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President Lied - Soldiers Died (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
If you thought this would be about Bush's lies that led us into the Iraq war, you thought wrong. This is about President Lyndon Johnson's lie which led us into Vietnam. The lie? The Tonkin Gulf incident, which intelligence reports were doctored around. It was disclosed today that the National Security Agency has been covering this up for years.

So while you Democrats accuse Bush of lies, better take a good look in the mirror. The lies today might not be right, but that does not excuse the lies that killed 56,000 of our soldiers.

Just something to think about that came up in the news. Its not about party affiliation at all. It is about the lies which span generations and parties. What America needs is just one honest politican, preferably neither a Republican nor a Democrat. Good luck finding him.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
If you thought this would be about Bush's lies that led us into the Iraq war, you thought wrong. This is about President Lyndon Johnson's lie which led us into Vietnam. The lie? The Tonkin Gulf incident, which intelligence reports were doctored around. It was disclosed today that the National Security Agency has been covering this up for years.

So while you Democrats accuse Bush of lies, better take a good look in the mirror. The lies today might not be right, but that does not excuse the lies that killed 56,000 of our soldiers.

Just something to think about that came up in the news. Its not about party affiliation at all. It is about the lies which span generations and parties. What America needs is just one honest politican, preferably neither a Republican nor a Democrat. Good luck finding him.

Article is here.

Dan, ..I honestly RESPECT your unbiased brutal honesty!
danarhea said:
So while you Democrats accuse Bush of lies, better take a good look in the mirror. The lies today might not be right, but that does not excuse the lies that killed 56,000 of our soldiers.

Just something to think about that came up in the news. Its not about party affiliation at all. It is about the lies which span generations and parties. What America needs is just one honest politican, preferably neither a Republican nor a Democrat. Good luck finding him.

Article is here.
It should also be a lesson for all those that think their elected officials can do no wrong. You should always be questioning the Government even if people accuse you of being unpatriotic for doing so.
The only time I ****ing lied is when I told you that i was NOT your ****ing dad. Get it ****er? Or does the double negative confuse your ****ing raped head? Worship me.

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