jfuh said:
Given the current events, is ther eanything happening that makes you feel proud of the country? Seems like only lies, corruption, death, and "business as usual".
So what are you proud of.
Thanks for adding to those lies and 'business as usual'. No surprise you have a j@ck@ss under your name!
If anyone has to GIVE you reasons to be proud of this country, you are hopeless and should consider moing to some other country.
Here's a better question: "Are you proud of your Democratic Party?"
Their mouthpiece is a raving lunatic who has been declaring we can not iwn in Iraq and that we should surrender/retreat, has endorsed a socialist party member for the senate, has declared the Dems are Obstructionists whose role in govt. right now is to try to obstruct all progress, attack the GOP, and take down the president in a time of war instead of doing what is best for the country. dean is a guy who many Dems have backed away from, refuse to be seen in public with him, and yet no one has called for his to step down as THE Representative for whatthe De,m Party is all about!
The self-proclaimed leaders of the democratic party are a host of 'specuial people', as well. Kerry told America to put our trust in the U.N. and was humiliated by their corruption, yet never said he was wrong. He has committed treason by aiding and abetting the enemy by calling our soldiers in combat 'TERRORRISTS', but his hatred for the military is well documened. He met with enemy leaders in Paris to discuss terms of U.S. surrender while still in the military during a time of war, he committed perjury by testifying he had seen war crimes in Viet Nam but later admitted he only gave that testimony to start his Anti-War political career, and he even admitted he himself had participated in burning down a village, which would have made him a war criminal...but nothing was ever made of that comment of his.
Several of the Democratic leaders actually called 9-11 a
a lucky break for the GOP because it is hard to get a sitting President out of office during a time of war! :shock:
Then there's Dick Durbin who called our troops nazis, Nancy Pelosi who got trapped in her own political Ambush of Delay when she accused him of taking a trip paid for by lobbyists. Investigation showed she had made a career of doing it. And she has the nerve to say the GOP has created a culture of corruption. I think Pelosi forgot that only 3 Presidnet in U.S. history have ever been impeached - all Democrats!
I could go on and on, but you would question what any of this has to do with your post! It goes back to my earlier question of [Here's a better question: "Are you proud of your Democratic Party?"] The Democrats are MISERABLE when they do not have the power and are in control! Unless America is failing, unless we are all in misery to the point we have to turn to them, they are not happy and not proud of ANYTHING! They cheer for our losing this war and for more and more body bags of soldiers on TV so that it will cause Americans to get tired of war and turn to the dems! they cheer for the economy to fail, they blow up EVEYTHING into a political scandal and a political ambush on the President! They aren't Americans anymore - they are power hungry Party-1st politicians...and the only thing they are proud of is their effort to do whatever it takes to see the GOP, our troops, and this nation fails - whatever it takes to get back control of the White House, the country, and YOUR LIVES!
Such a moronic question you ask in the 1st post is a prime example! You and the Dems have nothing to be proud of and hope that you can keep convincing more and more people that there is so little to be proud of that we all have to get together on some board just to come up with 1 or 2, driving us all running back to the political party who called us all 'Ignorant, Inbred, Redneck, Bible-thumpers" just 2 years ago!