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Post here if you're under 18 (1 Viewer)

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Active member
Mar 7, 2005
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Slightly Liberal
Just wanted to know who is under 18. Just say hi or something then say your age.
I'm 14 years old
Well that makes sense now...I started off with politics at 14, trust me, you will change your approach soon.

I am 17, almost 18.
ShamMol said:
Well that makes sense now...I started off with politics at 14, trust me, you will change your approach soon.

I am 17, almost 18.

Change my approach? I think its pretty cool that you started off at 14. No person in my school is political at all. They just say " I'll vote Republican my whole life." I want to earn votes, not just have them handed to me. Are you gonna go to college for political science? What do you hope to be when you grow up?
satinloveslibs said:
Change my approach? I think its pretty cool that you started off at 14. No person in my school is political at all. They just say " I'll vote Republican my whole life." I want to earn votes, not just have them handed to me. Are you gonna go to college for political science? What do you hope to be when you grow up?
Yeah, by change your approach, i mean to include more logic, legal findings, facts, etc than you usually do, but this forum will help with that.

Nobody except for my circle at school are political. I am going to study Government in college with a minor in music so that I can be a lawyer, perferably a constitutional one (one that deals with constitutional law). I think that theirs is the most fascinating, however less paying, job in the law business.
I'm actually 15.

I have the same problem Satin. The only things the people at my school cares about is getting doped up and acting like a moron.

I do have some friends who'd take me on with politics.. but I just crush them.. they have no facts to base them upon.

I am irritated with the whole idea that, I'd say, 85% of all Americans just vote for their political leader based on what their friends believe in.
Arch Enemy said:
I'm actually 15.

I have the same problem Satin. The only things the people at my school cares about is getting doped up and acting like a moron.

I do have some friends who'd take me on with politics.. but I just crush them.. they have no facts to base them upon.

I am irritated with the whole idea that, I'd say, 85% of all Americans just vote for their political leader based on what their friends believe in.
when you are young, you tend to believe that, but when you get older you think that most people vote their pocket book. when you get wise, you realize that people vote their mind.
satinloveslibs said:
I'm 14 years old

Out of curiosity, what are the poltical outlooks of your parents?

Also, hello Carolyn! Singapore, eh? Intresting.
V.I. Lenin said:
Out of curiosity, what are the poltical outlooks of your parents?

Also, hello Carolyn! Singapore, eh? Intresting.

Yes I get this all the freakin time. my parents are Republicans, but I know more about politics than they do. ( No offense parents) I only really talk politics with you guys and my liberal English teacher. I hear more of the dems side from her than the republicans side from my dad.

I'm American
I think it's great that all of you have the presence of thought to get involved in your democracy. You will find as you get older that there are very few people who have any concern for what is going on around them and follow the crowd. Regardless of you political leanings do not be afraid to open your mind to hear what the "oppositon" is thinking. As a result you will learn a great deal more and truly become a more well rounded person.


By the way... I am well over 50 and am elated that you guys are here.
Hah, okay. Well, sometimes I get confused down here.

between the democrats, the opposition, the liberals, republicans and all that..
See, im' from Singapore and well, we don't have that. (:)

But yes, i somehow get it.
Hey, Im 19 (a little too old). I completley agree with contrarion it is great that young people are involved in politics, and by involved I mean informed not just voting or repeating what there parents tell them.

Here's a secret: Even as you get to college, not a lot of people talk about politics. Actually, they will say something like "Bush is the worst president ever." I'll ask them why and watch them drawl a blank. Only 17% of young people voted in the last election. So, much for MTV getting out the vote.

Don't feel bad about having the same views as your parents. Almost everyone (I'm sure V.I.'s parents aren't commies) gets their basic views from family, peers, teachers, religion, media, etc.. It's called political socialization. However, you must "change your approach some". My parents are independents that lean to the right. You won't agree with them on everything. But, that's alright.

PS: I didn't care about politics until I was 17. So you guys are pretty good off. And it feels good to crush your friends in a debate.
(I'm sure V.I.'s parents aren't commies)

Actually, they aren't. They're right wing conservatives.....i think i was adopted :mrgreen:

Also, i'm socialist.

And yes, political outlooks are formed by enviroment.

Annnnnd finally, very few people have much intrest in politics, and even fewer have enough knowledge of them to hold strong in a debate, so everyone on this forum give yourself a pat on the back!
I'm 17, and I'm also a self-described socialist. This gives me a chance to ask VI, what are we at odds at, concerning ideology? I'd love to discuss it. And no, my parents aren't socialists either. My whole family is liberal, and I'm much farther left than most of them.
I'm 17, and I'm also a self-described socialist. And no, my parents aren't socialists either. My whole family is liberal, and I'm much farther left than most of them.
anomaly said:
I'm 17, and I'm also a self-described socialist. This gives me a chance to ask VI, what are we at odds at, concerning ideology? I'd love to discuss it. And no, my parents aren't socialists either. My whole family is liberal, and I'm much farther left than most of them.

I don't think we are at odds with much comrade, and i explained my ideology in my "Greetings" thread in the "Come and Say Hi" forum
I am 14. My dad is a republican and my mom is a green. And I am a communist! I was an anarchist but found holes in the theory. Now I am a council communist which really isnt much different. So yeah im far, far, left much more so than my parents. I oppose all participation in parliment and feel revolution to be the only way to communism. My high school sucks too. Im the only political student, well radical one anyway. So yeah, im under 18 and Im here.
Blackflagx said:
I am 14. My dad is a republican and my mom is a green. And I am a communist! I was an anarchist but found holes in the theory. Now I am a council communist which really isnt much different. So yeah im far, far, left much more so than my parents. I oppose all participation in parliment and feel revolution to be the only way to communism. My high school sucks too. Im the only political student, well radical one anyway. So yeah, im under 18 and Im here.

Welcome! A republican and a green? What a broken home you must live in :mrgreen:

Yes anarchy is filled with holes, not a bad ideology on paper but....I find it almost impossible to ever be applied.

A violent revolution or a democratic one? Who are your top 3 most admired political figures?

Always good to meet another leftist! :2wave:
Definitly not a revolution through parliment. That will lead us to nothing but reform. Revolution will be peacefull until the reactionaries attack us. My three most admired political figures would have to be Marx, Luxemburg, and Che (though Im not a fan of guerrillaism).
V.I. Lenin said:
Yes anarchy is filled with holes, not a bad ideology on paper but....I find it almost impossible to ever be applied.

So is many types of governments, the fact is.. humans are greedy.
It's kind of funny how I found this place. I just said one time when I was on the computer that I wanted to debate politics. So I typed up debatepolitics.com and this came up. It sucks that I don't have a computer at home and I have to use my schools.

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