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Prince Rupert's Drop (1 Viewer)

Dittohead not!

master political analyst
DP Veteran
Dec 3, 2009
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The Golden State
Political Leaning
Fascinating. You learn something every day:

This is totally cool! I've never even heard of this phenomenon before.
Those guys are awesome. If that first guy wasn't a teacher, he should be. I always learned the most from my teachers who made learning fun.
I used to blow glass.

Torchwork with borosilicate tubes and rods, like making lab glass or little animals or "ahem" pot parphernalia.

Put in too much heat to fast and the glass shatters at the point where the heat can't flow into the cooler glass.

Usually this was mostly a fracture, but sometimes the whole piece would "thrum" long enough for an "Oh ****" right before the whole thing explosively shattered.

Exciting, but not in a fun way.

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