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Private Party Firearm Sales (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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What are the pros and cons to citizen to citizen firearm sales? Do the conditions change depending on what state the transaction takes place in?
What are the pros and cons to citizen to citizen firearm sales? Do the conditions change depending on what state the transaction takes place in?

In Texas, there are no requirements for a private sale.. You can drive from California, buy as many as you want in a private sale and head on home...
In Texas, there are no requirements for a private sale.. You can drive from California, buy as many as you want in a private sale and head on home...
What if the sale weapon winds up in a crime? Should there be any accompanying paperwork or is it just cash and go?
What are the pros and cons to citizen to citizen firearm sales? Do the conditions change depending on what state the transaction takes place in?

As opposed to what?
In Texas, there are no requirements for a private sale.. You can drive from California, buy as many as you want in a private sale and head on home...

You would be violating CA law, and the seller might be violating CA law if he has reason to believe you are not from TX.
Private party firearm sales....are those like Mary K or Tupperware private parties?
What are the pros and cons to citizen to citizen firearm sales? Do the conditions change depending on what state the transaction takes place in?
I have always advised getting a copy of both parties drivers licenses unless it’s a family gift or hand me down.

I am totally opposed to having to go through an FF holder.

Iff I want to give my kid, grandkids, my brother or sister it’s stupid to have to pay a transfer fee( tax)…
What if the sale weapon winds up in a crime? Should there be any accompanying paperwork or is it just cash and go?
What paperwork should be required and with whom should it reside? Would you require the same paperwork and filing process for any other items that could be used as a weapon?
What if the sale weapon winds up in a crime? Should there be any accompanying paperwork or is it just cash and go?

cash and go.. I have sold a few this way...
You would be violating CA law, and the seller might be violating CA law if he has reason to believe you are not from TX.

As a Texas resident, why would I care if it violates California law if I sell a firearm to a California resident?
What if the sale weapon winds up in a crime? Should there be any accompanying paperwork or is it just cash and go?

Are you asking for advice, or an opinion on what the law should be?
As a Texas resident, why would I care if it violates California law if I sell a firearm to a California resident?

You weren't talking about a Texas resident. You said "YOU can drive from California...."

And as I said, as the seller you would be violating federal law if you had reason to know the person was from CA.
You weren't talking about a Texas resident. You said "YOU can drive from California...."

And as I said, as the seller you would be violating federal law if you had reason to know the person was from CA.

Texas does not require I check ID's or anything.. Don't ask, don;'t tell...
Texas does not require I check ID's or anything.. Don't ask, don;'t tell...

That's great. Maybe Democrats should try to pass a law requiring the seller in a private sale to check ID. Who knows, they might even get 10 Republican senators on board for that.
As a Texas resident, why would I care if it violates California law if I sell a firearm to a California resident?
Because you would be violating federal law. It is illegal to sell most firearms (black powder and antiques are the exceptions, I believe) to a resident of another state unless you have an FFL. And if you do have an FFL, handguns would have to be shipped to a FFL holder in the other state, but long guns can be sold over the counter. In both cases, the sale would have to be legal in both states.
Because you would be violating federal law. It is illegal to sell most firearms (black powder and antiques are the exceptions, I believe) to a resident of another state unless you have an FFL. And if you do have an FFL, the sale would have to be legal in both states.

You have to know or have reason to know they are from another state, and you're not even required to ask let alone check ID.
That's great. Maybe Democrats should try to pass a law requiring the seller in a private sale to check ID. Who knows, they might even get 10 Republican senators on board for that.

LMAO... The GQP has been blocking anything reasonable like for a long time....
Because you would be violating federal law. It is illegal to sell most firearms (black powder and antiques are the exceptions, I believe) to a resident of another state unless you have an FFL. And if you do have an FFL, handguns would have to be shipped to a FFL holder in the other state, but long guns can be sold over the counter. In both cases, the sale would have to be legal in both states.

There is NO federal background check requirement for private sales... None, nada, zip... Texas does not require me to check and ID or anything... This is called the gun show loophole..

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