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President selected (1 Viewer)

Little Trump

New member
Aug 7, 2020
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I'd like to tell you all. You want a President who can make the country stronge, who can protect the U.S constitution ?
We should make it clear before going to debate.
Wait... what?
Little Trump is about as clear as real Trump on twitter. Covfefe.
I'd like to tell you all. You want a President who can make the country stronge, who can protect the U.S constitution ?
We should make it clear before going to debate.

Is stronge a combination of strong and sponge?
Little Trump want leader that's stronge. Stronge like bull. Like Vlad. He like bull. With no shirt. On horseback.
He's from Vietnam. I'd cut him some slack on the language thing. Maybe not so much on his choice of handle, though.

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