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President hits new lows in poll (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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We have a booming economy..........Construction is at record high...Inflation is at record lows........Unemployment is at its lowest in 20 years..........Tax cuts stimulate the economy.......They should be made permanent and more should be given.....

Navy Pride


Bush's disapproval rating now at record 58%

WASHINGTON — Americans' view of President Bush and his leadership has soured in the wake of dismay over the government's response to Hurricane Katrina, the course of the Iraq war and the future of the economy.

Bush's rating for handling each of those issues dropped to the lowest of his presidency in a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday.

Assessments of his personal qualities also fell: For the first time, a majority say he isn't a strong and decisive leader.

Bush's overall approval rating is 40%, equaling a previous low. His overall disapproval rating is 58%, a new high.

"Bush stands at a precipice," says Carroll Doherty of the non-——partisan Pew Research Center. "He's lost ground among independents. He seems to be starting to lose ground among his own party. And he lost the Democrats a long time ago."

There are signs of friction between the top two concerns on Bush's agenda — the Iraq war and Katrina recovery.

A 54% majority say the best way for the government to pay for hurricane relief is by cutting war spending. Just 6% support spending cuts in domestic programs, as Bush has suggested.

Nearly two-thirds of those polled, 63%, say some or all of the U.S. troops in Iraq should be withdrawn. A record-high 59% say it was a mistake to invade...
Well when we have a media the perpetuates the myths such as Bush wanted to let black people die in New Orleans what do you expect?
Here is the problem in a nutshell.

The Bush Administration is great at politics. Perhaps one of the best administrations ever at it.

But, the Bush Administration is terrible at governing. Perhaps on of the worst administations ever at it.

They can try to spin spin spin all they want, but in the end its the facts on the ground that the people judge you by.
KidRocks said:
And he lost the Democrats a long time ago."

Did he ever have the support of the Democrats?

It is kind of eerie to see Howard Dean on the view trying to save face for the mayor of New Orleans after he let those school busses flood. :violin

"We didn't have bus drivers" really doesn't fly. :lol:

The media is having a partially successful campaign to discredit the President for the deaths rightfully attributed to the mistakes of 2 Democrats.
I guess Blanco is done "Thinking" about forced evacuations now.
Her distraught woman act bought her some time but that wont last much longer. Her resignation should have hit the table faster than Browns.

On the other hand hindsight is 20/20 and I am sure everyone would have reacted differently if they had reread the weather report and payed attention to the number "5" and understood what that means.:confused:

At least the Florida leadership seems to have learned a hard lesson and they appear to be already on the ball with Rita threatening and its still a baby by comparison at the moment. But then again hes a Republican.

akyron said:
Did he ever have the support of the Democrats?

It is kind of eerie to see Howard Dean on the view trying to save face for the mayor of New Orleans after he let those school busses flood. :violin

"We didn't have bus drivers" really doesn't fly. :lol:

The media is having a partially successful campaign to discredit the President for the deaths rightfully attributed to the mistakes of 2 Democrats.
I guess Blanco is done "Thinking" about forced evacuations now.
Her distraught woman act bought her some time but that wont last much longer. Her resignation should have hit the table faster than Browns.

On the other hand hindsight is 20/20 and I am sure everyone would have reacted differently if they had reread the weather report and payed attention to the number "5" and understood what that means.:confused:

At least the Florida leadership seems to have learned a hard lesson and they appear to be already on the ball with Rita threatening and its still a baby by comparison at the moment. But then again hes a Republican.


Like I say, you can try to spin spin spin all they want, but in the end its the facts on the ground that the people judge you by.

If he were not so incompetent and did not consistenly govern so poorly, more Americans would approve of the job he is doing. It is as simple as that. Even when Clinton was at the height of the Lewinsky scandal he still had record high approval numbers because people liked the job he was doing and felt he governed well.
FinnMacCool said:
Stinger, where do you get your news?

Chuck D the rapper liberal mouthpiece on Air America speaking for your friend and mine Louis Farrakan.

"I heard from a very reliable source who saw a 25 foot deep crater under the levee breach. It may have been blown up to destroy the black part of town and keep the white part dry," Farrakhan said.

If hes trying to be funny hes not. If he is trying to be serious hes being funny.

Either way he needs a real job.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Like I say, you can try to spin spin spin all they want, but in the end its the facts on the ground that the people judge you by.

If he were not so incompetent and did not consistenly govern so poorly, more Americans would approve of the job he is doing. It is as simple as that. Even when Clinton was at the height of the Lewinsky scandal he still had record high approval numbers because people liked the job he was doing and felt he governed well.

And they thought it was cool the Prez was getting a hummer in the oval.
akyron said:
And they thought it was cool the Prez was getting a hummer in the oval.

No, they just didnt see how that affected anyone but his wife and kid.

When will you right wingers get it. Joe Blow American just wants his beer on sunday, a strong economy and the government out of his bedroom. Thats it.
Wow if thats where he gets his news, no wonder he thinks there is such a media bias! Its like me listening to Rush Limbaugh everyday and then complaining about conservative bias in the media.
FinnMacCool said:
Wow if thats where he gets his news, no wonder he thinks there is such a media bias! Its like me listening to Rush Limbaugh everyday and then complaining about conservative bias in the media.

Rush is a self proclaimed entertainer not a newsman.

CBS tells you "this is the news" and then the news spins like a top.

There is a difference.
SouthernDemocrat said:
No, they just didnt see how that affected anyone but his wife and kid.

When will you right wingers get it. Joe Blow American just wants his beer on sunday, a strong economy and the government out of his bedroom. Thats it.

Planes decorating the WTC dont do too well for the strong economy just fyi.
Maybe there's more to Bush's rating than merely Katrina?

Am I the only one thinks that the American public isn't merely sheeple?
Simon W. Moon said:
Maybe there's more to Bush's rating than merely Katrina?

Am I the only one thinks that the American public isn't merely sheeple?

Hi Simon,

You ever get any answers from those Senators?
akyron said:
Planes decorating the WTC dont do too well for the strong economy just fyi.

Why is it that the party of "Personal Responsibility" has nothing but excuses?
SouthernDemocrat said:
Why is it that the party of "Personal Responsibility" has nothing but excuses?
BAM, how do you like them apples?!
Simon W. Moon said:
Maybe there's more to Bush's rating than merely Katrina?

Am I the only one thinks that the American public isn't merely sheeple?
There is definitely more to it, but Katrina was a unusually heavy blow. Bush certainly wasn't helping himself by relaxing at the ranch while people were in NO were begging for help. The "cake walk" in Iraq and high gas prices have been gradually lowering his approval ratings but Katrina was the wake up call.

I'm not sure if another terrorist attack would lower or raise his approval ratings at this point. 9/11 raised his approval ratings tremendously(baffling to me) but we weren't at war then.
akyron said:
Did he ever have the support of the Democrats?

It is kind of eerie to see Howard Dean on the view trying to save face for the mayor of New Orleans after he let those school busses flood. :violin

"We didn't have bus drivers" really doesn't fly. :lol:

The media is having a partially successful campaign to discredit the President for the deaths rightfully attributed to the mistakes of 2 Democrats.
I guess Blanco is done "Thinking" about forced evacuations now.
Her distraught woman act bought her some time but that wont last much longer. Her resignation should have hit the table faster than Browns.

On the other hand hindsight is 20/20 and I am sure everyone would have reacted differently if they had reread the weather report and payed attention to the number "5" and understood what that means.:confused:

At least the Florida leadership seems to have learned a hard lesson and they appear to be already on the ball with Rita threatening and its still a baby by comparison at the moment. But then again hes a Republican.


YES! Bush had the support of the Democrats when he invaded Afgainistan.

Its when Bush let Osama and the Talaban go free, then invaded IRAQ that they went against him!
scottyz said:
There is definitely more to it, but Katrina was a unusually heavy blow. Bush certainly wasn't helping himself by relaxing at the ranch while people were in NO were begging for help. The "cake walk" in Iraq and high gas prices have been gradually lowering his approval ratings but Katrina was the wake up call.

I'm not sure if another terrorist attack would lower or raise his approval ratings at this point. 9/11 raised his approval ratings tremendously(baffling to me) but we weren't at war then.
yeah, what I think is that Bush has been promising things for 5 years, and people are realizing that he's not only not delivering, but he's making things worse.
So I think a terrorist attack could go either way, but I know my reaction would be rage that we've wasted thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars, and we're not any safer.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Why is it that the party of "Personal Responsibility" has nothing but excuses?
Excuses for what? Sunni happens. Read the Koran.
akyron said:
Excuses for what? Sunni happens. Read the Koran.
right, so why hasn't Bush come out and said "It was a great lapse in judgement to believe that these different groups would abandon hundreds of years of fighting and greet us as liberators." hmm? Shouldn't he take responsibility for that lapse of judgement, especially in the situation that this effect was as obvious as you claim.
galenrox said:
right, so why hasn't Bush come out and said "It was a great lapse in judgement to believe that these different groups would abandon hundreds of years of fighting and greet us as liberators." hmm? Shouldn't he take responsibility for that lapse of judgement, especially in the situation that this effect was as obvious as you claim.

Would you tolerate something so simple in its complexity?
I think more screaming for his head would ensue.
Its like 2800 years of various conflicts not a couple of hundred.
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akyron said:
Hi Simon,

You ever get any answers from those Senators?
No, actually. I haven't.
Unfortunately I've been derailed / sidetracked w/ some more mundane exploits.
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taxpayer said:
YES! Bush had the support of the Democrats when he invaded Afgainistan.

Its when Bush let Osama and the Talaban go free, then invaded IRAQ that they went against him!
Most national level Dem politicians supported the invasion of Iraq. Many of them still do.
Yeah but I supported him too when it came to all that ****.

I realize now how much I got tricked into supporting him. using 9/11 to his political advantage. Its shameful. In 20 years, I hope people will realize him for what he really is. Everyone including me thought he was somekind of hero then.

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