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Proud of the US? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 10, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific Rim
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Given the current events, is ther eanything happening that makes you feel proud of the country? Seems like only lies, corruption, death, and "business as usual".
So what are you proud of.
jfuh said:
Given the current events, is ther eanything happening that makes you feel proud of the country? Seems like only lies, corruption, death, and "business as usual".
So what are you proud of.
Clearly you have no national pride. No matter the times, good or difficult, I will always be proud of my country.
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I'm not proud of some of the actions, but that could be said about the whole history of the US. There are always going to be mistakes, blunders, bad decisions, etc. But the good definitely outweigh the bad.
jfuh said:
Given the current events, is ther eanything happening that makes you feel proud of the country? Seems like only lies, corruption, death, and "business as usual".
So what are you proud of.

***Your statement that "Seems like only lies, corruption, death, and 'business as usual'", baits asking the question to you; Do you have enough personal fortitude to make an intelligent decision (based on facts) to support the aforementioned statement?

And if 'YOU' decide to agree with and believe that statement is true--then what and how would you change with U.S. policy that would make you a 'proud' citizen?
ptsdkid said:
***Your statement that "Seems like only lies, corruption, death, and 'business as usual'", baits asking the question to you...
Right.. Clearly the poster intended to flame.
Yes............................ It was a stupid leading question so I figured a short answer was best
Hell yeah I'm proud to be an American. Where else in the world would you find a gay KKK? Wadda country!! :rofl

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KCConservative said:
Clearly you have no national pride. No matter the times, good or difficult, I will always be proud of my country.

Hahahahahahaahahahaha. I don't even know what to say to that. If our founding father's had that ideal we wouldn't be here today. After all, they were part of Britain.
KCConservative said:
Clearly you have no national pride. No matter the times, good or difficult, I will always be proud of my country.
Obviously, you and many people thus far are missing the point of this thread, this is not to flame, this is to simply asking a question, what of today's policy/current events are you proud of? This thread is meant entirely to find some positive aspects in contrast to the seemingly endless bad news.
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KCConservative said:
Right.. Clearly the poster intended to flame.
How interesting that you know my intent so clearly.
I think that it's simply because nothing worth being proud of comes to mind with regards to current events.
jfuh said:
How interesting that you know my intent so clearly.
I think that it's simply because nothing worth being proud of comes to mind with regards to current events.

Nope.. I think it has to do with a moronic leading question placed by someone that dislikes the country baiting people to get into an argument so he can scream his distaste for the US more. You and the question are transparent and therefore I think people decided to ignore you.... Seeya
Calm2Chaos said:
Nope.. I think it has to do with a moronic leading question placed by someone that dislikes the country baiting people to get into an argument so he can scream his distaste for the US more. You and the question are transparent and therefore I think people decided to ignore you.... Seeya
It would only be baiting only if I were targeting a specific set of ppl.
In this case no, I'm simply looking for something positive.
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I think a better question would be...........Why do some Liberals hate this country?
Navy Pride said:
I think a better question would be...........Why do some Liberals hate this country?

Note to all the conservatives: *Please* oh *Please* stop using this phrase. Liberals do not hate America. Hating what America is doing, and the direction it's heading is COMPLETELY different than hating America.
I think that if the liberals really hated America, they wouldn't care so much about the ****-poor job the ultra-conservative's are doing now. They would just lay back and not say anything (like some folks around here do.:roll: )

I love America myself. Go U.S.A.!
I'm really quite surprised how so many of "conservatives" on this site see this thread the way they do.
For once a thread to promote something positive and not only is there not a single post with regards to feeling good or pride, but instead cons see this as a flame thread? I thought the cons would have the most to contribute.
jfuh said:
So what are you proud of.

Our democracy in general for with out we would not have our inovations, our freedoms and our ability to help other countries in need.

Germany and most of Europe is not under hitler's control, There is no longer a soviet Union,the Chinese are not dmoinatd by the Japanese,The Republic of Korea is not under control of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea,The Iraqis no longer live under the brutal Iron fist of Saddam. and there is proably a whole **** load of other things to be proud of as well.
jfuh said:
Given the current events, is ther eanything happening that makes you feel proud of the country? Seems like only lies, corruption, death, and "business as usual".
So what are you proud of.

Thanks for adding to those lies and 'business as usual'. No surprise you have a j@ck@ss under your name!

If anyone has to GIVE you reasons to be proud of this country, you are hopeless and should consider moing to some other country.

Here's a better question: "Are you proud of your Democratic Party?"

Their mouthpiece is a raving lunatic who has been declaring we can not iwn in Iraq and that we should surrender/retreat, has endorsed a socialist party member for the senate, has declared the Dems are Obstructionists whose role in govt. right now is to try to obstruct all progress, attack the GOP, and take down the president in a time of war instead of doing what is best for the country. dean is a guy who many Dems have backed away from, refuse to be seen in public with him, and yet no one has called for his to step down as THE Representative for whatthe De,m Party is all about!

The self-proclaimed leaders of the democratic party are a host of 'specuial people', as well. Kerry told America to put our trust in the U.N. and was humiliated by their corruption, yet never said he was wrong. He has committed treason by aiding and abetting the enemy by calling our soldiers in combat 'TERRORRISTS', but his hatred for the military is well documened. He met with enemy leaders in Paris to discuss terms of U.S. surrender while still in the military during a time of war, he committed perjury by testifying he had seen war crimes in Viet Nam but later admitted he only gave that testimony to start his Anti-War political career, and he even admitted he himself had participated in burning down a village, which would have made him a war criminal...but nothing was ever made of that comment of his.

Several of the Democratic leaders actually called 9-11 a MISSED OPPORTUNITY and a lucky break for the GOP because it is hard to get a sitting President out of office during a time of war! :shock:

Then there's Dick Durbin who called our troops nazis, Nancy Pelosi who got trapped in her own political Ambush of Delay when she accused him of taking a trip paid for by lobbyists. Investigation showed she had made a career of doing it. And she has the nerve to say the GOP has created a culture of corruption. I think Pelosi forgot that only 3 Presidnet in U.S. history have ever been impeached - all Democrats!

I could go on and on, but you would question what any of this has to do with your post! It goes back to my earlier question of [Here's a better question: "Are you proud of your Democratic Party?"] The Democrats are MISERABLE when they do not have the power and are in control! Unless America is failing, unless we are all in misery to the point we have to turn to them, they are not happy and not proud of ANYTHING! They cheer for our losing this war and for more and more body bags of soldiers on TV so that it will cause Americans to get tired of war and turn to the dems! they cheer for the economy to fail, they blow up EVEYTHING into a political scandal and a political ambush on the President! They aren't Americans anymore - they are power hungry Party-1st politicians...and the only thing they are proud of is their effort to do whatever it takes to see the GOP, our troops, and this nation fails - whatever it takes to get back control of the White House, the country, and YOUR LIVES!

Such a moronic question you ask in the 1st post is a prime example! You and the Dems have nothing to be proud of and hope that you can keep convincing more and more people that there is so little to be proud of that we all have to get together on some board just to come up with 1 or 2, driving us all running back to the political party who called us all 'Ignorant, Inbred, Redneck, Bible-thumpers" just 2 years ago!
Mod note

Off to the basement. Go figure.

/Mod Note
As I said in Kids post.. (its way down under) I do not always agree
with my government but Hell yes I'm proud to be American and
I’m proud of America. The United States Of America is bigger then one administration.

I know this is going off topic but it does follow somewhat.
Why in the f**k must some people whine like a frigging child?
Take The Pledge of Allegiance. So what if its says “Under God”
The man who wrote Francis Bellamy thought it sounded good to him sooo
When it comes to the part about god do what I do and keep your mouth shut.
You don’t like seeing the word god in the Constitution too bad its there. Our founding Fathers believed in god but they also understood that religion and politics don’t mix very
well. Hence The Separation of church and State.
If the Mona Lisa had a swastika in it would you paint over it? Hmmm?

The Ten Commandments on federal property? How about this its ART WORK.
Hang a damn picture or whatever of evolution next to it.
The USA is and was made up from Mans Law not Gods, Muhammad’s or Buddha’s law.
Of the Ten Commandments 2.5 are only laws.

Gays? Oh boy this is gonna be a fun one…
How about this they are protected...
They have the same rights as all of us do. I don’t give a flying rats a$$ if you think god is against it! That’s just too DAMN bad! This is the USA NOT CHINA!
But in case someone forgot here you go..

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Sorry I had to add the Preamble. I just love saying it.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

This is who we are. Our founding fathers were not idiots. Look at what we have done in the past 200 years. If that doesn’t make you proud to be living in the USA I don’t know what the hell will.
easyt65 said:
Thanks for adding to those lies and 'business as usual'. No surprise you have a j@ck@ss under your name!

If anyone has to GIVE you reasons to be proud of this country, you are hopeless and should consider moing to some other country.

Here's a better question: "Are you proud of your Democratic Party?"

Their mouthpiece is a raving lunatic who has been declaring we can not iwn in Iraq and that we should surrender/retreat, has endorsed a socialist party member for the senate, has declared the Dems are Obstructionists whose role in govt. right now is to try to obstruct all progress, attack the GOP, and take down the president in a time of war instead of doing what is best for the country. dean is a guy who many Dems have backed away from, refuse to be seen in public with him, and yet no one has called for his to step down as THE Representative for whatthe De,m Party is all about!

The self-proclaimed leaders of the democratic party are a host of 'specuial people', as well. Kerry told America to put our trust in the U.N. and was humiliated by their corruption, yet never said he was wrong. He has committed treason by aiding and abetting the enemy by calling our soldiers in combat 'TERRORRISTS', but his hatred for the military is well documened. He met with enemy leaders in Paris to discuss terms of U.S. surrender while still in the military during a time of war, he committed perjury by testifying he had seen war crimes in Viet Nam but later admitted he only gave that testimony to start his Anti-War political career, and he even admitted he himself had participated in burning down a village, which would have made him a war criminal...but nothing was ever made of that comment of his.

Several of the Democratic leaders actually called 9-11 a MISSED OPPORTUNITY and a lucky break for the GOP because it is hard to get a sitting President out of office during a time of war! :shock:

Then there's Dick Durbin who called our troops nazis, Nancy Pelosi who got trapped in her own political Ambush of Delay when she accused him of taking a trip paid for by lobbyists. Investigation showed she had made a career of doing it. And she has the nerve to say the GOP has created a culture of corruption. I think Pelosi forgot that only 3 Presidnet in U.S. history have ever been impeached - all Democrats!

I could go on and on, but you would question what any of this has to do with your post! It goes back to my earlier question of [Here's a better question: "Are you proud of your Democratic Party?"] The Democrats are MISERABLE when they do not have the power and are in control! Unless America is failing, unless we are all in misery to the point we have to turn to them, they are not happy and not proud of ANYTHING! They cheer for our losing this war and for more and more body bags of soldiers on TV so that it will cause Americans to get tired of war and turn to the dems! they cheer for the economy to fail, they blow up EVEYTHING into a political scandal and a political ambush on the President! They aren't Americans anymore - they are power hungry Party-1st politicians...and the only thing they are proud of is their effort to do whatever it takes to see the GOP, our troops, and this nation fails - whatever it takes to get back control of the White House, the country, and YOUR LIVES!

Such a moronic question you ask in the 1st post is a prime example! You and the Dems have nothing to be proud of and hope that you can keep convincing more and more people that there is so little to be proud of that we all have to get together on some board just to come up with 1 or 2, driving us all running back to the political party who called us all 'Ignorant, Inbred, Redneck, Bible-thumpers" just 2 years ago!
All I see are attacks on the liberal left and bitterness. Is there not anything that you are proud of that the current administration is doing?
Captain America said:
I think that if the liberals really hated America, they wouldn't care so much about the ****-poor job the ultra-conservative's are doing now. They would just lay back and not say anything (like some folks around here do.:roll: )

I love America myself. Go U.S.A.!

Who is this ultra conservative your talking about? President Bush, don't make me laugh........:rofl And then your side gives us a John Kerry.....Again don't make me laugh:rofl
RecoveringPunk said:
Note to all the conservatives: *Please* oh *Please* stop using this phrase. Liberals do not hate America. Hating what America is doing, and the direction it's heading is COMPLETELY different than hating America.

Make no mistake about it there are a lot of liberals out there that hate this country and want it to fail in every endeavor...Not all but a lot.......
Here's a thought if you don't like the direction our country is going why don't you get the fuc/k out, we don't want you traitorous little bitches here anyways. Don't let the door hit you on the @ss on your way out,

P.S. fuc/k you and your mother.
Navy Pride said:
Make no mistake about it there are a lot of liberals out there that hate this country and want it to fail in every endeavor...Not all but a lot.......

just because they think the country is failing in every endeavor, doesnt mean that they want the country to fail. heck, if they wanted it to fail they wouldnt be so angry every time it does.

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