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Pres. Bush Paid for an Abortion (1 Viewer)

Did Pres. George W. Bush have an Abortion?

  • Yes...he got her pregnant & paid to have it Aborted

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Yes...He got her pregnant while snorting Cocaine

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • No....He did not....it's a rumor like Jen Flowers

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • No....He did not....the baby lived

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No....but Laura Bush Killed Her Boyfriend

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters

26 X World Champs

DP Veteran
Mar 6, 2005
Reaction score
Upper West Side of Manhattan (10024)
Political Leaning
Let's have some fun with this one, shall we? Some of you like to start threads or posts with the infamous words...."Rumor has it..." so I thought I'd start this thread with those same words...

Rumor has it that President Bush got a woman in Houston pregnant in 1972 during the period of time that he was a cocaine addict/user (rumor has it).

Do you belive that Bush got a woman pregnant?

Here are the facts from a true "Rumor has it site":

That rumor has been around for a long time. It's probably true, but so what? He was an irresponsible college student at the time. If the point you're making is that Bush is a hypocrite, I suggest you look at his record and show me any evidence that Bush thinks abortion is wrong.

This thread is stupid.
@_girL........ said:
I agree, but this is for fun, thats what 26 X World Champs is trying to get at, I believe :shock:
It is most definitely for fun, or maybe more importantly to debunk the "Rumor Has It" crowd in this community that write stupid posts and stupid threads like this one all the time.

I'm sick of reading about Clinton's affairs, the Travelgate murder, Hillary's a lesbian, Clinton's a rapist etc. etc. etc.

This is the stupid equivalent of those posts and threads. I think from now on anytime I read Clinton's a rapist et al my reply post will be Bush paid for an abortion, he snorts coke and Laura killed her boyfriend. Maybe then the idiocy will abate and people will start posting lucid thoughts that have a basis in fact and reason rather than fiction and fantasy.

Rumor has it this thread is not as stupid as it appears to be on the surface...
26 X World Champs said:
I think from now on anytime I read Clinton's a rapist et al my reply post will be Bush paid for an abortion, he snorts coke and Laura killed her boyfriend. Maybe then the idiocy will abate and people will start posting lucid thoughts that have a basis in fact and reason rather than fiction and fantasy.

Oh come on. You think that responding to idiocy with more idiocy will decrease the amount of idiocy on this board?

26 X World Champs said:
Rumor has it this thread is not as stupid as it appears to be on the surface...

Yes, it really is.
26 X World Champs said:
Let's have some fun with this one, shall we? Some of you like to start threads or posts with the infamous words...."Rumor has it..." so I thought I'd start this thread with those same words...

Rumor has it that President Bush got a woman in Houston pregnant in 1972 during the period of time that he was a cocaine addict/user (rumor has it).

Do you belive that Bush got a woman pregnant?

Here are the facts from a true "Rumor has it site":


in 1972 abortion was illegal, until a woman with the psuedonym Jane Roe from texas filed to have declaratory and injuctive relief agains the texas law....

Was Jane Roe's child also GWBs? hmm?
26 X World Champs said:
Just trying to be FAIR AND BALANCED....:shock:

What's up, did Navy take a vaction or something?:confused: :lol:
libertarian_knight said:
in 1972 abortion was illegal, until a woman with the psuedonym Jane Roe from texas filed to have declaratory and injuctive relief agains the texas law....

Was Jane Roe's child also GWBs? hmm?
Never was it written that it was a legal abortion...Cocaine's not legal either...:3oops:
Last edited:
libertarian_knight said:
in 1972 abortion was illegal, until a woman with the psuedonym Jane Roe from texas filed to have declaratory and injuctive relief agains the texas law....

Was Jane Roe's child also GWBs? hmm?

Lol. Yay!! Facts!!! :mrgreen:
Deegan said:
What's up, did Navy take a vaction or something?:confused: :lol:
Well...Rumor has it....
The correct answer is not on the poll.

Bush is a male and cannot get pregnant, hence he cannot have an abortion.
26 X World Champs said:
Let's have some fun with this one, shall we? Some of you like to start threads or posts with the infamous words...."Rumor has it..." so I thought I'd start this thread with those same words...

Rumor has it that President Bush got a woman in Houston pregnant in 1972 during the period of time that he was a cocaine addict/user (rumor has it).

Do you belive that Bush got a woman pregnant?

Here are the facts from a true "Rumor has it site":


this SORELOSERMAN thread needs to be in the basement-the moonbats can't prove either of these idiotic claims and are just mad that they continue to lose.

there is far more evidence that "Champs" hero Clinton was a coke head than Bush was-after all Clinton's brother is a CONVICTED COCAINE dealer and clinton would often "party" with Roger.
TurtleDude said:
this SORELOSERMAN thread needs to be in the basement-the moonbats can't prove either of these idiotic claims and are just mad that they continue to lose.

there is far more evidence that "Champs" hero Clinton was a coke head than Bush was-after all Clinton's brother is a CONVICTED COCAINE dealer and clinton would often "party" with Roger.

so? Last I checked saying "Your Honor, George Bush, Bill Clinton, and Roger Clinton did coke, therefor the charges should be dropped" won't work.

"Your Honor, laura Bush and Edward Kennedy killed people driving in their cars, I should not be charge with a DUI..."

When did conservative and republicans become moral relativists?
TurtleDude said:
this SORELOSERMAN thread needs to be in the basement-the moonbats can't prove either of these idiotic claims and are just mad that they continue to lose.

there is far more evidence that "Champs" hero Clinton was a coke head than Bush was-after all Clinton's brother is a CONVICTED COCAINE dealer and clinton would often "party" with Roger.

I agree, this would be much more fun if it was in the basement ^_^ :mrgreen:
libertarian_knight said:
so? Last I checked saying "Your Honor, George Bush, Bill Clinton, and Roger Clinton did coke, therefor the charges should be dropped" won't work.

"Your Honor, laura Bush and Edward Kennedy killed people driving in their cars, I should not be charge with a DUI..."

When did conservative and republicans become moral relativists?
Non responsive and not relevant. THERE IS NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE that Bush did Coke. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of the NY monica
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
The correct answer is not on the poll.

Bush is a male and cannot get pregnant, hence he cannot have an abortion.
Can cheerleaders have abortions?

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