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Presidential Correspondents Dinner 2022 with President Biden and Trevor Noah (1 Viewer)

Old 'N Chill

DP Veteran
Jun 24, 2019
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President Biden's speech at the 2022 Presidential Correspondents Dinner. Second video is Trevor Noah's jokes and remarks afterwards. Good remarks by our President and a few laughs thanks to Trevor.

Reruns of Gilligan's Island had more viewers.
I thought he did quite well. I like the self-deprecating humour. Wasn't keen on the plague reference to Trump but loved the jab at Fox. Obama was my favourite at these types of events his delivery and facial expressions were terrific. GWB was pretty good at this stuff too.
Yes, I watched the President's and the comedian's speeches on C-SPAN.

It was all clean fun.

The comedian got in a few incisive (and insulting) comments, but the audience took them in stride.

I guess that everyone is waiting to see if the event was a super spreader, even though everyone was tested before being allowed in.
....and was funnier....

If your benchmark is Gilligan, where would Trump be by that comparison? You brought up humor as a rating factor of a president.
I haven't seen it but I don't know if anyone could top Michelle Wolf.
Thank god we have a president with a backbone again.
I agree. It's good to have a patriotic adult President in our White House again who is intelligent and has a pair between his legs, as opposed to gargling with Putin's like the ex-Inciter In Chief and traitor.
Cadet Bone Spurs bravely turned and fled from these.

Reminds me of...

The coward fled from reality many times, so do his worshipers. 🤡 You know, the ones who cannot control their loyalty desire to troll this thread instead of just passing it by like adults.
I agree. It's good to have a patriotic adult President in our White House again who is intelligent and has a pair between his legs, as opposed to gargling with Putin's like the ex-Inciter In Chief and traitor.
A pair of what - Depends?

We get you didn't like Trump - but to counter your opinion of him with such obvious pandering drivel like this is so over the top ridiculous it's going to be hard to take anything you say going forward at all seriously.
OMG - you're... serious?

Of course. Donald Trump was afraid of criticism and so never attended a White House Correspondents Dinner as President. Biden proved he wasn't afraid last night by not only attending but embracing criticism. Biden showed more class, dignity, and courage in one night than Trump did in his entire presidency.

Biden actually has a backbone. Trump was that pitiable coward who constantly ran his mouth with nothing to back it up.
The symptoms are even more serious than I imagined.
Trump never got over the shot Obama took at him when Trump was a candidate. Trump in no way could stand up there and be self-deprecating and he sure as hell couldn't handle any teasing.
Trump never got over the shot Obama took at him when Trump was a candidate. Trump in no way could stand up there and be self-deprecating and he sure as hell couldn't handle any teasing.
Yup, Trump would NEVER stand up there and do the Conservative version of a "Let's go Brandon" joke.

A pair of what - Depends?

We get you didn't like Trump - but to counter your opinion of him with such obvious pandering drivel like this is so over the top ridiculous it's going to be hard to take anything you say going forward at all seriously.
Childish trolling, too bad you're no good at it. 🤡
President Biden's speech at the 2022 Presidential Correspondents Dinner. Second video is Trevor Noah's jokes and remarks afterwards. Good remarks by our President and a few laughs thanks to Trevor.

I'm glad we have a president with a spine again.

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