Actually, I've known two people personally who died of AIDS, both straight. One got it from a transfusion, the other from a prior girl friend who didn't disclose her HIV status. I've heard about two women, friends of my co-workers, who contracted HIV from their very heterosexual boyfriends, who cheated with other women. (Believe me, CDC does a complete history upon HIV diagnosis to track down exactly where and when people became infected whenever possible.) Oh, and I'm pretty sure that Charlie Sheen isn't gay.
This is the myth. AIDS is wiping out entire communities in Africa, and it's spread is 99% due to strictly heterosexual contact. Babies are being born with it.
Passing along this completely fabricated and erroneous information is why HIV was able to take root and spread in the first place. People just shrugged and didn't care, because as long as it were gays and junkies dying, who gave a ****, right? Guess what. They were wrong, deadly wrong, and so are you.