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Prince — Agonizing Final Days After AIDS Diagnosis Rock legend wasted a (1 Viewer)

National Enquirer? well I used to dismiss that tabloid as being full of lies and idiocy but IIRC they were the ones that first broke the story on scum bag Dem candidate John Edwards and his adultery

From what I understand the national inquirer has been right about a few big stories. Im sure they got some wrong too
Sadly Prince Rogers Nelson passed away Thursday aged 57. Two days before, a confidential source came to SMObserved.com and told us that Prince was dying of AIDS. Our source said Prince contracted HIV in the 90's which he kept private. HIV/AIDS has yet to be confirmed officially as the cause of death. But if he died from some other cause, just two days after we heard he was dying of HIV/AIDS . . . well, it would be a remarkable coincidence.
Prince is Dead, Sources Say HIV/AIDS - Santa Monica Observer

Sounds right.
Makes you wonder how many others he infected before he knew he had it. He must have had it a while if he passed from it 6mths after he found out he had it.
Makes you wonder how many others he infected before he knew he had it. He must have had it a while if he passed from it 6mths after he found out he had it.

How did Magic Johnson and Arthur Ashe not infect their wives for all those months before they knew they had it?
How did Magic Johnson and Arthur Ashe not infect their wives for all those months before they knew they had it?

Not everyone gets it, some people have a natural resistance, and it depends upon what the two people do as well as how often.
Not everyone gets it, some people have a natural resistance, and it depends upon what the two people do as well as how often.

It's a gay men and drug-user disease.

How many straight people do you personally know who've died of AIDS? Nobody I know has.

Ask a gay man how many homosexual men he knows that have died of AIDS? Dozens, if not hundreds.

Ask a lesbian how many lesbians she knows that have died of AIDS. Probably none.
It's a gay men and drug-user disease.

How many straight people do you personally know who've died of AIDS? Nobody I know has.

Ask a gay man how many homosexual men he knows that have died of AIDS? Dozens, if not hundreds.

Ask a lesbian how many lesbians she knows that have died of AIDS. Probably none.

Interestingly enough just two weeks ago I was reading a piece on these old farts who get aids by having sex with other old farts, and having trouble comprehending when they are told because they labor under the same misconceptions. We dont know yet but it appears that the strains in America are going the way of the old African strains, that they are increasingly spread through sex. This heroin epidemic that we are in sure does not help things though.
How did Magic Johnson and Arthur Ashe not infect their wives for all those months before they knew they had it?

Maybe they told them, I really have no idea. Are you suggesting no one inadvertently transmits sexual diseases
National Enquirer? well I used to dismiss that tabloid as being full of lies and idiocy but IIRC they were the ones that first broke the story on scum bag Dem candidate John Edwards and his adultery

Broken Clocks, etc.
It's a gay men and drug-user disease.

How many straight people do you personally know who've died of AIDS? Nobody I know has.

Ask a gay man how many homosexual men he knows that have died of AIDS? Dozens, if not hundreds.

Ask a lesbian how many lesbians she knows that have died of AIDS. Probably none.

Lies so old, so debunked, and so low that they are not worth re-debunking. I hope you're not a Christian, because there's a commandment about that...
It's a gay men and drug-user disease.

How many straight people do you personally know who've died of AIDS? Nobody I know has.

Ask a gay man how many homosexual men he knows that have died of AIDS? Dozens, if not hundreds.

Ask a lesbian how many lesbians she knows that have died of AIDS. Probably none.

Actually, I've known two people personally who died of AIDS, both straight. One got it from a transfusion, the other from a prior girl friend who didn't disclose her HIV status. I've heard about two women, friends of my co-workers, who contracted HIV from their very heterosexual boyfriends, who cheated with other women. (Believe me, CDC does a complete history upon HIV diagnosis to track down exactly where and when people became infected whenever possible.) Oh, and I'm pretty sure that Charlie Sheen isn't gay.

This is the myth. AIDS is wiping out entire communities in Africa, and it's spread is 99% due to strictly heterosexual contact. Babies are being born with it.

Passing along this completely fabricated and erroneous information is why HIV was able to take root and spread in the first place. People just shrugged and didn't care, because as long as it were gays and junkies dying, who gave a ****, right? Guess what. They were wrong, deadly wrong, and so are you.
Actually, I've known two people personally who died of AIDS, both straight. One got it from a transfusion, the other from a prior girl friend who didn't disclose her HIV status. I've heard about two women, friends of my co-workers, who contracted HIV from their very heterosexual boyfriends, who cheated with other women. (Believe me, CDC does a complete history upon HIV diagnosis to track down exactly where and when people became infected whenever possible.) Oh, and I'm pretty sure that Charlie Sheen isn't gay.

This is the myth. AIDS is wiping out entire communities in Africa, and it's spread is 99% due to strictly heterosexual contact. Babies are being born with it.

Passing along this completely fabricated and erroneous information is why HIV was able to take root and spread in the first place. People just shrugged and didn't care, because as long as it were gays and junkies dying, who gave a ****, right? Guess what. They were wrong, deadly wrong, and so are you.

Bull. Tell me why this is so prevalent in the gay community, and almost non-existent in the straight community?

Charlie Sheen is a drug addict.
Lies so old, so debunked, and so low that they are not worth re-debunking. I hope you're not a Christian, because there's a commandment about that...

That's a complete lie. Liberalism depends on lies to exist.

I worked with a guy that died of AIDS. So did his partner, and three of their male friends.

That's the only person I sort of knew (totally different department in a huge company). None of my personal friends have ever died, or spoken of friends that have died, from AIDS.
Maybe they told them, I really have no idea. Are you suggesting no one inadvertently transmits sexual diseases

The point is, they had it for quite a while before they knew they had it. There were certainly sexual contact on numerous occasions with their spouses. And the wives are fine.
It's a gay men and drug-user disease.

How many straight people do you personally know who've died of AIDS? Nobody I know has.

Ask a gay man how many homosexual men he knows that have died of AIDS? Dozens, if not hundreds.

Ask a lesbian how many lesbians she knows that have died of AIDS. Probably none.

No it's not. Most AIDS victims are heterosexual and can't get legal medication, never mind recreational drugs. Millions of children have AIDS.
That's a complete lie. Liberalism depends on lies to exist.

I worked with a guy that died of AIDS. So did his partner, and three of their male friends.

That's the only person I sort of knew (totally different department in a huge company). None of my personal friends have ever died, or spoken of friends that have died, from AIDS.

AIDS and other STD's are on the rise in that community like other places due to risky sexual habits.
more so among men than women. it is just due to the nature of things.

however the CDC has placed a lack of safe sex and multiple sleeping partners to be the main cause.
drug users that use needles get it more often than not from other drug users.

on the flip side of that Super gonorrhea is blazing a path right now through the
hetrosexual community. no one can get rid of it.

for the same reason.

only been with 1 person and no diseases.
The point is, they had it for quite a while before they knew they had it. There were certainly sexual contact on numerous occasions with their spouses. And the wives are fine.

I dont know enough about it to make any statements. I assume many people have died from aids and they got it somewhere right ?
Rock star Prince was diagnosed with AIDS just six months before his death — but refused medical treatment, believing he could be cured by prayer!

Prince — His Agonizing Final Days After AIDS Diagnosis | National Enquirer

I will wait for the autopsy results before making a judgement. The only useful thing to do with the Enquirer is to line the bottom of a bird cage. I worked in a Supermarket for a couple years while in school, in those two years I think I sold maybe 5 copies of the tabloid, but that was on a military installation, perhaps that had something to do with the low sales. I do not understand how the paper stays in business.
Actually, I've known two people personally who died of AIDS, both straight. One got it from a transfusion, the other from a prior girl friend who didn't disclose her HIV status. I've heard about two women, friends of my co-workers, who contracted HIV from their very heterosexual boyfriends, who cheated with other women. (Believe me, CDC does a complete history upon HIV diagnosis to track down exactly where and when people became infected whenever possible.) Oh, and I'm pretty sure that Charlie Sheen isn't gay.

This is the myth. AIDS is wiping out entire communities in Africa, and it's spread is 99% due to strictly heterosexual contact. Babies are being born with it.

Passing along this completely fabricated and erroneous information is why HIV was able to take root and spread in the first place. People just shrugged and didn't care, because as long as it were gays and junkies dying, who gave a ****, right? Guess what. They were wrong, deadly wrong, and so are you.

How dare you debunk the myth that gay men are solely responsible for the HIV rates.

Amazing what closed minds will cling to, all they got to do is google and do 30 minutes of research for the correct answer.
It's a gay men and drug-user disease.

How many straight people do you personally know who've died of AIDS? Nobody I know has.

Ask a gay man how many homosexual men he knows that have died of AIDS? Dozens, if not hundreds.

Ask a lesbian how many lesbians she knows that have died of AIDS. Probably none.

You are clueless.

As a single data point - my sister. She was neither gay nor a intravenous drug user. An asshole boyfriend of her's twenty years ago who died years ago from AIDS was one or the other. She spent the last 20 years or so of her life until her death speaking to high school and college kids about the dangers of unprotected sex because straight, non drug users can and do get AIDs.
I will wait for the autopsy results before making a judgement. The only useful thing to do with the Enquirer is to line the bottom of a bird cage. I worked in a Supermarket for a couple years while in school, in those two years I think I sold maybe 5 copies of the tabloid, but that was on a military installation, perhaps that had something to do with the low sales. I do not understand how the paper stays in business.

I'm sure John Edwards says the same thing.

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