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Post Trolls in Todays News Forum (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Has anyone seen any posts on the Todays News forum? A lot of those posters act like real politicians. They defend their party and then they attack the other party and ignore all reason.

They do it very deceptivly also. They seem to make the topic for a completely different reason like for exampele: Would Louisiana turn into a red state?

But then they say stuff like 'But those democrats are definatly gonna hype up bigotry etc. etc.' and it gets just plain annoying. Is anyone sick of seeing posts like this?
Trollin, trollin, trollin, keep this thread a rollin, TROLLIN.
Type it up,
Hit reply,

Just sing it like raw hide.
gdalton said:
Trollin, trollin, trollin, keep this thread a rollin, TROLLIN.
Type it up,
Hit reply,

Just sing it like raw hide.
I did sing it like rawhide...I felt like an idiot...I stopped...

Besides I'll go with Ike & Tina's "Trollin' On A River"...:2wave:
cnredd said:
I did sing it like rawhide...I felt like an idiot...I stopped...

Besides I'll go with Ike & Tina's "Trollin' On A River"...:2wave:

No thoughts, keep on typin, crap that I keep on wrightin,
TROLLIN, trollin, TROLLIN, trollin,
Trollin on the forum.

Yeah, that’s pretty catchy.

But I prefer it as done by CCR.
gdalton said:
But I prefer it as done by CCR.
I don't know anything about that...

Blowing in some dying guy's mouth and pressing down on his chest doesn't excite me.:doh
I think you are referring to some of the Bush supporters, like Navy Pride and Stinger.

With all due respect, they have a right to their opinions, and I dont regard them as trolls. A couple of days ago, in one of the threads, someone called me a whack job, but that still isnt trolling. I reported that post, and it hasnt happened since. Probably a case of someone's emotions overloading his intellect, and that happens a lot on both sides. Still, that isnt trolling.

Let me tell you what trolling is. On the last board I was on, a gang would constantly stalk me and personally attack me every chance they got. First, they tried pinning a Liberal label on me, and when that failed, they started telling people that I was a member of the KKK, and liked to lynch black people. That was trolling.

Actually, the admins run a pretty tight ship here, and the Republicans on this board are pretty intelligent. Just because they spin something in a way you dont like doesnt make them trolls.

To Navy Pride, Stinger, and those on the other side of the debate here - I dont agree with anything you say, but you have a right to your beliefs, and I must take your side on this. I do this not because of what you post, but because you are not breaking any rules, and deserve to have your side heard. Now go **** yourselves. LOL. Just kidding. Had to put that last comment in there. Why? Because this is the basement, and I have always wanted to say "**** you" in a forum without getting banned. Hehe.
danarhea said:
I think you are referring to some of the Bush supporters, like Navy Pride and Stinger.

With all due respect, they have a right to their opinions, and I dont regard them as trolls. A couple of days ago, in one of the threads, someone called me a whack job, but that still isnt trolling. I reported that post, and it hasnt happened since. Probably a case of someone's emotions overloading his intellect, and that happens a lot on both sides. Still, that isnt trolling.

Let me tell you what trolling is. On the last board I was on, a gang would constantly stalk me and personally attack me every chance they got. First, they tried pinning a Liberal label on me, and when that failed, they started telling people that I was a member of the KKK, and liked to lynch black people. That was trolling.

Actually, the admins run a pretty tight ship here, and the Republicans on this board are pretty intelligent. Just because they spin something in a way you dont like doesnt make them trolls.

To Navy Pride, Stinger, and those on the other side of the debate here - I dont agree with anything you say, but you have a right to your beliefs, and I must take your side on this. I do this not because of what you post, but because you are not breaking any rules, and deserve to have your side heard. Now go **** yourselves. LOL. Just kidding. Had to put that last comment in there. Why? Because this is the basement, and I have always wanted to say "**** you" in a forum without getting banned. Hehe.

I look at your profile my friend and I see you call yourself a Conservative......Can you list the issues you are Conservative on? Thanks.......

Oh, and I will list mine..maybe we can tell who the real Conservative is...


1. Pro Small Government
2. Pro tax Cuts
3. Pro a balanced budget
4. Pro States Rights
5. Pro Judges interpreting the Constitution not making laws
6. Pro Defense and a strong military


1. Pro Death Penalty
2. Pro Life
3. Anti Gay marriage but pro Civil Unions
4. Pro school prayer
5. Pro under God in the POA
6. Pro and amendment to ban burning the flag
7. Anti Affirmative Action
8. Pro school vouchers

I probably missed a few but I would be interested in how you stand........
2. Pro Life
Navy Pride said:
I look at your profile my friend and I see you call yourself a Conservative......Can you list the issues you are Conservative on? Thanks.......

Oh, and I will list mine..maybe we can tell who the real Conservative is...


1. Pro Small Government
2. Pro tax Cuts
3. Pro a balanced budget
4. Pro States Rights
5. Pro Judges interpreting the Constitution not making laws
6. Pro Defense and a strong military


1. Pro Death Penalty
2. Pro Life
3. Anti Gay marriage but pro Civil Unions
4. Pro school prayer
5. Pro under God in the POA
6. Pro and amendment to ban burning the flag
7. Anti Affirmative Action
8. Pro school vouchers

I probably missed a few but I would be interested in how you stand........
2. Pro Life

I'm the biggest conservative
No I'm the biggest conservative
Are not
Are too
Uh-huh cuz I'm, CHEIF Panty waist and I said so
jallman said:
I'm the biggest conservative
No I'm the biggest conservative
Are not
Are too
Uh-huh cuz I'm, CHEIF Panty waist and I said so

That is what I though my Liberal friend......:lol:
Navy Pride said:
That is what I though my Liberal friend......:lol:

Navy, nothing you conjure up in that wind tunnel you call a head surprises me anymore.
galenrox said:
Oh that's so CUTE!!! He tried to make a comeback, that's just adorable!!!

Let's train him to ride a unicycle!

Galen, you do rock! :rofl
galenrox said:
Oh, so you're pro-small government, ey chief? How do you feel about Bush taking a case to the supreme court about California allowing medical marijuana? Hmm?
The fact is I am yet to see you ****ing stray from party lines once, which leads me to believe:
a) you're a retarded imbacile who has difficulty tying his shoes in the morning
b) you think you're a politician and have some sort of commitment to a party
and most likely:
c) all of the above

That's what I'm quite certain of. I think that for one, you're completely ****ing retarded, like really needs to wear a helmet when you're unsupervised retarded, and also you can't seem to figure out that the parties are there to represent you, not vice versa, and that you're allowed to hold your own opinions.
How 'bout that champ? You want a cookie? I'll send someone to wipe the drool off your chin, how about that chief? Would you like that?

Wow, why don't you tell us how you really feel my left wing whacko friend....:lol: I love it..........
galenrox said:
Wait, lean away from the keyboard, they have to wipe off the drool!

Oh that's soooooooo cute, he thinks he's arguing like a person!

Hey retards are people too!!!
Navy Pride said:
I look at your profile my friend and I see you call yourself a Conservative......Can you list the issues you are Conservative on? Thanks.......

Oh, and I will list mine..maybe we can tell who the real Conservative is...


1. Pro Small Government
2. Pro tax Cuts
3. Pro a balanced budget
4. Pro States Rights
5. Pro Judges interpreting the Constitution not making laws
6. Pro Defense and a strong military


1. Pro Death Penalty
2. Pro Life
3. Anti Gay marriage but pro Civil Unions
4. Pro school prayer
5. Pro under God in the POA
6. Pro and amendment to ban burning the flag
7. Anti Affirmative Action
8. Pro school vouchers

I probably missed a few but I would be interested in how you stand........
2. Pro Life

1) Pro small government - I am with you on that. Unfortunately, Bush has increased government size over even what FDR did. Therefore, Bush is not Conservative in this area.
2) Pro tax cuts - I agree. Bush is OK on that.
3) Pro balanced budget - I agree. Unfortunately, Bush has never met a domestic spending bill he didnt like, and has used his veto a single time while in office in an attempt to reign it in, not even to kill pork barrel spending. Bush is not Conservative in this area.
4) Pro states rights - I agree. Unfortunately, Bush has increased the power of Federal government more than even JFK did. Bush is not Conservative here either.
5) Pro judges who are not activists - I agree. Bush did good with the Roberts nomination. I feel he will make a good judge. A+ for Bush on that.
6) Pro defense and strong military - Again, I agree, but to a point. I disagree on foreign adventurism, especially when it is not necessary. Bush, rather than strenghening our military, has actually weakened it through his reckless actions. This is open to debate, since there are conservatives on both sides of this issue..
Now to social issues, and this is where your notion of Conservatism falls apart.
1) Pro Death Penalty - That should be left up to the states.
2) Pro Life - Again, that should be left up to the states. I favor the overturning of Roe v. Wade, since that undermines the soverignty of the states. On the other hand, I oppose any Federal law to regulate abortion, since that would be in violation of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.
3) Anti Gay Marriage - Again, the Federal government has no business here. This is a states' issue.
4) Pro school prayer - See above.
5) Pro under God in POA - See above.
6) Pro amendment to ban flag burning - Why not an amendment to prosecute those who fly flags on their cars if they dont take care of those flags? Why not prosecute business which disrespect the flag by using it as a logo in advertising? Actually, this should also be left up to the states. Let them regulate the behavior of their own citizens without the Federal government undermining their soverignty.
7) Anti affirmative action - Agreed. The Federal government has no business here.
8) Pro school vouchers. Again, the Federal government has no business telling the states how to run their own school systems.
Most of the points you make in social are not Conservative, but seek to regulate the behavior of people, and undermine states' soverignty. This flies in the face of number 4 in the first set of statements. You have contradicted yourself badly on this.
danarhea said:
1) Pro small government - I am with you on that. Unfortunately, Bush has increased government size over even what FDR did. Therefore, Bush is not Conservative in this area.
2) Pro tax cuts - I agree. Bush is OK on that.
3) Pro balanced budget - I agree. Unfortunately, Bush has never met a domestic spending bill he didnt like, and has used his veto a single time while in office in an attempt to reign it in, not even to kill pork barrel spending. Bush is not Conservative in this area.
4) Pro states rights - I agree. Unfortunately, Bush has increased the power of Federal government more than even JFK did. Bush is not Conservative here either.
5) Pro judges who are not activists - I agree. Bush did good with the Roberts nomination. I feel he will make a good judge. A+ for Bush on that.
6) Pro defense and strong military - Again, I agree, but to a point. I disagree on foreign adventurism, especially when it is not necessary. Bush, rather than strenghening our military, has actually weakened it through his reckless actions. This is open to debate, since there are conservatives on both sides of this issue..
Now to social issues, and this is where your notion of Conservatism falls apart.
1) Pro Death Penalty - That should be left up to the states.
2) Pro Life - Again, that should be left up to the states. I favor the overturning of Roe v. Wade, since that undermines the soverignty of the states. On the other hand, I oppose any Federal law to regulate abortion, since that would be in violation of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.
3) Anti Gay Marriage - Again, the Federal government has no business here. This is a states' issue.
4) Pro school prayer - See above.
5) Pro under God in POA - See above.
6) Pro amendment to ban flag burning - Why not an amendment to prosecute those who fly flags on their cars if they dont take care of those flags? Why not prosecute business which disrespect the flag by using it as a logo in advertising? Actually, this should also be left up to the states. Let them regulate the behavior of their own citizens without the Federal government undermining their soverignty.
7) Anti affirmative action - Agreed. The Federal government has no business here.
8) Pro school vouchers. Again, the Federal government has no business telling the states how to run their own school systems.
Most of the points you make in social are not Conservative, but seek to regulate the behavior of people, and undermine states' soverignty. This flies in the face of number 4 in the first set of statements. You have contradicted yourself badly on this.

well when there are threads about these isues why don't you argue them........

Hey you might not believe this but I am not the biggest Bush fan but when I saw what the democrats offered up as and alternative it was a slam dunk that I would vote for him........The same thing happened in 2000........I do give President Bush a pass on some things though such as the deficit and some spending.........2 wars, 9/11/01 and the worse natural disaster in the history of this country cost money......

The dems had a good candidate in Leiberman that I might have voted for but because the party is controlled by the left wing whack left he did not win one primary..........

You say you voted for Bush, would you rather Kerry had won now?
Last edited:
**** every last one of you miserable ****s, ahhhhh, I feel much better now.;)
Navy Pride said:
well when there are threads about these isues why don't you argue them........

Hey you might not believe this but I am not the biggest Bush fan but when I saw what the democrats offered up as and alternative it was a slam dunk that I would vote for him........The same thing happened in 2000........I do give President Bush a pass on some things though such as the deficit and some spending.........2 wars, 9/11/01 and the worse natural disaster in the history of this country cost money......

The dems had a good candidate in Leiberman that I might have voted for but because the party is controlled by the left wing whack left he did not win one primary..........

You say you voted for Bush, would you rather Kerry had won now?

There you go again, making assumptions. Because I am Conservative, I automatically would vote for Bush? No. I voted for Michael Badnarik in the last election, and voted for Buchanan in 2000.

As for Kerry, things would not be any different than it is under Bush. Both are birds of a feather.

You know, this is getting to damned serious for the basement. Why dont we move this discussion upstairs, and that way, we can get some serious discussion on it.

BTW - Thought I would not agree with you on anything, but turns out we do agree on a couple of points. Looks like you are not the only one guilty of making assumptions. LOL.
danarhea said:
There you go again, making assumptions. Because I am Conservative, I automatically would vote for Bush? No. I voted for Michael Badnarik in the last election, and voted for Buchanan in 2000.

As for Kerry, things would not be any different than it is under Bush. Both are birds of a feather.

You know, this is getting to damned serious for the basement. Why dont we move this discussion upstairs, and that way, we can get some serious discussion on it.

BTW - Thought I would not agree with you on anything, but turns out we do agree on a couple of points. Looks like you are not the only one guilty of making assumptions. LOL.

My bad, I thought you said in another post you voted for President Bush.....Buchanan in 2000 huh.........People like you were a big help in getting President Bush elected..That must torque your jaws...........

Badnarik, another wasted vote..........

Like I said I calls em as I sees em........
Navy Pride said:
My bad, I thought you said in another post you voted for President Bush.....Buchanan in 2000 huh.........People like you were a big help in getting President Bush elected..That must torque your jaws...........

Badnarik, another wasted vote..........

Like I said I calls em as I sees em........

Yesssss presssciousssss. I callsss em cuz they're all liberalssss precioussss. Nasssty filthy liberalsessss.
Originally Posted by Navy Pride
I look at your profile my friend and I see you call yourself a Conservative......Can you list the issues you are Conservative on? Thanks.......

Oh, and I will list mine..maybe we can tell who the real Conservative is...


1. Pro Small Government
2. Pro tax Cuts
3. Pro a balanced budget
4. Pro States Rights
5. Pro Judges interpreting the Constitution not making laws
6. Pro Defense and a strong military


1. Pro Death Penalty
2. Pro Life
3. Anti Gay marriage but pro Civil Unions
4. Pro school prayer
5. Pro under God in the POA
6. Pro and amendment to ban burning the flag
7. Anti Affirmative Action
8. Pro school vouchers

I probably missed a few but I would be interested in how you stand........
2. Pro Life

I agree with everything except for the pro-civil unions.Changing the name of marriage does not make it different.I can call a water pipe a bong or I can call a bong a water pipe but it is still the same thing reguardless of what it is called.
Oh, so you're pro-small government, ey chief? How do you feel about Bush taking a case to the supreme court about California allowing medical marijuana? Hmm?

I would think that Bush would be your favorite person seeing how he made government bigger,gave out more handouts to other countries,and he is pro-illegal immigration.
Navy Pride said:
I look at your profile my friend and I see you call yourself a Conservative......Can you list the issues you are Conservative on? Thanks.......

Oh, and I will list mine..maybe we can tell who the real Conservative is...


1. Pro Small Government
2. Pro tax Cuts
3. Pro a balanced budget
4. Pro States Rights
5. Pro Judges interpreting the Constitution not making laws
6. Pro Defense and a strong military


1. Pro Death Penalty
2. Pro Life
3. Anti Gay marriage but pro Civil Unions
4. Pro school prayer
5. Pro under God in the POA
6. Pro and amendment to ban burning the flag
7. Anti Affirmative Action
8. Pro school vouchers

I probably missed a few but I would be interested in how you stand........
2. Pro Life

Well lets compare notes and see...


1. Pro Small Government
2. Pro Tax Cuts
3. Pro Balanced Budget (these seem like no brainers so far)
4. Pro States' Rights (that one is easy being an alaskan)
5. Pro Judges FAIRLY interpreting the constitution without partisan or idealogical bias.
6. I cannot speak to the military issue. I am pro defense...but strong military is so vague.


1. Pro Death Penalty
2. Adamantly Pro Choice
3. Pro whatever will give me and my partner joint insurance, joint tax filings, health decision rights, mutual burial decisions, inheritance, and legal recognition for all of the above]
4. Anti School Prayer.
5. Pro "Under God" in the pledge
6. I have never seen a lot of flag burning and never thought it to be a big problem...cras and unruly, but not a raging social issue. Lets say I abstain on this one.
7. Adamantly against Affirmative Action as well as race directed scholarships, schools or anything else of its ilk.
8. I dont know enough about the school voucher issue to make a comment.

So you tell me where that puts me since you are so full of insight...oh wait, I know your answer...bets anyone?
jallman said:
Yesssss presssciousssss. I callsss em cuz they're all liberalssss precioussss. Nasssty filthy liberalsessss.

:rofl Ahhh....so funny.

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