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Press Secretary Jen Psaki Plans to Depart White House for MSNBC in Coming Weeks (1 Viewer)


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Nov 22, 2015
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Jen Psaki has graduated from interning as lead liar under the Biden admin, that she wants to take her act to television

Press Secretary Jen Psaki Plans to Depart White House for MSNBC in Coming Weeks

New YorkCNN Business —
White House press secretary Jen Psaki plans on departing the Biden administration in the coming weeks and heading to MSNBC, two people familiar with the matter told CNN on Friday.

Psaki has not officially signed a contract with the progressive cable news network, but the talks are in the advanced stages, the people said.

Axios, which first broke the news, reported that Psaki will host a show for NBC’s streaming platform Peacock. She will also appear on MSNBC’s shows.
At least some comedians will now have more material to work with:

Jen Psaki has graduated from interning as lead liar under the Biden admin, that she wants to take her act to television

She fears indictments are coming and is running for cover before it's too late. The rats are abandoning Biden's sinking ship.
Jen Psaki has graduated from interning as lead liar under the Biden admin, that she wants to take her act to television

Good for her. We live in a capitalist country and the money a cable network pays is highly attractive and a government salary just can’t compete.

It’s amusing that the right side of the room only has scorn. They dwell on Tucker Carlson, who not only is a bigot but arguably a traitor, who bends facts and the truth beyond recognition, but it’s MSNBC that’s the sewer pipe.
Jen Psaki has graduated from interning as lead liar under the Biden admin, that she wants to take her act to television

Probably a great time for her to get out. The honeymoon period for the administration is WAY over, but it doesn't look like she's jumping off a sinking ship. Democrats are going to suffer in the midterms, and it would be better for her career to report on it, than try to defend it.
Genius move!
What about her set-up man, Pete Doocy?
She's someone with zero credibility, so she needs to go to a network with zero credibility. A perfect match.
Probably a great time for her to get out. The honeymoon period for the administration is WAY over, but it doesn't look like she's jumping off a sinking ship. Democrats are going to suffer in the midterms, and it would be better for her career to report on it, than try to defend it.

Oh, she'll be defending it, from the sidelines, in the guise of reporting or commentary
Jen Psaki has graduated from interning as lead liar under the Biden admin, that she wants to take her act to television

Leaving the WH for MSNBC? So basically just a department switch within the DNC.
She's someone with zero credibility, so she needs to go to a network with zero credibility. A perfect match.

When your only standard is whether they say what you want to hear………
When your only standard is whether they say what you want to hear………
That's true. She likely had to go to a network with that same standard.
That's true. She likely had to go to a network with that same standard.

That would have to be Fox in your telling.

But then, Fox isn’t actually a news organization.
Good for her. We live in a capitalist country and the money a cable network pays is highly attractive and a government salary just can’t compete.

It’s amusing that the right side of the room only has scorn. They dwell on Tucker Carlson, who not only is a bigot but arguably a traitor, who bends facts and the truth beyond recognition, but it’s MSNBC that’s the sewer pipe.
They are ALL sewer pipes.
She fears indictments are coming and is running for cover before it's too late. The rats are abandoning Biden's sinking ship.

What would Psaki be indicted for? Lying about having imaginary friends in the FBI?
She fears indictments are coming and is running for cover before it's too late. The rats are abandoning Biden's sinking ship.
what indictments do you imagine are coming? lol
That would have to be Fox in your telling.

But then, Fox isn’t actually a news organization.
lol. Just want toss some mud at Fox? Did she interview with them?

MSNBC has no credibility on political issues. Sorry. Not surprising that they would be happy to participate in the white house revolving door and take on someone who's job was to spin (lie) to the public.
The WH Spox position often turns into a more lucrative media gig. The position pays less than $200K annually which is not a lot (especially with this inflation) if you plan to stay in DC or you want to go back to a media center like NYC/LA. You need to transition away from it eventually. The only thing that's a little strange is that this is being announced while she's still in her current position. I think she should have resigned and a backup should have filled in. It's a little unethical to take questions from the WH press pool that includes organizations you're taking job offers from and then waiting to transition. But, it's not a huge deal.

The WH Press Secretary going to MSNBC is basically the same thing as Trump's people going to Fox News. If you opposed that, but support this.. or vice versa, there's something wrong.
what indictments do you imagine are coming? lol
Joe is too deep in the state to let that happen. Unless Pillosi wants him out.
Joe is too deep in the state to let that happen. Unless Pillosi wants him out.
So no crimes then. Thanks.

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