis.
I understand European culture. I was raised to be proud of who I am and where I'm from, and I am.
This doesn't qualify, I don't know what you know about Resistance Records, but I've known some people who were on that label, and it's not frickin sunshine, rainbows and butterflies as a bunch of white people get together and reflect on their ancestry, they're frickin racist bastards.
And these girls are too young to have formed this opinion on their own, and it's a sign of how sick their parents are that this has happened, and it's sad that we live in a world where parents pull this crap.

I don`t completely disagree with you that children should not become embroiled in politics.However if they were espousing communism or indeed any mainline poltical creed would you you be so against it?
Are not children indoctrinated anyway by the state as soon as they enter the education system? What is the difference?
galenrox said:
I'm opposed to parents teaching their kids their own personal political beliefs before they're old enough to understand.
My dad worked very hard to teach me not to believe all of the stances I was taught when I was young. He taught me that I need to look at every issue individually, and form my own opinions.
And I ended up a lot like my dad, namely because when I was old enough to understand politics we'd talk about them, and my dad's a lot smarter than I am.

So if there's an 8 year old communist, that's exploitation.

That being said, teaching children hate is much worse. This isn't politics, as much as you'd like us to believe, it's hate. It has no place in this society.

I think you are being naive or disingenuous if you are trying to convince us that hate has nothing to do with politics.You have a lot of growing up to do.
Be that as it may I fail to see why you should equate pride and love of one`s race with "hate"?
Aryan Imperium said:
I think you are being naive or disingenuous if you are trying to convince us that hate has nothing to do with politics.You have a lot of growing up to do.
Be that as it may I fail to see why you should equate pride and love of one`s race with "hate"?

I would equate it when they sing it themselves...

from Aryan Man Awake...

Aryan man awake, How much more will you take, Turn that fear to hate, Aryan man awake.

from Victory Day...

Well sit down and listen, to what I have to say. Soon will come a great war, a bloody but holy day. And after that purging our people will be free, and sing up in the bright skies, a sun for all to see…….

WinterSun said:
Well no I don't, because these kids are being raised to understand European culture. What is so sad about that?

"Quote:Their songs have titles such as Sacrifice, a tribute to Hitler's deputy, Rudolf Hess."

Oh, right, being raised to understand 'that' kind of...erm, 'European culture'. Strange parallelism you've drawn there, darling. I'm sure, you'll get better soon, though.
Prussian blew - they needed the money, lmao. I don't see how people worship the racist losers of wars. Hitler and his swastika and the confederate flag. I always ask, "What exactly is the 'south gonna do again'? Lose another civil war?".
Brigand said:
What do you mean, you don't think it's sad?


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Lucidthots said:


That is sad...

With all of his money, you'd think he'd get that leg fixed...:shrug:
galenrox said:
Well, what you fail to see is the difference between being proud of who you are and supporting a man who killed 6 million jews.
I am fully proud of who I am, and everything that's played a part in making me who I am. Thus, I am proud of being white.
That being said, I am also proud of the fact that I grew up in a diverse environment, and I am proud that I'm not as close minded as I would be if I grew up in a less diverse environment.
Pride in one's race isn't hate. Wanting to seperate the races is hate. Thinking you're better than someone because of your race is hate.

There is no evidence that Hitler killed even a single jew.
I regard Hitler as Europe`s last hope,the last leader to restore Europe to its former greatness before the USA and its puppet vassal Churchill reduced it to a multiculti shithole.
WinterSun said:
Sad, yes. Definately disturbing.

I despise such creatures far more than anyone from a different race.
We are born into the race that we belong to and that cannot be changed but such creatures are a cultural aberration.There will be no place for these things in the coming Imperium.
cnredd said:
That is sad...

With all of his money, you'd think he'd get that leg fixed...:shrug:

And some trousers that fit!
I am sure Hitler would have let his worshippers blog on the internet freely. It was just books that he liked to burn. Give me a break!!!
cnredd said:
That is sad...

With all of his money, you'd think he'd get that leg fixed...:shrug:

I've heard rumors about that, which I 'accidently' and in-no-way-on purposely found, on some obscure website that...it's not his leg!!! and he put a shoe on it, to disguise it.
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"Miss Gaede brought her daughters up on racist beliefs using textbooks from the 1950s."

There's the rub.
Gandhi>Bush said:

NOFX is a PUNK ROCK band of comprised of three white males and one hispanic. Do you're research after you google something.

I said, ghetto trash.

Hey, feel free to come to Los Angeles and take a walk through South Central.

Tell them you love "diversity" as they are beating you to a bloody pulp.

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