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Protests at McConnell's offices (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Loud and angry protests going on right now outside the office of Mitch McConnell in the Senate Office Building, Washington.

Capitol Police are arresting the GOVERNMENT WORKERS that Trump and Mitch refuse to PAY!

There are also protests outside McConnell's offices in Louisville and Lexington, Kentucky.
As much as I have never agreed with the vision of the republican party, it really is a shame watching it being destroyed by it's leadership and the base is swallowing it just so they can think it's screwing liberals. Really sad.
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Loud and angry protests going on right now outside the office of Mitch McConnell in the Senate Office Building, Washington.

Capitol Police are arresting the GOVERNMENT WORKERS that Trump and Mitch refuse to PAY!

There are also protests outside McConnell's offices in Louisville and Lexington, Kentucky.

Not for nothing, but people are only going to take so much from these bastards in Congress.


Police called to shutdown protest at McConnell office

LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) — Police in Kentucky were called to a protest by a group of federal government workers at a field office for Sen. Mitch McConnell.

The protestors arrived at the Lexington office in hopes of handing off some letters to the senator's staff about the government shutdown, said Chon Jung, an organizer. Jung said it was a "peaceful demonstration" though some protesters banged on windows of the office.

He said protesters agreed to leave the building when police arrived. McConnell was in Washington on Wednesday.

Lexington police spokeswoman Brenna Angel says about 50 protesters and media left without incident.
Government employees need to put real pressure on McConnell and the GOP.

In front of the White House also.
I can already hear Trump's response:

"Government workers love my shut down, they want a wall. And anyway, they're all Democrats."
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Loud and angry protests going on right now outside the office of Mitch McConnell in the Senate Office Building, Washington.

Capitol Police are arresting the GOVERNMENT WORKERS that Trump and Mitch refuse to PAY!

There are also protests outside McConnell's offices in Louisville and Lexington, Kentucky.

It's a federal law that guides the non pay requirement. Nothing to do with president Trump or Mitch McConnell.
Anyway we all know Nancy is the one holding up the process.
I can already hear Trump's response:

"Government workers love my shut down, they want a wall. And anyway, they're all Democrats."

He would be absolutely correct. These government workers take those great jobs with great benefits and they sign a contract saying they might be furloughed. Take the bad with the good. I want this government shut down until this wall craziness is over permanently. If it takes a year so be it. Who needs the damned government anyway?
Pelosi and Schumer have shut down the government over 5.7 billion in funding because by their own admission they are determined to not give Trump a political win...yet idiot leftists want to blame McConnell and the GOP?
He would be absolutely correct. These government workers take those great jobs with great benefits and they sign a contract saying they might be furloughed. Take the bad with the good. I want this government shut down until this wall craziness is over permanently. If it takes a year so be it. Who needs the damned government anyway?

He is absolutely wrong that they love the shutdown, and/or that they are all Democrats.
McConnel has to be one of the biggest POS in US history. REfuses to allow votes, is a complete hack, protects Trumpt at every term, does nothing but lie and lie and lie, is a giant hypocrite. I can't believe how stupid Kentuckians have to be to continually vote in that guy.

He's lucky his head doesn't end up on a pike for his complete disregard for the majority of the country. If the democrats pulled half the **** McConnel did, the right would be rioting with arms. Just shows what hypocritical people they are
He would be absolutely correct. These government workers take those great jobs with great benefits and they sign a contract saying they might be furloughed. Take the bad with the good. I want this government shut down until this wall craziness is over permanently. If it takes a year so be it. Who needs the damned government anyway?

Ask the people that are being backed up at airports, people who are eating food that has not been inspected, the people that are not getting their tax returns, all so a spoiled rotten, mobbed up scum bag, con artist wants his name on one last thing before be is only known as a number on his prison uniform...
He would be absolutely correct. These government workers take those great jobs with great benefits and they sign a contract saying they might be furloughed.

You think TSA workers are getting rich on 'ol Uncle Sam? They can't even survive two missed paychecks.

Geezus. You're really out of touch with stark reality.
It's a federal law that guides the non pay requirement. Nothing to do with president Trump or Mitch McConnell.
Anyway we all know Nancy is the one holding up the process.

LOL! No, no rational adult thinks this is being held up by Pelosi. Trump owns this, and there are receipts.
It's a federal law that guides the non pay requirement. Nothing to do with president Trump or Mitch McConnell.
Anyway we all know Nancy is the one holding up the process.

The house passed bill sitting in McConnell's desk says hi.
Pelosi and Schumer have shut down the government over 5.7 billion in funding because by their own admission they are determined to not give Trump a political win...yet idiot leftists want to blame McConnell and the GOP?

Huh. What a quaint thing to be compelled to lie about.

McConnell has a veto-proof 100-0 bit of legislation that already passed but he refuses to bring it to a vote.

Yes, McConnell is to blame, no matter how much that upsets you.
Pelosi and Schumer have shut down the government over 5.7 billion in funding because by their own admission they are determined to not give Trump a political win...yet idiot leftists want to blame McConnell and the GOP?

Wait you are not backing up trump on this?

He said he is proud to shut down the government.

Turtle dude and individual one could end this at any time.

They are the ones who took the hostages, the Democrats are the ones not paying the ransom.
Mitch sold Trump his integrity and that of the GOP in the Senate in exchange for the support of Trump’s base, but the base hasn’t expanded. It’s shrunk and alienation of Trump outside the base has grown. So now Mitch faces the prospect of a dismal 2020 election night for his beloved Senate majority to accompany his ruined integrity.
Wait you are not backing up trump on this?

He said he is proud to shut down the government.

Turtle dude and individual one could end this at any time.

They are the ones who took the hostages, the Democrats are the ones not paying the ransom.
What has Trump DONE to shut down the government? Cite specifically the legislation he has vetoed.
Pelosi and Schumer have shut down the government over 5.7 billion in funding because by their own admission they are determined to not give Trump a political win...yet idiot leftists want to blame McConnell and the GOP?

seems you have forgotten the pre-Christmas interview of tRump, pence, Pelosi and schumer
during which tRump accepted responsibility for the shutdown and promised not to foist that problem elsewhere
even said he would wear the mantle proudly

do i need to search for the youtube of that discussion at the white house
What has Trump DONE to shut down the government? Cite specifically the legislation he has vetoed.

He didn't actually have the cojones to veto legislation that would pass the way a clean bill would, so instead, he told Mitch not to bother bringing bills to him he wasn't gonna sign, and Mitch obliged him.

By design, he has vetoed any legislation that doesn't include funding for his legacy wall, and he didn't even have to be on record for doing it. McConnell has provided him all the cover he needs.
What has Trump DONE to shut down the government? Cite specifically the legislation he has vetoed.

"I would be proud to shut down the government" His exact words.

What he DID was after getting flack for Fox News, he reversed himself on a spending bill that had been set to be passed within days and rather suddenly decided the world would end without a concrete wall. He slithered out from under a commitment he made and then threatened to shut down the government if he didn't get his way.

He didn't get his way

All this is, is an exercise in Trump finding a way he can falsely brag that he "won"

He's not winning, he's losing about a point a day
It's a federal law that guides the non pay requirement. Nothing to do with president Trump or Mitch McConnell.
Anyway we all know Nancy is the one holding up the process.

What we all know is that this is Trump's shutdown, as he said himself. He's a spoiled little child, throwing a tantrum to get his way. If Pelosi and Schumer give in to his nonsense, he'll do this again, and again, and again.

Not one thin dime for Trump's ridiculous wall, not from our taxpayer money.

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