We get it already, he sucks, his number suck, he's a lame duck, everyone gets it, honestly we do. I can't wait till the guy is gone, but you'll never be rid of Republicans, Democrats, and Democrats, Republicans. If we can't work together, and stop this mindless bickering, the only ones that truly lose, are us folks! Bush will make millions giving speeches, or writing books, or having someone write them for him, just like his predecessor has. His days are numbered, but to distract the country with this hatefest, it's not doing us any good, and it's a major distraction from what we need to be doing. We need to be uniting this country, we need to rebuild three hurricane ravaged states, and one major city. We need to tighten the belt, and get ourselves out of debt, and not just by extorting the rich, but in every way possible.
I just grow so tired of the Bush threads, and I have watched the country suffer from the distraction, it's time to get down to business.:roll: