First. Targeting violent criminals? Is that why they are raiding workplaces? The violent criminals have a day job? I know critical thought is hard for some people, but really man. Even a Fanboy should be able to see that is nonsense.
Violent criminals can be anywhere, including workplaces.
As for a reputable source. How about the Department of Homeland Security?
Having read the reference provided, the key sentences in it are:
This Notice enables the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to exercise the full scope of its statutory authority to place in expedited removal, with limited exceptions, aliens2 determined to be inadmissible under sections 212(a)(6)(C) or (a)(7) of the INA who have not been admitted or paroled into the United States and who have not affirmatively shown, to the satisfaction of an immigration officer, that they have been physically present in the United States continuously for the two-year period immediately preceding the date of the determination of inadmissibility.
. . .
the designation in this Notice restores the scope of expedited removal to the fullest extent authorized by Congress, as was previously established in the July 23, 2019 Notice, Designating Aliens for Expedited Removal.
It doesn't appear to support you assertion:
The problem is that you don’t want to follow the laws.
For example. The laws say that even Illegals should get a hearing in court. Those hearings are suspended by Trump’s orders. So someone accused of a crime is deprived of due process. But hey, it’s just them so who cares right? It isn’t like we are talking about White People denied their rights.
. . .
particularly "restores the scope of expedited removal to the fullest extent authorized by Congress".
It particularly doesn't support your claim that "Those hearings are suspended by Trump’s orders.".
Seems you are having an issue with "restores the scope of expedited removal to the fullest extent authorized by Congress".
As such, it appears to be a legislative issue and not an executive branch issue.
Congress granted powers to CBP & ICE, which were thwarted by the previous administration, those powers have now been restored to law which congress passed and was signed into law.
If that isn’t reputable enough I suppose I can reinstall Twitter and find a post by Trump crowing about it.
The source is fine. Your interpretation of the issued directive appears to be the problem here.