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Progressive race wolf cries cost them dearly (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 18, 2019
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Political Leaning

And I love it. So sick of the constant false racist wolf cries from the left.

$31 million price for it this time.

And I love it. So sick of the constant false racist wolf cries from the left.

$31 million price for it this time.

But can a liberal appeals court throw out the decision?

And I love it. So sick of the constant false racist wolf cries from the left.

$31 million price for it this time.

Fascinating. You cheer a lawsuit about libel and then immediately proceed to smear the entire "Left."

Talk about wanting your cake and eating it too.

Oh, and if you're going to talk about this story, don't use trash sources like the Blaze. Let me help you:


And I love it. So sick of the constant false racist wolf cries from the left.

$31 million price for it this time.
womp womp

Race-baiting idiots reap what they sow.

And I love it. So sick of the constant false racist wolf cries from the left.

$31 million price for it this time.

Good, more of this needs to occur.....without a shred of evidence....so typical....it's start a "false narrative" continuously, but this time it backfired, lol.
Good, more of this needs to occur.....without a shred of evidence....so typical....it's start a "false narrative" continuously, but this time it backfired, lol.
A pity it didn't happen to race-extortionist Al Sharpton alot.
A pity it didn't happen to race-extortionist Al Sharpton alot.

You got that right, Sharpton is like an ambulance chaser to the next racist act he can profit from....pathetic human being.

And I love it. So sick of the constant false racist wolf cries from the left.

$31 million price for it this time.

My mistake...this was a lost appeal.

The big victory being that they don't get to "cancel" someone or attempt to do so without facing consequences.

Best of luck to the bakery.

Did you see the 6.2 million dollar price tag for the attorneys for the bakery ?
Sorry to interrupt the circle jerk, but I think you'll find that if you stop wankin, you might find a non-wanker that agrees.
My mistake...this was a lost appeal.

The big victory being that they don't get to "cancel" someone or attempt to do so without facing consequences.

Best of luck to the bakery.

Did you see the 6.2 million dollar price tag for the attorneys for the bakery ?
Yea, and it's easy to hate on lawyers, i do it myself sometimes, but all of us try to get as much as we can for our work.
Fascinating. You cheer a lawsuit about libel and then immediately proceed to smear the entire "Left."

Talk about wanting your cake and eating it too.

Oh, and if you're going to talk about this story, don't use trash sources like the Blaze. Let me help you:

Left as in political direction. I have been very clear many times on this point, but fair enough I should be more specific.
Fascinating. You cheer a lawsuit about libel and then immediately proceed to smear the entire "Left."

Talk about wanting your cake and eating it too.

Oh, and if you're going to talk about this story, don't use trash sources like the Blaze. Let me help you:

I will use the Blaze as often as I feel like, don't like too bad. The Blaze is biased like most every source now, big woop.
Why do you right wingers "debate" like this so often? As if someone is trying to make you do something against your will?
I guess you need to reread the post I responded to.
Fascinating. You cheer a lawsuit about libel and then immediately proceed to smear the entire "Left."

Talk about wanting your cake and eating it too.

Oh, and if you're going to talk about this story, don't use trash sources like the Blaze. Let me help you:

These guys are like a pee-wee football team that finally won a game. How the hell do they get through a day? Smh.

Anyway, false claims of racism are deplorable. No less deplorable than actual racism. Not gonna read an article, but I'd be interested in opinions and a little background info.

Instead, I get this.
And I love it. So sick of the constant false racist wolf cries from the left.

$31 million price for it this time.

But can a liberal appeals court throw out the decision?
womp womp

Race-baiting idiots reap what they sow.

@redbeer noted a lack of evidence. That's something, I guess.
This needs to stop so that the real victims can emerge from all the muck thrown about. Both sides are guilty of sensationalizing anything that suits and profits them.

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