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Pregnant Ukrainian Woman, Newborn Die After Russian Hospital Bombing (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Pregnant Ukrainian woman being removed from a maternity hospital bombed by Russian forces in Mariupol on 3/9/22

A pregnant Ukrainian woman whose evacuation from a Russian-bombed maternity hospital was broadcast around the world has died with her newborn, the Associated Press reported Monday. The news agency documented the unnamed woman being rushed to an ambulance on a stretcher in the besieged southern city of Mariupol last Wednesday. The images highlighted the horrors of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, now entering its 19th day, and prompted international condemnation. Doctors at another Mariupol hospital even closer to the frontline labored to keep the woman, with her pelvis crushed and hip detached, alive. The woman reportedly pleaded with the medics to “kill me now” when she realized she was losing the baby. The newborn was delivered via cesarean section but showed “no signs of life,” the AP quoted surgeon Timur Marin as saying. Medics then switched their attention to the mother, where Marin said “more than 30 minutes of resuscitation didn’t produce results.” “Both died,” Marin said.

Yet another Russian military war crime. This is directly on Vladimir Putin.

This woman and her baby now join the 1,207 other Mariupol civilians murdered by invading Russian forces.

Oh my gosh! I am so very sorry to hear this. I well remember that horrifying picture with that woman and her so badly injured hip/leg. I remember thinking - just please, please, please let her and her baby live.
I was sorry to hear about this 100% Fake News event .

The neo Nazis were ordered to take over the hospital after they were forced to retreat and use it as a firing base .
Russians announced this to the world over 24 hours before the Nazis put together their Fake story about the hospital being bombed etc. Which they then did themselves .

They have now had to come up with this absurd story because everybody could see that the building damage was inconsistent with bombing and shelling --- outer walls all OK with no dead etc etc

Why are all these Fake Events so amateur .?

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