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Proof that Joe Biden is LYING about US oil production! US production plummeted under Biden! (1 Viewer)


You should hate the "news" media more
DP Veteran
Jul 22, 2013
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This is a 5 year US govt oil production chart showing that when Trump came into office, he managed to counteract the Obama/Biden administration's decreases in US oil production, and greatly increased domestic oil production over the next few years. Production plateaued in 2020 and flattened out during Covid.. This is why gas cost $2.09 per gallon in Delaware here in late January 2021 when Trump left office. Months before Putin's invasion, the price here was $3.39/gal, now it's $4.29!

But once Biden took office, he went on an all-out assault on US energy(just as Obama famously called for in 2012, hoping for energy prices to SKYROCKET)! In his first days in office, Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline, canceled a bunch of drilling leases, and banned oil and gas exploration on a massive amount of federal lands. He even attempted to shut off other existing oil pipelines! In the meantime he green-lit Putin's pipeline by removing Trump's sanctions on Nordstream(he just recently re-installed the sanctions). Here's the proof!

united-states-crude-oil-production (1).png
This is a 5 year US govt oil production chart showing that when Trump came into office, he managed to counteract the Obama/Biden administration's decreases in US oil production, and greatly increased domestic oil production over the next few years. Production plateaued in 2020 and flattened out during Covid..

But once Biden took office, he went on an all-out assault on US energy(just as Obama famously called for in 2012, hoping for energy prices to SKYROCKET)! In his first days in office, Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline, canceled a bunch of drilling leases, and banned oil and gas exploration on a massive amount of federal lands. He even attempted to shut off other existing oil pipelines! In the meantime he green-lit Putin's pipeline by removing Trump's sanctions on Nordstream! Here's the proof!

View attachment 67379818
where is the link?
I don't see right wing conservatives as pragmatic or diplomatic = they want to control the world = explains 800 off shore military bases = reckless use of OUR tax dollars.
I don't see right wing conservatives as pragmatic or diplomatic = they want to control the world = explains 800 off shore military bases = reckless use of OUR tax dollars.
Reagan/Bush New World Order was not too smart foreign policy ........
This is a 5 year US govt oil production chart showing that when Trump came into office, he managed to counteract the Obama/Biden administration's decreases in US oil production, and greatly increased domestic oil production over the next few years. Production plateaued in 2020 and flattened out during Covid.. This is why gas cost $2.09 per gallon in Delaware here in late January 2021 when Trump left office. Months before Putin's invasion, the price here was $3.39/gal, now it's $4.29!

But once Biden took office, he went on an all-out assault on US energy(just as Obama famously called for in 2012, hoping for energy prices to SKYROCKET)! In his first days in office, Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline, canceled a bunch of drilling leases, and banned oil and gas exploration on a massive amount of federal lands. He even attempted to shut off other existing oil pipelines! In the meantime he green-lit Putin's pipeline by removing Trump's sanctions on Nordstream(he just recently re-installed the sanctions). Here's the proof!

View attachment 67379818
Bare chart, no legentd, no links, no nuthin'. This could be a chart how many calories a day on average it take to keep an internet troll alive for each year as far as we know.
This is a 5 year US govt oil production chart showing that when Trump came into office, he managed to counteract the Obama/Biden administration's decreases in US oil production, and greatly increased domestic oil production over the next few years. Production plateaued in 2020 and flattened out during Covid.. This is why gas cost $2.09 per gallon in Delaware here in late January 2021 when Trump left office. Months before Putin's invasion, the price here was $3.39/gal, now it's $4.29!

But once Biden took office, he went on an all-out assault on US energy(just as Obama famously called for in 2012, hoping for energy prices to SKYROCKET)! In his first days in office, Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline, canceled a bunch of drilling leases, and banned oil and gas exploration on a massive amount of federal lands. He even attempted to shut off other existing oil pipelines! In the meantime he green-lit Putin's pipeline by removing Trump's sanctions on Nordstream(he just recently re-installed the sanctions). Here's the proof!

View attachment 67379818
OK, big clue for you: charts need some sort of information to go with them. I can guess the X axis is date, but what is the Y axis. If it is oil production, we see that oil production has shot up since Biden took office(Hint: that really low point right after 2021, that is when Biden took office), which would totally disprove your premise. So unless you can explain what your chart is actually of, from all appearances, you proved yourself wrong. Well done!
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Oil production in Biden’s first year on par with Trump​

Oil production to keep surging under Biden​

Have Biden Administration Policies Reduced U.S. Oil Production?​

This is a 5 year US govt oil production chart showing that when Trump came into office, he managed to counteract the Obama/Biden administration's decreases in US oil production, and greatly increased domestic oil production over the next few years. Production plateaued in 2020 and flattened out during Covid.. This is why gas cost $2.09 per gallon in Delaware here in late January 2021 when Trump left office. Months before Putin's invasion, the price here was $3.39/gal, now it's $4.29!

But once Biden took office, he went on an all-out assault on US energy(just as Obama famously called for in 2012, hoping for energy prices to SKYROCKET)! In his first days in office, Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline, canceled a bunch of drilling leases, and banned oil and gas exploration on a massive amount of federal lands. He even attempted to shut off other existing oil pipelines! In the meantime he green-lit Putin's pipeline by removing Trump's sanctions on Nordstream(he just recently re-installed the sanctions). Here's the proof!

View attachment 67379818
Another laughable absurdity of an OP. Notice if you will that anything at all to do with Putin, anything that even tangentially involves Putin, in this case anything oil which is related to sanctions results in more lying bullshit than we ever saw in defense of Trump. So you have to ask yourself, which of the two political figures is actually more important to defend by the creators of these absurd threads, Putin or Trump. Since it is so obviously Putin, what does that say about the poster?
This is a 5 year US govt oil production chart showing that when Trump came into office, he managed to counteract the Obama/Biden administration's decreases in US oil production, and greatly increased domestic oil production over the next few years. Production plateaued in 2020 and flattened out during Covid.. This is why gas cost $2.09 per gallon in Delaware here in late January 2021 when Trump left office. Months before Putin's invasion, the price here was $3.39/gal, now it's $4.29!

But once Biden took office, he went on an all-out assault on US energy(just as Obama famously called for in 2012, hoping for energy prices to SKYROCKET)! In his first days in office, Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline, canceled a bunch of drilling leases, and banned oil and gas exploration on a massive amount of federal lands. He even attempted to shut off other existing oil pipelines! In the meantime he green-lit Putin's pipeline by removing Trump's sanctions on Nordstream(he just recently re-installed the sanctions). Here's the proof!

View attachment 67379818
Actually, as you can see from my own charts, everything you’ve said is wrong.

This is a 5 year US govt oil production chart showing that when Trump came into office, he managed to counteract the Obama/Biden administration's decreases in US oil production, and greatly increased domestic oil production over the next few years. Production plateaued in 2020 and flattened out during Covid.. This is why gas cost $2.09 per gallon in Delaware here in late January 2021 when Trump left office. Months before Putin's invasion, the price here was $3.39/gal, now it's $4.29!

But once Biden took office, he went on an all-out assault on US energy(just as Obama famously called for in 2012, hoping for energy prices to SKYROCKET)! In his first days in office, Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline, canceled a bunch of drilling leases, and banned oil and gas exploration on a massive amount of federal lands. He even attempted to shut off other existing oil pipelines! In the meantime he green-lit Putin's pipeline by removing Trump's sanctions on Nordstream(he just recently re-installed the sanctions). Here's the proof!

View attachment 67379818

LOL, Joe Biden was inaugurated on January 20, 2021. This only proves you should stick to coloring books.

They have coloring books for adults

I don't see right wing conservatives as pragmatic or diplomatic = they want to control the world = explains 800 off shore military bases = reckless use of OUR tax dollars.
Irrelevant .

Neither party is any longer part of a first class power .

Right or wrong the US was seen to rule matters via NATO , UN , WHO and the Federal Reserve .

All are now dead or in a death spiral .

The world now wants a fresh troupe of Scammers .
This is a 5 year US govt oil production chart showing that when Trump came into office, he managed to counteract the Obama/Biden administration's decreases in US oil production, and greatly increased domestic oil production over the next few years. Production plateaued in 2020 and flattened out during Covid.. This is why gas cost $2.09 per gallon in Delaware here in late January 2021 when Trump left office. Months before Putin's invasion, the price here was $3.39/gal, now it's $4.29!

But once Biden took office, he went on an all-out assault on US energy(just as Obama famously called for in 2012, hoping for energy prices to SKYROCKET)! In his first days in office, Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline, canceled a bunch of drilling leases, and banned oil and gas exploration on a massive amount of federal lands. He even attempted to shut off other existing oil pipelines! In the meantime he green-lit Putin's pipeline by removing Trump's sanctions on Nordstream(he just recently re-installed the sanctions). Here's the proof!

View attachment 67379818

A lot of that is smimply the demand.

HOWEVER, the demand is growing now and the solution under Biden is to IMPORT more, not PRODUCE more.

Biden is an anti American, feckless pawn of the Leftists. This is his stock in trade.

The White House is for sale and the buyers are not pro-American.
This is a 5 year US govt oil production chart showing that when Trump came into office, he managed to counteract the Obama/Biden administration's decreases in US oil production, and greatly increased domestic oil production over the next few years. Production plateaued in 2020 and flattened out during Covid.. This is why gas cost $2.09 per gallon in Delaware here in late January 2021 when Trump left office. Months before Putin's invasion, the price here was $3.39/gal, now it's $4.29!

But once Biden took office, he went on an all-out assault on US energy(just as Obama famously called for in 2012, hoping for energy prices to SKYROCKET)! In his first days in office, Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline, canceled a bunch of drilling leases, and banned oil and gas exploration on a massive amount of federal lands. He even attempted to shut off other existing oil pipelines! In the meantime he green-lit Putin's pipeline by removing Trump's sanctions on Nordstream(he just recently re-installed the sanctions). Here's the proof!

View attachment 67379818

Someone wanna tell this guy that Biden took office in Jan of 2021? He doesn't seem to realize that that graph shows a massive drop specifically because of the pandemic, and that oil production is actually UP since Biden took office.

Or maybe he's just blindly lying in slavery to Trump. After all, he also tried to attack "the left" about oil subsidies in 2022 by using a link from 2016, so he may not be paying all that much attention to what he's actually saying beyond making sure it sounds negative

Whatever the cause, stop lying.
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A lot of that is smimply the demand.

HOWEVER, the demand is growing now and the solution under Biden is to IMPORT more, not PRODUCE more.

Biden is an anti American, feckless pawn of the Leftists. This is his stock in trade.

The White House is for sale and the buyers are not pro-American.

Hilarious. Code comes running to white knight for the Trumpist who lied in the OP. He also completely fails to notice that the graph shows a massive drop specifically because of the pandemic, and that oil production is actually UP since Biden took office.

And this, ladies n' gents, is why the GOP does everything it can to destroy public education. Gotta keep people not only unaware of the facts, but unaware of how to even know if they are looking at a fact.
This is a 5 year US govt oil production chart showing that when Trump came into office, he managed to counteract the Obama/Biden administration's decreases in US oil production, and greatly increased domestic oil production over the next few years. Production plateaued in 2020 and flattened out during Covid.. This is why gas cost $2.09 per gallon in Delaware here in late January 2021 when Trump left office. Months before Putin's invasion, the price here was $3.39/gal, now it's $4.29!

But once Biden took office, he went on an all-out assault on US energy(just as Obama famously called for in 2012, hoping for energy prices to SKYROCKET)! In his first days in office, Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline, canceled a bunch of drilling leases, and banned oil and gas exploration on a massive amount of federal lands. He even attempted to shut off other existing oil pipelines! In the meantime he green-lit Putin's pipeline by removing Trump's sanctions on Nordstream(he just recently re-installed the sanctions). Here's the proof!

View attachment 67379818
Learn how to read a graph. It demolishes your OP
Someone wanna tell this guy that Biden took office in Jan of 2021? He doesn't seem to realize that that graph shows a massive drop specifically because of the pandemic, and that oil production is actually UP since Biden took office.

Or maybe he's just blindly lying in slavery to Trump. After all, he also tried to attack "the left" about oil subsidies in 2022 by using a link from 2016, so he may not be paying all that much attention to what he's actually saying beyond making sure it sounds negative

We all know this is what people do when they only care about being slaves to Trump the Terrorist. They lie for the sake of worshiping the biggest liar to ever live on Earth. Lying is all they care about. Of course the OP knows when Joe Biden became President.
This is a 5 year US govt oil production chart showing that when Trump came into office, he managed to counteract the Obama/Biden administration's decreases in US oil production, and greatly increased domestic oil production over the next few years. Production plateaued in 2020 and flattened out during Covid.. This is why gas cost $2.09 per gallon in Delaware here in late January 2021 when Trump left office. Months before Putin's invasion, the price here was $3.39/gal, now it's $4.29!

But once Biden took office, he went on an all-out assault on US energy(just as Obama famously called for in 2012, hoping for energy prices to SKYROCKET)! In his first days in office, Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline, canceled a bunch of drilling leases, and banned oil and gas exploration on a massive amount of federal lands. He even attempted to shut off other existing oil pipelines! In the meantime he green-lit Putin's pipeline by removing Trump's sanctions on Nordstream(he just recently re-installed the sanctions). Here's the proof!

View attachment 67379818

Proof that Joe Biden is LYING about US oil production! US production plummeted under Biden!​


Where did you hear that

Actually it plummeted under trump.

Wonder why drillers, banks and investors are a little leary of increasing production

US Shale Boom​

Two factors drove the U.S. shale oil boom. First, oil prices averaged above $90 a barrel for three years, from 2011 to 2014. That was enough to allow shale exploration and production to be profitable.

Second, low-interest rates gave banks and private equity investors a strong incentive to lend to shale oil companies. The total amount of loans was almost $250 billion in 2014.


The sudden jump in oil production created an oversupply that sent prices plummeting. Prices for West Texas Crude fell from $106/barrel in June 2014 to $32/barrel in January 2016

Eventually, low prices caught up with the industry. Many stopped drilling. In October 2015, about half were sitting idle. Dozens filed for bankruptcy, and 55,000 workers were laid off. On January 20, 2016, oil prices fell to a 13-year low of $26.55/b. But the EIA accurately predicted that oil prices would rise again in time.

And then it happens again

the coronavirus crash. People quit using oil.

On April 20, 2020, the front-month May 2020 WTI crude contract dropped 306%, or $55.90, for the session, to settle at negative $37.63 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
Hilarious. Code comes running to white knight for the Trumpist who lied in the OP. He also completely fails to notice that the graph shows a massive drop specifically because of the pandemic, and that oil production is actually UP since Biden took office.

And this, ladies n' gents, is why the GOP does everything it can to destroy public education. Gotta keep people not only unaware of the facts, but unaware of how to even know if they are looking at a fact.

Your hubris is amusing.

How many people comprising the "ladies n' gents" you address do you really imagine are reading your posts?

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