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Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio indicted on conspiracy charges (1 Viewer)


Official disruptive influence
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Dec 27, 2017
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Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio charged with conspiracy in US Capitol attack; allegedly met Oath Keepers head in DC parking garage​

The 1/6 commission keeps forging ahead. The noose is tightening, tRumpers.

Apparently dragged from his house in his underoos.


Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio charged with conspiracy in US Capitol attack; allegedly met Oath Keepers head in DC parking garage​

The 1/6 commission keeps forging ahead. The noose is tightening, tRumpers.

Apparently dragged from his house in his underoos.

This is why it's a good idea to wear pants.

Or at least something in addition to underwear.

Maybe a kilt?

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio charged with conspiracy in US Capitol attack; allegedly met Oath Keepers head in DC parking garage​

The 1/6 commission keeps forging ahead. The noose is tightening, tRumpers.

Apparently dragged from his house in his underoos.

I heard that on the news today, very good! (y)
Gulag them all

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio charged with conspiracy in US Capitol attack; allegedly met Oath Keepers head in DC parking garage​

The 1/6 commission keeps forging ahead. The noose is tightening, tRumpers.

Apparently dragged from his house in his underoos.

Now, now, now.

You know that no one who has not been convicted is guilty and it is a shocking violation of someone's civil rights to incarcerate them if they are innocent.

At least that is what "Claque Failed Casino Operator" will tell you if anyone who supports them is arrested.

Now if the person who is arrested is NOT someone who supports "Claque Failed Casino Operator" then they will also tell you that there is no need for any of that time wasting and expensive "trial stuff" and the only **A*M*E*R*I*C*A*N** thing to do is to proceed directly to summary execution.

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