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Problem Solvers Caucus? (1 Viewer)

Let me know when Nancy gives a **** about them.

I heard Nancy gave them her marching orders and they were not to waver from the party line. What a waste. She should have just sent a raven.
I heard Nancy gave them her marching orders and they were not to waver from the party line. What a waste. She should have just sent a raven.

Seems as though a couple of lazy, knee jerk posters did not bother to read the first line in the link;

The Problem Solvers Caucus is a bi-partisan group in the United States House of Representatives that includes approximately 48 members – equally divided between Democrats and Republicans – who seek to create bi-partisan cooperation on key policy issues. Created in January 2017, the group is currently co-chaired by Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Tom Reed (R-NY).”
Seems as though a couple of lazy, knee jerk posters did not bother to read the first line in the link;

The Problem Solvers Caucus is a bi-partisan group in the United States House of Representatives that includes approximately 48 members – equally divided between Democrats and Republicans – who seek to create bi-partisan cooperation on key policy issues. Created in January 2017, the group is currently co-chaired by Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Tom Reed (R-NY).”

Seems like you just read the definition and didn't listen to the RESULTS. I didn't post about what the caucus IS, I posted about WHAT PELOSI TASKED THEM TO DO.

Now, go do better!

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