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President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in her (1 Viewer)


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Mar 30, 2013
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The Lone Star State.
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Keith Kakugawa: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in her apartment'

President Obama's high school best friend, who at one time was 'like a brother' to him, has been accused of brutally raping and beating a woman, it emerged today.
Keith Kiyoshi Kakugawa, 54, from Eureka, California, was arrested at his home last Sunday and booked into Humboldt County Jail on suspicion of false imprisonment, sexual penetration by force, oral copulation by force and battery.
The arrest is the latest in a long list of convictions for Kakugawa, who was close friends with the President when they both attended Panahou High School.

Judge a man by the friends he keeps...
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

Or judge a man by the threads he makes.

Apparently, there were only four blacks in the HS so it stands to reason they would all hang out together. It's quite a streeeeeeeeetch to say that Obama is somehow responsible for the actions of someone he knew in HS and has had little contact with since.

Obama isn't going to be running for the highest office again so why are conservatives still so obsessed with his childhood?
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Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

Jesus was friends with Judas Iscariot and George Washington was friends with Benedict Arnold.
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

This is the saddest attempt at guilt-by-association I've seen in a while.

How the hell do you judge a man because a friend in high school did something wrong over 30 years later?
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

Keith Kakugawa: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in her apartment'

President Obama's high school best friend, who at one time was 'like a brother' to him, has been accused of brutally raping and beating a woman, it emerged today.
Keith Kiyoshi Kakugawa, 54, from Eureka, California, was arrested at his home last Sunday and booked into Humboldt County Jail on suspicion of false imprisonment, sexual penetration by force, oral copulation by force and battery.
The arrest is the latest in a long list of convictions for Kakugawa, who was close friends with the President when they both attended Panahou High School.

Judge a man by the friends he keeps...

So the Bushes are friends with the Saudi Royal family and they have over the years supported terrorist!
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

Judge a man by the friends he keeps...

Or in this case...Judge a man by the friends he had THIRTY SIX YEARS AGO

For ****s Sake, really?

They were friends from high school and your own article says that, after that, their paths largely diverged from each other. They're now more than a QUARTER DECADE away from being friends. God knows what happens and occurs over that time, not to mention that if anything the fact he DIDN'T "keep his company" perhaps speaks of sound MODERN judgement as opposed to poor PAST judgement.

Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

This is the saddest attempt at guilt-by-association I've seen in a while.

How the hell do you judge a man because a friend in high school did something wrong over 30 years later?

You don't listen to Sean Hannity do you?
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

Keith Kakugawa: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in her apartment'

President Obama's high school best friend, who at one time was 'like a brother' to him, has been accused of brutally raping and beating a woman, it emerged today.
Keith Kiyoshi Kakugawa, 54, from Eureka, California, was arrested at his home last Sunday and booked into Humboldt County Jail on suspicion of false imprisonment, sexual penetration by force, oral copulation by force and battery.
The arrest is the latest in a long list of convictions for Kakugawa, who was close friends with the President when they both attended Panahou High School.

Judge a man by the friends he keeps...

There are a ton of reasons to criticize Obama. I don't think this is one of them. If a story like this came out about a candidate I support, it wouldn't change my opinion of that candidate.
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

so why are conservatives still so obsessed with his childhood?

Because he's still enjoying it...
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

You don't listen to Sean Hannity do you?

I used to.

Stopped right around when he tried to bring back the Vince Foster murder conspiracy during the 08 election season.


Pretty sure the list of those not guilty would be miiiiiiighty short if we started judging people by the actions of everyone they ever met; past, present, and future.
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

There are a ton of reasons to criticize Obama. I don't think this is one of them. If a story like this came out about a candidate I support, it wouldn't change my opinion of that candidate.

I'll go further and say if this was about a candidate I didn't support, wouldn't alter my opinion one iota. Put it under W for Whodafuqcares.
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

So the Bushes are friends with the Saudi Royal family and they have over the years supported terrorist!

If you use oil, so do you.
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

Or in this case...Judge a man by the friends he had THIRTY SIX YEARS AGO

For ****s Sake, really?

They were friends from high school and your own article says that, after that, their paths largely diverged from each other. They're now more than a QUARTER DECADE away from being friends. God knows what happens and occurs over that time, not to mention that if anything the fact he DIDN'T "keep his company" perhaps speaks of sound MODERN judgement as opposed to poor PAST judgement.


His 'current' friends are nothing to write home about.

If he has 'secrets' about Barry, I would bet there's more to this story.
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

If you use oil, so do you.

Canada supplies most of the oil in the US.
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

Keith Kakugawa: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in her apartment'

President Obama's high school best friend, who at one time was 'like a brother' to him, has been accused of brutally raping and beating a woman, it emerged today.
Keith Kiyoshi Kakugawa, 54, from Eureka, California, was arrested at his home last Sunday and booked into Humboldt County Jail on suspicion of false imprisonment, sexual penetration by force, oral copulation by force and battery.
The arrest is the latest in a long list of convictions for Kakugawa, who was close friends with the President when they both attended Panahou High School.

Judge a man by the friends he keeps...

Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

My god, this thread is like having ringside seats to the legion of dumb civil war.

Why does anyone allow most of you people to vote?
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

His 'current' friends are nothing to write home about.

If he has 'secrets' about Barry, I would bet there's more to this story.

You've already proven that the story doesn't have any credibility.

"....Since then, their lives have gone down completely different paths and Kakugawa is said to be so bitter over it, he even threatened to reveal stories from their school days after Obama became president.

'It's a sad tale of how two young boys who were best friends in high school took drastically different paths in their lives,' Kakugawa's father Kenneth told the National Enquirer.

'When Keith started to face hard times, he grew resentful and bitter of Barry's success..."

Read more: Keith Kakugawa: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in her apartment' | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

You've already proven that the story doesn't have any credibility.

"....Since then, their lives have gone down completely different paths and Kakugawa is said to be so bitter over it, he even threatened to reveal stories from their school days after Obama became president.

'It's a sad tale of how two young boys who were best friends in high school took drastically different paths in their lives,' Kakugawa's father Kenneth told the National Enquirer.

'When Keith started to face hard times, he grew resentful and bitter of Barry's success..."

Read more: Keith Kakugawa: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in her apartment' | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Credibility for what? The article is about what Obama's old friend did to some poor woman.

Oh I see, no matter what happens, if it somehow put Obama in a bad light, the story isn't credible.
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

It always comes down to blaming Bush....geeezzz.

Why not the righties blame Obama for Katrina!!
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

Judge a man by the friends he keeps...

Apparently Obama didn't keep this one. I would think that would reflect well on him.
Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

Apparently Obama didn't keep this one. I would think that would reflect well on him.

It's a wonder 'cause the article says he was a Wall Street broker.
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Re: President Obama's best friend from high school 'brutally beat and raped woman in

Credibility for what? The article is about what Obama's old friend did to some poor woman.

Oh I see, no matter what happens, if it somehow put Obama in a bad light, the story isn't credible.

The article said the man is bitter over Obama's success. That discredits his objectivity.

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