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Postpartum Depression? Hormones'll Drive ya crazy! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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Political Leaning
(Caution: HUMOR AHEAD! This thread is a little tongue-n'cheek/meant a little as humerous)

I was just watching the story about Leslie Winkler, the preacher's wife who shot her husband in the back then fled with her 3 kids. The news story going on right now on the tube says her lawyers are saying her defense will, at least in large part, be postpartum depression.

Postpartum depression is defined as a complex mix of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes that occur in a mother after giving birth. It is a serious condition, affecting 10% of new mothers. Symptoms range from mild to severe depression and may appear within days of delivery or gradually, perhaps up to a year later. Symptoms may last from a few weeks to a year.

The Winkler's have 3 daughters: Breanna, 1, Mary Alice, 6, and Patricia, 8. If postpartum canlast up to a year, I guess Breanna's age gives credibility to the argument.

I then started thinking about some of the debates we have had in this Abortion Topic Board/Thread. Many of the opinions of 'Pro-Choice' members have been that only WOMEN should have a say in whether a baby is kept or not.
- It only matters if a woman DOES want the baby, not if the father wants it. A Father can not force a mother to bear a child that he wants but that she does not.
- It only matters if the Mother does NOT want the baby, not the father. If the father doesn't want the baby, the mother can STILL dictate/influence HIS entire future by forcing him to be responsible for a life that he does not want by forcing him to pay child support.

ONLY the WOMAN should have a voice in the decision. Right?

Well, here is the PRIME reason that should come under debate:

When a woman gets pregnant, finds that the choices that she has made has resulted in that single moment where her whole life could/is about to change, the hormones, the emotion, the reality all start to kick in! There is a flood of emotion, options, choices....and the hormones EXPLODE!

During pregnancy, women drive men nuts with their hormonal fluctuations:
"I'm too hot, too cold...."
"I want pickles and Rocky Road ice cream with bar-b-que sauce on top!"


There is proof right there that you could be legally declared INSANE, thus not fit to make such a critical decision that affects the future of 3 LIVES, not just your own, without allowing the father to have a say!

For years you tell us men that your biological clock is ticking and will not feel complete without having a child. Once you get pregnant, you go insane! After begging us to have kids (like my wife did with me), at the hospital in the delivery room, you then grab our bottom lips and scream, while attempting to detatch those lips from our faces, "YOU did this to me! It is all YOUR fault! Don't ever touch me again! :

THEN, once the baby is born, IT ISN'T OVER! We walk in one day from work to check on mom and the new baby, and WHAM!

Maybe women are just naturally allergic to sperm, cause you go all crazy once its introduced into your system and your eggs are fertilized!?!

But you actually think you guys are mentally stable enough to make such an important decision, regarding the future of 3 lives, on your OWN? :shock:
:2rofll: Hey we can't help it!! but chocolate goes along way when hormones go out of wack!
Excuse me, they're women, not teenagers. :2razz:
This is why I don't date women for real relationships.
So women have hormones......what's your excuse? :roll:

Seriously.....there is so much talk about what makes women so crazy. I'd like to know what it is that makes men such selfish jerks. And why will you guys pick up a gun and shoot your whole family, your neighbors, your neighbors dog and finally yourself without the benefit of HORMONES? What is it about you guys?
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mixedmedia said:
So women have hormones......what's your excuse? :roll:

Seriously.....there is so much talk about what makes women so crazy. I'd like to know what it is that makes men such selfish jerks. And why will you guys pick up a gun and shoot your whole family, your neighbors, your neighbors dog and finally yourself without the benefit of HORMONES? What is it about you guys?

One hormone: testosterone. *snicker*
I seem to be surrounded by women so I'll shut up and not say anything.
Why do we shoot up everything?....re-read my 1st post again. :rofl
easyt65 said:
Why do we shoot up everything?....re-read my 1st post again. :rofl

Oh, how convenient for you. :lol:

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