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"Progressive" California DEFUNDING the police! (1 Viewer)


Green Party progressive
DP Veteran
Nov 4, 2020
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Conservatives don't care. Our collective funding for police in this country is double Russia's military budget. Biden passed another $30B increase to police funding.

They will still claim the radical left is defunding the police.
A great example of how the right is plowing the left on the narrative. The Dems are cowards. No message, no vision, no cause communicated to the public. I've seen, recently, two peeps from the Dems of any huevos. Too little too late. The Rep/cons are just getting warmed up.
Conservatives don't care. Our collective funding for police in this country is double Russia's military budget. Biden passed another $30B increase to police funding.

They will still claim the radical left is defunding the police.

Please post that graphic and link in this thread.
Conservatives don't care. Our collective funding for police in this country is double Russia's military budget. Biden passed another $30B increase to police funding.

They will still claim the radical left is defunding the police.

The narrative is working for the RW.
Conservatives don't care. Our collective funding for police in this country is double Russia's military budget. Biden passed another $30B increase to police funding.

They will still claim the radical left is defunding the police.
And them lying about it is a major advantage.
Conservatives don't care. Our collective funding for police in this country is double Russia's military budget. Biden passed another $30B increase to police funding.

They will still claim the radical left is defunding the police.
At least you think defunding the police is a stupid idea.

What do you make of these idiots?

At least you think defunding the police is a stupid idea.

What do you make of these idiots?

It depends on what they actually mean . That's the problem. The phrase represents just about the most misconstrued, ill defined idea I have ever seen in politics. As long as you just post the three words, and act as though you know what that idea means, your content is as idiotic as theirs.

In other words, I'd have to ask them for clarity and context on their idea, before I could tell you what I 'make of it'.
The police were given more money and things got worse there. Maybe California's approach to crime and criminals needs to be re-examined;

  • "Preliminary data from four of California’s major cities—Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego, and San Francisco—show increases in property and violent crime numbers in 2021. In particular, the troubling increase in homicides that we saw in 2020 appears to continue—homicides in these cities were up by about 17% in 2021.

  • An increase in property crime in 2021, driven by car break-ins and auto thefts, returned property crime numbers close to pre-pandemic numbers. The need to continue monitoring crime trends, investigating underlying causes, and identifying effective solutions remains high." https://www.ppic.org/publication/crime-trends-in-california/
Yeah, wrong.

California cities spent huge share of federal Covid relief funds on police​

View attachment 67385226

View attachment 67385230

Must be an election year in which democrats are fearful of losing.
The narrative is working for the RW.

The narrative is working for corporate Democrats, too, because they're both conservative. They're conserving their police powers whether those police powers are at the local, state, or international level. The US police state mentality is global. That's the biggest reason why Earth is militarized. The US military-industrial-congressional complex is always expanding its wealth and power.
Conservatives don't care. Our collective funding for police in this country is double Russia's military budget. Biden passed another $30B increase to police funding.

They will still claim the radical left is defunding the police.
Billions spent, billions more to be spent. Yet american police are understaffed, underpaid and barely qualified for the job.
But on the other hand the comparison with the military is accurate as far as having the military grade equipment from guns to armour.

So do you think the 30b will go to fix the problem in the first sentence or upgrade the problem in the second.
Much of the federal money that was supposed to help 'The People' through the ongoing pandemic was sucked up by police and prisons.
A great example of how the right is plowing the left on the narrative. The Dems are cowards. No message, no vision, no cause communicated to the public. I've seen, recently, two peeps from the Dems of any huevos. Too little too late. The Rep/cons are just getting warmed up.

To be fair, we don't have a multi-billion-dollar propaganda network like the Right has.
It depends on what they actually mean . That's the problem. The phrase represents just about the most misconstrued, ill defined idea I have ever seen in politics. As long as you just post the three words, and act as though you know what that idea means, your content is as idiotic as theirs.

In other words, I'd have to ask them for clarity and context on their idea, before I could tell you what I 'make of it'.
Did you watch the video? If I didn't know what the **** was going on, I'd start with the video. Or are you hearing impaired?
Did you watch the video? If I didn't know what the **** was going on, I'd start with the video. Or are you hearing impaired?
The questions I would need answers to can't come from a video like that
After continually increasing police budgets, crime still went up. So, cities have been responding by directing more money to the community and jobs to improve eliminate crime before it starts rather instead of increasing police budgets so much. Police funding is still increasing. The Rep/cons, though, are much more effective at messaging, jumping the issue immediately and calling it "Defunding the Police", saying so loud and often. Meanwhile, the inept/ineffectual/non-existent messaging of the Dems comes through like a popcorn fart against the windbag, high-velocity hot air from the RW.
The questions I would need answers to can't come from a video like that
Well then I suggest you get busy.

We'll talk when you're ready.
Conservatives don't care. Our collective funding for police in this country is double Russia's military budget. Biden passed another $30B increase to police funding.

They will still claim the radical left is defunding the police.

The US nationwide police expenditure is higher than China's total defense budget, per capita.
Conservatives don't care. Our collective funding for police in this country is double Russia's military budget. Biden passed another $30B increase to police funding.

They will still claim the radical left is defunding the police.

They care enough to lie about it as vociferous as they do. The Dem/libs don't say much at all that tell me they care a thing about it.
Yeah, wrong.

California cities spent huge share of federal Covid relief funds on police​

View attachment 67385226

View attachment 67385230

I'm a conservative. I think we should eliminate all police and put Kyle Rittenhouse in charge of national security. His job will be to arm and train an army of teenagers to protect us from BLM :)
After continually increasing police budgets, crime still went up. So, cities have been responding by directing more money to the community and jobs to improve eliminate crime before it starts rather instead of increasing police budgets so much. Police funding is still increasing. The Rep/cons, though, are much more effective at messaging, jumping the issue immediately and calling it "Defunding the Police", saying so loud and often. Meanwhile, the inept/ineffectual/non-existent messaging of the Dems comes through like a popcorn fart against the windbag, high-velocity hot air from the RW.

The problem with messaging when comparing the two dominant political parties isn't that Republicans do a better job of messaging, it's that Republicans do a "better" job of NOT giving a :poop:. It's like trying to "debate" with a 'troll' on DP. The Republican Party is essentially the Troll Party. Them being anti-government is their biggest trait. The government they do like is what makes them, corporations, and their culture war country club members money, power, or mad.
To be fair, we don't have a multi-billion-dollar propaganda network like the Right has.

What's stopping elected Dems from saying what they should be saying? What is stopping the Dems from having an effective "propaganda network"? Howabout they stop sitting on their hands and get out there and communicate with people? Say something that connects with people.
What's stopping elected Dems from saying what they should be saying? What is stopping the Dems from having an effective "propaganda network"? Howabout they stop sitting on their hands and get out there and communicate with people? Say something that connects with people.

OK, you go ahead and start a Fox "News" for the Left. I'll wait.

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