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President Bush's Job Ratings State by State (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
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Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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Bush's job approval rating nationally seems bad enough, but when you break it down, state by state, things look even bleaker. Fact is, Bush's approval is over 50% in only 3 states - Utah, Wyoming, and Alabama. Unless the GOP dumps him soon, things are going to get a lot bleaker for the Republican Party.

Article is here
Was going to give this article it's own thread but it's getting boring and commonplace to read about President Bush and his dismal poll-ratings.


Most Americans believe war in Iraq hasn't been 'worth it'

WASHINGTON — Three years after the invasion of Iraq, more than half of Americans say the war there has touched their own lives, a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll finds. By 3-1, they call the effect a negative one.
For most, the conflict has hit close to home: Six in 10 say a close friend, family member or co-worker has served in Iraq. More than one in 10 say someone close to them has been killed or wounded there.

Nearly six in 10 say the war has had a negative impact on the nation generally.

The confidence when the invasion was launched has been replaced by second-guessing about the wisdom of going to war and dissatisfaction with the way it's been waged. In March 2003, by 3-1 Americans said the U.S. action in Iraq was morally justified; now 50% say it's not. A month after the invasion, 85% said the war was going well; now 60% say it's going badly. A record 60% now say the war hasn't been "worth it."

"Without some milestones by which they can evaluate whether progress is being made or not, Americans are very unsettled about the war," Republican pollster David Winston says, "and it makes them unsettled about the direction of the country."

The casualties' toll is shaping attitudes. Those who know someone who has served are less likely than other Americans to say it was a mistake to invade. However, if the person close to them had been killed or wounded, they are more likely than the public generally to call the war a mistake...

Crap, now he'll never get reelected!
danarhea said:
Bush's job approval rating nationally seems bad enough, but when you break it down, state by state, things look even bleaker. Fact is, Bush's approval is over 50% in only 3 states - Utah, Wyoming, and Alabama. Unless the GOP dumps him soon, things are going to get a lot bleaker for the Republican Party.

Article is here

I guess he has no chance in 2008, eh?

He can run in 2008 you know -- after all, you can be elected twice, and he wasnt elected in 2000.
KCConservative said:
Crap, now he'll never get reelected!

Maybe you didn't realize KCC but the topic of this thread had nothing to do with re-election, it had to do with what the public thinks of your prez. Maybe you need to read the threads a little more carefully?

I guess he has no chance in 2008, eh?

He can run in 2008 you know -- after all, you can be elected twice, and he wasnt elected in 2000.!

Now THATS funny ORIGINAL sarcasm.
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disneydude said:
Maybe you didn't realize KCC but the topic of this thread had nothing to do with re-election, it had to do with what the public thinks of your prez. Maybe you need to read the threads a little more carefully?

Now THATS funny ORIGINAL sarcasm.
Well, I'll just say that some people on this board have a lack of cognitive function. You are correct, of course. I was talking about the Republican party, per se, not Bush, although his coattails are so short right now, he will help virtually no candidate for office this year.
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KCConservative said:
Crap, now he'll never get reelected!

So you are ok with a President doing whatever they wished in their second term merely because they don't have a chance to be reelected? Even if those actions hurt the nation in the short or long term?
We get it already, he sucks, his number suck, he's a lame duck, everyone gets it, honestly we do. I can't wait till the guy is gone, but you'll never be rid of Republicans, Democrats, and Democrats, Republicans. If we can't work together, and stop this mindless bickering, the only ones that truly lose, are us folks! Bush will make millions giving speeches, or writing books, or having someone write them for him, just like his predecessor has. His days are numbered, but to distract the country with this hatefest, it's not doing us any good, and it's a major distraction from what we need to be doing. We need to be uniting this country, we need to rebuild three hurricane ravaged states, and one major city. We need to tighten the belt, and get ourselves out of debt, and not just by extorting the rich, but in every way possible.

I just grow so tired of the Bush threads, and I have watched the country suffer from the distraction, it's time to get down to business.:roll:
Deegan said:
We get it already, he sucks, his number suck, he's a lame duck, everyone gets it, honestly we do. I can't wait till the guy is gone, but you'll never be rid of Republicans, Democrats, and Democrats, Republicans. If we can't work together, and stop this mindless bickering, the only ones that truly lose, are us folks! Bush will make millions giving speeches, or writing books, or having someone write them for him, just like his predecessor has. His days are numbered, but to distract the country with this hatefest, it's not doing us any good, and it's a major distraction from what we need to be doing. We need to be uniting this country, we need to rebuild three hurricane ravaged states, and one major city. We need to tighten the belt, and get ourselves out of debt, and not just by extorting the rich, but in every way possible.

I just grow so tired of the Bush threads, and I have watched the country suffer from the distraction, it's time to get down to business.:roll:
You act like the solution would be for Democrats and Republicans to kiss and make up. You forget that both parties are corrupt to the core. Unless the American people wake up and make a determination to boot everyone out of office, both Democrat and Republican, who are part of the corruptness in Washington, we will continue to have the kind of sleazy government we deserve.
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Deegan said:
We get it already, he sucks, his number suck, he's a lame duck, everyone gets it, honestly we do. I can't wait till the guy is gone, but you'll never be rid of Republicans, Democrats, and Democrats, Republicans. If we can't work together, and stop this mindless bickering, the only ones that truly lose, are us folks! Bush will make millions giving speeches, or writing books, or having someone write them for him, just like his predecessor has. His days are numbered, but to distract the country with this hatefest, it's not doing us any good, and it's a major distraction from what we need to be doing. We need to be uniting this country, we need to rebuild three hurricane ravaged states, and one major city. We need to tighten the belt, and get ourselves out of debt, and not just by extorting the rich, but in every way possible.

I just grow so tired of the Bush threads, and I have watched the country suffer from the distraction, it's time to get down to business.:roll:

Thanx Deegan -
I haven't been around this forum very long, nor do I contribute very much, so if I said something like this, which I heartily feel, someone would attempt to rip me a new one. Your words carry more weight than mine, so thanx again, I agree wholeheartedly, we need to work together and not blast Bush anymore, it's a waste of energy that could be used to advance our country.
danarhea said:
You act like the solution would be for Democrats and Republicans to kiss and make up.

Sure would be more effective than finding fault with everything each side does.
I really can't wait until his term is up either.

It will ne interesting to see if a Democrat gets elected next. I really wonder what Rolling Stone, Michael Moore and Air America would talk about.
SixStringHero said:
I really can't wait until his term is up either.

It will ne interesting to see if a Democrat gets elected next. I really wonder what Rolling Stone, Michael Moore and Air America would talk about.

Problem is, if the next president is a Democrat, it will just be more of the same. The irony here is that the Bush supporters will end up being my friends if that happens, because I will be all over a Democratic president. I will be over all of them until things really change.
Paladin said:
Thanx Deegan -
I haven't been around this forum very long, nor do I contribute very much, so if I said something like this, which I heartily feel, someone would attempt to rip me a new one. Your words carry more weight than mine, so thanx again, I agree wholeheartedly, we need to work together and not blast Bush anymore, it's a waste of energy that could be used to advance our country.

Trust me, I wasted a lot of time defending the man, and the party, and watched as the country fell to pieces around me. The hate we felt for each other, the rhetoric we spewed, it was all part of the problem, I blame your party, you blame mine. Dan still does not get it, yes, they do need to "kiss and make up" so to speak. They don't have to really love each other, or even like each other, but they do have to work together for the common good, or they are out on their butts, end of story. This distraction works well for both of them, and I will no longer play a part in their puppet show, Americans are better then this, let's show them how wrong they are about us, we can't be this stupid, can we?:confused:
Deegan said:
Trust me, I wasted a lot of time defending the man, and the party, and watched as the country fell to pieces around me. The hate we felt for each other, the rhetoric we spewed, it was all part of the problem, I blame your party, you blame mine. Dan still does not get it, yes, they do need to "kiss and make up" so to speak. They don't have to really love each other, or even like each other, but they do have to work together for the common good, or they are out on their butts, end of story. This distraction works well for both of them, and I will no longer play a part in their puppet show, Americans are better then this, let's show them how wrong they are about us, we can't be this stupid, can we?:confused:

With all due respect, Deegan, but you are the one who doesnt get it. OK, suppose the Democrats and Republicans make up. We are still left with either a Demoratic crook or a Republican crook as the president.

If the 2 parties make up, it will only be part of a scheme to screw the American way even harder.
danarhea said:
With all due respect, Deegan, but you are the one who doesnt get it. OK, suppose the Democrats and Republicans make up. We are still left with either a Demoratic crook or a Republican crook as the president.

If the 2 parties make up, it will only be part of a scheme to screw the American way even harder.

If they make up, we will have rank-and-file democrats working with rank-and-file republicans who will get past name calling and work to assure themselves that the president is doing the best he/she can. The pres won't be able to hide behind partisan backbiting, because he/she will be under the scrutiny of his/her own party.
danarhea said:
With all due respect, Deegan, but you are the one who doesnt get it. OK, suppose the Democrats and Republicans make up. We are still left with either a Demoratic crook or a Republican crook as the president.

If the 2 parties make up, it will only be part of a scheme to screw the American way even harder.

I'm sorry you have come to the conclusion that all are "crooks" and I certainly don't share that sentiment. I think they are all capable of doing great good, and great harm, they are choosing harm more and more as of late, and this is what concerns me. The harm comes from the constant blame, finger pointing, and angry rhetoric, which stalls the peoples business, and leads to the very corruption you speak of so very often. There is no doubt that corruption exists, but it's roots are this need to win at all costs, no matter the wake it leaves behind, or who it hurts. This is why we need to change the way we do business, it's certainly how I run mine. If an employee can not seem to get along with anyone, and the work is not getting done, and this distraction stalls the process, that person is removed. A certain Senator from S.D learned this lesson, and I hope that more are to follow, Republican, Democrat, Independent, it matters little the letter after their name, only that they are removed.
Deegan said:
I'm sorry you have come to the conclusion that all are "crooks" and I certainly don't share that sentiment. I think they are all capable of doing great good, and great harm, they are choosing harm more and more as of late, and this is what concerns me. The harm comes from the constant blame, finger pointing, and angry rhetoric, which stalls the peoples business, and leads to the very corruption you speak of so very often. There is no doubt that corruption exists, but it's roots are this need to win at all costs, no matter the wake it leaves behind, or who it hurts. This is why we need to change the way we do business, it's certainly how I run mine. If an employee can not seem to get along with anyone, and the work is not getting done, and this distraction stalls the process, that person is removed. A certain Senator from S.D learned this lesson, and I hope that more are to follow, Republican, Democrat, Independent, it matters little the letter after their name, only that they are removed.

You dont think that, after a while of making all Congressmen, Senators, and Presidents one termers, they will get the message? We the People actually have the power. Those we put in office are our employees, not our masters. We have the right to fire them at will. If we all decided to hold that fact over their heads, things would straighten out very fast.
danarhea said:
Bush's job approval rating nationally seems bad enough, but when you break it down, state by state, things look even bleaker. Fact is, Bush's approval is over 50% in only 3 states - Utah, Wyoming, and Alabama. Unless the GOP dumps him soon, things are going to get a lot bleaker for the Republican Party.

Article is here

What you liberals and Bush haters fail to realize is President Bush is not running again for re election...........You better worry about people like McCain, Rice, and Allen instead............
disneydude said:
Maybe you didn't realize KCC but the topic of this thread had nothing to do with re-election, it had to do with what the public thinks of your prez.
Then what's the point? :lol: Do you think Bush is lying awake at night worrying about his poll numbers? He's got bigger fish to fry.
danarhea said:
Well, I'll just say that some people on this board have a lack of cognitive function. You are correct, of course. I was talking about the Republican party, per se, not Bush, although his coattails are so short right now, he will help virtually no candidate for office this year.

The "cognitive function" crack is dana's way of flaming without actually saying the words stupid or dumb. He's so clever.

If his thread were about the Republican party and not about Bush, then perhaps he wrote the wrong headline. :roll:
KCConservative said:
The "cognitive function" crack is dana's way of flaming without actually saying the words stupid or dumb. He's so clever.

If his thread were about the Republican party and not about Bush, then perhaps he wrote the wrong headline. :roll:

Some of us don't have to be hit over the head in order to get it. If you read the original post (which by your first post it was obvious that you missed it), it is clear that this post is not about Bush per se. Some of us get it Dana.
disneydude said:
Some of us don't have to be hit over the head in order to get it. If you read the original post (which by your first post it was obvious that you missed it), it is clear that this post is not about Bush per se. Some of us get it Dana.

Re: President Bush's Job Ratings State by State

What part of that do you not understand?
disneydude said:
Some of us don't have to be hit over the head in order to get it. If you read the original post (which by your first post it was obvious that you missed it), it is clear that this post is not about Bush per se. Some of us get it Dana.
And some have not been here nearly long enough to know how dana works. Forgive me, but since dana's thread was titled "President Bush's Job Ratings" , I thought it would be a thread about "President's Bush Job Ratings." Instead, as dana has now shown, he meant for the thread to be about something completely different.

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