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Prelude to Democratic election fraud (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2005
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Political Leaning

It would appear that civil rights activists in Atlanta would like to turn the clock back 40 years. They apparently would like to scare minority voters in to thinking that their vote will not be counted, even though the state of Georgia has taken the extreme step of offering to come to your home, and give you a state I.D! That's right, the state is trying to curb the obvious fraud commited on both sides, by actually asking for an I.D. How dare they ask for an I.D, the wacko's on the left will no longer be allowed to vote in the name of the dead, the misplaced, and the vote often crowd. There is even an outragous story in the souths biggest newspaper( the AJC) that attempts to defend this position, what the hell is this country coming to?:roll:
And what makes you think the wackos on the right aren't doing the exact same thing? I agree that we should crack down on election fraud, but if you think it's only the liberals who are to blame, I'd have to say you are sorely mistaken. Do you have any evidence to back up your claims?
The 2004 election is the first one in my life where I had to show ID in my homestate to vote. It always seemed like a bad system just to walk up to the counter, give 'em my name and vote. I think it's a good idea to have to show ID to vote as it should help close a possible hole for exploitation.
shuamort said:
The 2004 election is the first one in my life where I had to show ID in my homestate to vote. It always seemed like a bad system just to walk up to the counter, give 'em my name and vote. I think it's a good idea to have to show ID to vote as it should help close a possible hole for exploitation.

Then why would anyone be against it?
cnredd said:
Then why would anyone be against it?

I'm sure there are some people out there somewhere without proper ID. I'm personally not against it, but it could be argued that this slim few would be refused their right to vote if they needed to present ID. A solution would be to have voter registration cards that they'd give you when you registered.... oh, wait, don't they do that already?
Mikkel said:
I'm sure there are some people out there somewhere without proper ID. I'm personally not against it, but it could be argued that this slim few would be refused their right to vote if they needed to present ID. A solution would be to have voter registration cards that they'd give you when you registered.... oh, wait, don't they do that already?

With rights come responsibilities...People have the right to start their own businesses, but they's still have to apply for things like licenses and tax forms.

This isn't an instance where someone can walk into a voting booth and claim they didn't know or didn't have time to get an ID. Make it for 2006, that gives everyone enough time to get their "ID status" in order.

How can you live without one anyway...especially for voting...

"I don't want the government to know I exist, but every year, I want to vote to put people in the government"....doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
cnredd said:
With rights come responsibilities...People have the right to start their own businesses, but they's still have to apply for things like licenses and tax forms.

This isn't an instance where someone can walk into a voting booth and claim they didn't know or didn't have time to get an ID. Make it for 2006, that gives everyone enough time to get their "ID status" in order.

How can you live without one anyway...especially for voting...

"I don't want the government to know I exist, but every year, I want to vote to put people in the government"....doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

I agree completely. It's just that the more hoops you make people jump through to be able to vote, the more uncomfortable it makes 'democracy purists'. I'm with you, though.
Mikkel said:
I agree completely. It's just that the more hoops you make people jump through to be able to vote, the more uncomfortable it makes 'democracy purists'. I'm with you, though.

But are the ones protesting against it 'democracy purists'? Or is there a political agenda behind it?...I think we all know the answer....
cnredd said:
But are the ones protesting against it 'democracy purists'? Or is there a political agenda behind it?...I think we all know the answer....

I think in some cases there is a political agenda, and in some cases there isn't. I don't like to generalize these things. But I do think they should realize that without proper voter identification, our democracy is much more innacurate than if we had lower standards at the voting booth.
cnredd said:
But are the ones protesting against it 'democracy purists'? Or is there a political agenda behind it?...I think we all know the answer....

I think in some cases there is a political agenda, and in some cases there isn't. I don't like to generalize these things. But I do think they should realize that without proper voter identification, our democracy is much more innacurate than if we had lower standards at the voting booth.
sounded so nice, he had to say it twice.:lol:
I just can't believe more people are not outraged about this. These black leaders are being very unreasonable, very irresponsible, and quite nasty in their rhetoric as of late. I can't seem to find the quotes at the moment, but no doubt they will soon surface. I just don't know what is wrong with asking people for identification, the state of Georgia has said it will even come to your house and give you the I.D, it can't get any easier then that. I personally think that is ridiculous, but if they want to put forth that effort, more power to them. This whole thing just makes me very suspicious, why are they fighting this, why this circus, why pretend to fight fraud while opening us up to it by fighting this?
cnredd said:
sounded so nice, he had to say it twice.:lol:

Yeah, the forum (or my server) had a little hiccup and I must've accidentally submitted it twice. Sorry bout that.:3oops:
This doesn't seem to be about a political platform.

I'm moving it to US Politics

...3, 2, 1
Simon W. Moon said:
This doesn't seem to be about a political platform.

I'm moving it to US Politics

...3, 2, 1

It most certainly is a political platform, to scare voters in to the belief their right to vote is in danger. While it's a disgusting platform, and beyond reprehensible, a platform none the less. Still, it seems to give you joy, knock your socks off.;)

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