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Presenting the evidence that 911 was an inside job (archive) (1 Viewer)


Jan 21, 2006
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Political Leaning
Very Liberal
I am posting this as a resourse presenting the evidence for the case that 911 was an inside job, I am not going to discuss with those of another opinion, they get all the air time on public media and the only place scheptics of the official conspiracy theory can present their evidence is the interrnet.
They don't even present any evidence for their claims that evil terrorists who hate America did it (well evil terrorists who hate America did do it) but we would beg to differ as to rheir identity.
They present no evidence for their claims in fact they have gone to great lengths to supress any evidence that is available or should be, like the pentagon surveillance tapes, the wreckage etc.
I put this here for those who wish to check both sides of the story for themselves and am not interested in arguing with those who have too much to lose by seeing the truth.
So call me a bigot, makes a nice change, first time I've had a clear opinion in my life.
Probably because this has been the greatest eye opener for truth in human history.
The daily newsarticles on this site are not those you will get on mainstream t.v. no matter how well sourced they are.
Today's top stories: Republican Congressman says US close to dictatorship.


and : Experts call for release 911 evidence. http://www.infowars.com/articles/sept11/experts_call_for_release_of_911_evidence.htm

EDIT: this is more than double the maximum post so I will make it 3.

[Moderator mode]

No...You DON'T make it "3"...As per Forum Rules...

9. Copyrighted Material - All material posted from copyrighted material MUST contain a link to the original work. Please do not post entire articles. Proper format is to paraphrase the contents of an article and/or post relevant excerpts and then link to the rest. Best bet is to always reference the original source. Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107 http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

[Moderator mode]
Last edited by a moderator:
[Moderator Mode]

Moved to the more appropriate forum...

[Moderator Mode]
fourddream said:
I am posting this as a resourse presenting the evidence for the case that 911 was an inside job, I am not going to discuss with those of another opinion, they get all the air time on public media and the only place scheptics of the official conspiracy theory can present their evidence is the interrnet.
They don't even present any evidence for their claims that evil terrorists who hate America did it (well evil terrorists who hate America did do it) but we would beg to differ as to rheir identity.
They present no evidence for their claims in fact they have gone to great lengths to supress any evidence that is available or should be, like the pentagon surveillance tapes, the wreckage etc.
I put this here for those who wish to check both sides of the story for themselves and am not interested in arguing with those who have too much to lose by seeing the truth.
So call me a bigot, makes a nice change, first time I've had a clear opinion in my life.
Probably because this has been the greatest eye opener for truth in human history.
The daily newsarticles on this site are not those you will get on mainstream t.v. no matter how well sourced they are.
Today's top stories: Republican Congressman says US close to dictatorship.


and : Experts call for release 911 evidence. http://www.infowars.com/articles/sept11/experts_call_for_release_of_911_evidence.htm

EDIT: this is more than double the maximum post so I will make it 3.

[Moderator mode]

No...You DON'T make it "3"...As per Forum Rules...

9. Copyrighted Material - All material posted from copyrighted material MUST contain a link to the original work. Please do not post entire articles. Proper format is to paraphrase the contents of an article and/or post relevant excerpts and then link to the rest. Best bet is to always reference the original source. Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107 http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

[Moderator mode]

I beat your azz there, 9/11 thread, so you run away somewhere else with the same weak shi*t?
teacher said:
I beat your azz there, 9/11 thread, so you run away somewhere else with the same weak shi*t?

Ahh teacher you ****ing numbskull, still drinkin the government's kool aid like some puppet...

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