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Power in America Left or Right (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2005
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Political Leaning
When it comes to power or influence there is a definite obvious phenominum at work.
Things controled by the so called elite are leftist by and large like, most Media,hollywood,colleges,schools the courts.
Things that are controled by the people, the govt.
radio, are center or to the Right.You can see the diference.The left always talks about the power of he Right,but. Its the left that actualy has more widespread power.
How is it that the "people" control the radio? Did we elect Clear Channel? Or is it that the radio ratings are somehow controlled by the people, whereas the tv ratings are controlled by solely by the whims of George Soros?
Where did you come to that conclusion? As far as I can tell, the people responsible for getting Bush elected in 2004 and for his 90 percent approval ratings after 9/11 were the media.
RE ; Russel Hammond # 2
Radio is more listener controled thats why the majority of talk shows on Radio are center to right of center.
I have about 50 channels on my TV and of that 2 are center to right of center and it drives the liberals nuts.They cannot stand competition,especialy when it beats them.
JOHNYJ said:
When it comes to power or influence there is a definite obvious phenominum at work.
Things controled by the so called elite are leftist by and large like, most Media,hollywood,colleges,schools the courts.
Things that are controled by the people, the govt.
radio, are center or to the Right.You can see the diference.The left always talks about the power of he Right,but. Its the left that actualy has more widespread power.

Great more idiocy. The "left" as you call it doesn't control most media, I've noticed most media is Centered, except FOXNEWS, they are mostly conservatives.

The Supreme court is Dominated by conservatives. And people don't control govt. radio, the govt. does.

And anyways, the "left" also includes communists socialists and most anachists, I don't see them in control of any media. I assume this "left" is really just liberals.

But the "Right" also includes fascists and nazis, and they don't control much either.I assume this "right" is really just conservatives.
JOHNYJ said:
When it comes to power or influence there is a definite obvious phenominum at work.
Things controled by the so called elite are leftist by and large like, most Media,hollywood,colleges,schools the courts.
Things that are controled by the people, the govt.
radio, are center or to the Right.You can see the diference.The left always talks about the power of he Right,but. Its the left that actualy has more widespread power.

There is not a legal scholar in this country who whould not say that our courts are controlled by conservatives. If I am not mistaken, about 70% of the judges on the federal courts were appointed by Republicans.
SouthernDemocrat said:
There is not a legal scholar in this country who whould not say that our courts are controlled by conservatives. If I am not mistaken, about 70% of the judges on the federal courts were appointed by Republicans.
Considering that in the last 24 years, 75% of the Presidents have been Republicans, that sounds about right....

What's the problem?
I don't see how the left has so much power at this juncture in the history of the country. Don't know if this makes sense or not, but I think the perception is that the situations or issues controlled by the right limit the amount of choice given to people because of the more conservative views. A perception of lack of choice or control will always lead the left to believe the right has more control...
JOHNYJ said:
RE ; Russel Hammond # 2
Radio is more listener controled thats why the majority of talk shows on Radio are center to right of center.
I have about 50 channels on my TV and of that 2 are center to right of center and it drives the liberals nuts.They cannot stand competition,especialy when it beats them.

Please explain how radio is more listener controlled. And you're slightly wrong about radio. For the sake of argument, I'm assuming that you believe that NPR is liberal. Feel free to correct me if I'm mis-characterizing your viewpoint. "Morning edition" on NPR is consistently one of the highest rated radio shows in the nation (often beating Howard Stern by huge margins). The only conservative that gets better numbers is Rush. Sean Hannity is close to the ratings of "Morning Edition." Ratings for talk radio: http://www.talkers.com/talkaud.html Ratings for Morning Edition: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/story/294502p-252162c.html

On TV, let's get real... we aren't talking about 50 channels, we're talking about a handful of channels that show a bias. And yes, anyone would admit that MTV, HBO, Showtime, and Comedy Central, while entertainment networks, are clearly left-leaning. However, there is no left-leaning 24-hour news channel on television. That's why so many left and left-center folks use "the Daily Show" as their primary source for television news.

Personally, I detest both television news and television and radio talk shows. I like NPR, because it mainly just reports the news and lets both sides say their piece.
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SouthernDemocrat said:
There is not a legal scholar in this country who whould not say that our courts are controlled by conservatives. If I am not mistaken, about 70% of the judges on the federal courts were appointed by Republicans.

This Grist "Muckraker" article from October 14, 2004 states that 55% of federal judges were appointed by Republicans. http://www.grist.org/news/muck/2004/10/14/little-judges/

Bush has appointed some federal judges since then, and I'm sure at least some of them were replacements for Democratic appointees. So the number is probably above 55%, but lower than your estimate.
In these postings you will note that the liberals expect judges to be ideologica.l To allow that to color their rulings. Surprise, the judges appointed by Republicans have fooled you. Like in the terry Sciavo case they upheld the law !
Very fw TV stations are centersist. The Bias is institutional, liberal college,liberal school of journalism.
The entertainment industry because of the way it is is also institutionaly liberal to extremly left wing.
By the way has Streisand Immigrated yet.
JOHNYJ said:
The entertainment industry because of the way it is is also institutionaly liberal to extremly left wing.

So, you're saying that entertainment is not only liberal bias, but also has either a socialist/anarchist/communist bias? Get a life. The day we've heard our voices in the media is the day the world goes crazy, or capitalism as it is currently stops.
I'm not a American but I think interstingt that the threadstarter doesn't mention coperations. Becuase my perception is that America is the western country or atleast one of the western countries there coperations have the most influece. Also my perception is that american coperations are not useally leftwing or representing the people.
JOHNYJ said:
In these postings you will note that the liberals expect judges to be ideologica.l

In which postings? I was relieved when Bush appointed John Roberts, for instance, instead of a conservative who would ignore the law. That's wonderful that many Republicans like Gerry Ford and Bush Senior appointed judges that follow the law.
Russell Hammond said:
In which postings? I was relieved when Bush appointed John Roberts, for instance, instead of a conservative who would ignore the law. That's wonderful that many Republicans like Gerry Ford and Bush Senior appointed judges that follow the law.

are you saying that poorly reasoned cases are entitled to complete deference? I suspect you are educated and intelligent enough to understand what is called the leftword ratcheting of jurisprudence and I hope we get judges that break the ratchet

What this means is that the left for years has relied on the following

1) an activist court-say the FDR cowed courts after 1936-engages in leftwing jursidprudence.

2) a conservative court (Ike etc) holds that the activist decisions are entitled to respect as precedent.

3) another activist court-warren et al-cranks the ratchet a bit more left

4) the Burger court upholds the activist decisions as precedent

BORK terrified the left because he said bad cases are bad cases

I am moderately pro choice but the fact is ROE IS AWFUL in terms of legal reasoning (Read John Ely Hart on this matter for an example)

I want judges who will throw out clearly unconstitutional nonsense-like gun bans based on the commerce clause for example
TurtleDude said:
are you saying that poorly reasoned cases are entitled to complete deference? I suspect you are educated and intelligent enough to understand what is called the leftword ratcheting of jurisprudence and I hope we get judges that break the ratchet

No. But I do not necessarily agree with you that all of this "leftward ratcheting" was a string of bad decisions. I don't think the Constitution should be strictly constructed. Brown v. Board of Education was clearly an act of judicial activism, but it was a well-reasoned opinion grounded on a pragmatic interpretation of the Constitution.

I am moderately pro choice but the fact is ROE IS AWFUL in terms of legal reasoning (Read John Ely Hart on this matter for an example)

Even though I may personally agree with the result of Roe, I think it is a terrible opinion.

I want judges who will throw out clearly unconstitutional nonsense-like gun bans based on the commerce clause for example

Yes. Absolutely.
What was left is now right and vice versa.

If you look at the history of the parties they have switched sides more than
once. Though the Republicans have always been business and big business
oriented, they used to be the party of spend, spend, spend. They spent
money and gave away huge tracts of land to the railroad. The Democrats
took that title in the 30's to pay our way out of the Depression then held onto
it through the 60's. Reagan took the spending crown in the 80's and Bush
has claimed it for the new century.

The pendulum will swing back to the Dem's .... and back... and forth...etc.

He who spends the money holds the power.

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