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Possible threat to subway in New York (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
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Have any of you heard this? Here is the article on msnbc.com

They say that the credibility of the person who is relaying this information is questionable.

Missouri Mule said:
Obviously a Bush plot.

OMG, Missouri, you are so bad. :lol:
Make sure we check the backpacks of all the blue haired old ladies and and the 4 year olds. We all know that there the largest threat of a terrorist transit attack. Thats been proven in two other countries also...
I'm sure nothing will come of it.

Okay imagine your a terrorist and you want to attack the US at the subways cause you hate them for whatever reason.

But then suddenly somebody in America announces that you might attack them at the subways. Do you still attack? Hell no.

Its friggin weird though. All this police walking around with machine guns. You would be mad to try and mug someone there.

I'm sure thats why they tell us. It would be pretty freaking weird if all of the sudden you see all these police officers with submachine guns or something.
Donkey1499 said:
Attacking with all those cops around would be pretty dumb.

Suicide bombers are not known for their high IQ's. Therefore it would make perfect sense.
Missouri Mule said:
Suicide bombers are not known for their high IQ's. Therefore it would make perfect sense.

how much IQ does it take to concoct the 2 twin towers disposal
and the pentegon hit
all at the same time and all without even bieng noticed

while america stood agape scratching their heads and saying I didnt know that could be done
and FEEMA saying
buy duct tape and plastic ,read your duck and cover booklets.
now thats lunacy as if plastic and duct tape will stop a 707
Canuck said:
how much IQ does it take to concoct the 2 twin towers disposal
and the pentegon hit
all at the same time and all without even bieng noticed

while america stood agape scratching their heads and saying I didnt know that could be done
and FEEMA saying
buy duct tape and plastic ,read your duck and cover booklets.
now thats lunacy as if plastic and duct tape will stop a 707

The suicide bombers are fanatical imbeciles. But as Bush stated yesterday, bin Laden and his gangsters never go along for the ride.
Missouri Mule said:
The suicide bombers are fanatical imbeciles. But as Bush stated yesterday, bin Laden and his gangsters never go along for the ride.

and is the military strategy of bush not lunacy
is it not imbecile to inflame arabs by building bases in arabia
I am white my family has been in North America for over 400 years
It doesnt cloud my vision though
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Canuck said:
and is the military strategy of bush not lunacy
is it not imbecile to inflame arabs by building bases in arabia
I am white my family has been in North America for over 400 years
It doesnt cloud my vision though

And I take it you were in on the military strategy meetings of Bush's top advisors. Would you mind filling in the rest here what was said so we can judge the plan more knowledgeably? Inquiring minds want to know.
Missouri Mule said:
And I take it you were in on the military strategy meetings of Bush's top advisors. Would you mind filling in the rest here what was said so we can judge the plan more knowledgeably? Inquiring minds want to know.

open your eyes, the plan has unfolded the last 2 years in front of you .
If you think that the plan is working,

tell me why is america in Iraq ,in the second war ,and in the second year ,of
that second war.and still the iraq people fight you

you are not fighting china here
you are fighting a third world rag tag militant group
and it seems they are winning at the moment
Canuck said:
open your eyes, the plan has unfolded the last 2 years in front of you .
If you think that the plan is working,

tell me why is america in Iraq ,in the second war ,and in the second year ,of
that second war.and still the iraq people fight you

you are not fighting china here
you are fighting a third world rag tag militant group
and it seems they are winning at the moment

So I take it then that you were not in on the top level strategy meetings leading up to the war on how to deal with terrorism. Well, I wasn't either. On this we are on equal footing.

If this "third world rag tag militant group" succeeds in vaporizing NYC you might just change your tune.
A threat against NY coming out of Iraq at a time when support for the war is low,Bush's approval ratings are low and he is struggling to form a tie between Iraq and terrorism is suspicious to me. Seems like whenever the admin is having trouble with it's agenda a new terrorist "threat" pops up.
I know that this has nothing to do with the threads original topic, but that quote that Canuck has about Bush's opinion on Roe vs. Wade is pretty darn funny.
scottyz said:
A threat against NY coming out of Iraq at a time when support for the war is low,Bush's approval ratings are low and he is struggling to form a tie between Iraq and terrorism is suspicious to me. Seems like whenever the admin is having trouble with it's agenda a new terrorist "threat" pops up.

They've kind of become modern day boy's who cry wolf. I have no idea if this latest threat was credible. But during the last election the threat warning came and went with exacting frequency of Bush's poll numbers. After the election was over the warnings all but disappeared.
Pacridge said:
They've kind of become modern day boy's who cry wolf. I have no idea if this latest threat was credible. But during the last election the threat warning came and went with exacting frequency of Bush's poll numbers. After the election was over the warnings all but disappeared.
But it was the LOCAL officials that took the alert seriously...

The FEDERAL government(Homeland Security) was the one that said the credibility of the threat was overblown...Which is the OPPOSITE of your contention...
cnredd said:
But it was the LOCAL officials that took the alert seriously...

The FEDERAL government(Homeland Security) was the one that said the credibility of the threat was overblown...Which is the OPPOSITE of your contention...
If the credibility was overblown, why did they leak it to the local officials? They didn't think Bloomberg would take a warning from the Federal Gov. seriously? Why didn't they tell him to keep it quiet?

Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Friday defended his decision to go public with the threat that terrorists might want to strike the New York subway system, saying it is essential that authorities err on the side of caution when protecting a city of 8 million people.

"If I'm going to make a mistake you can rest assured it is on the side of being cautious," Bloomberg said at a news conference, flanked by Police Commissioner Ray Kelly. But he stressed that he did not think that any mistake had been made.

In Washington,
President Bush said Friday that New York City officials exercised their own prerogative in publicizing the threat. Asked if he thought New York officials had overreacted, Bush said: "I think they took the information we gave and made the judgments they thought were necessary."

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scottyz said:
If the credibility was overblown, why did they leak it to the local officials? They didn't think Bloomberg would take a warning from the Federal Gov. seriously? Why didn't they tell him to keep it quiet?
I said the Homeland Security said it was overblown...I DIDN'T say they were the ones who GAVE the local officials the information....It was the FBI...

I find it amusing you would use the word "leak"...a much distorted representation if I ever heard one...:roll:

The FBI notified both local and federal officials...one says it overblown, the other said they'd rather err on the side of caution...

Where's the problem?
I find the logic of this very entertaining...

For the last few months, Homeland Security has been perceived as an inept entity within the federal government...Full of "crony" appointees and unqualified personel...They have been given no respect...

Now...when New York becomes aware of information that may lead to an attack, the voices ring out...

"How come your not listening to Homeland Security?"...:roll:
cnredd said:
I find the logic of this very entertaining...

For the last few months, Homeland Security has been perceived as an inept entity within the federal government...Full of "crony" appointees and unqualified personel...They have been given no respect...

Now...when New York becomes aware of information that may lead to an attack, the voices ring out...

"How come your not listening to Homeland Security?"...:roll:
You just said it was the FBI that warned them and not Homeland security?
scottyz said:
You just said it was the FBI that warned them and not Homeland security?
Your first correct statement...

The FBI gave the info to New York...they ran with it...

The FBI gave the info to Homeland Security...they say it's not credible...

For some unfounded reason, some here are willing to believe DHS over the local officials...the same organization that has been publicly vilified for incompetence in recent months...

Look at YOUR statement again...

scottyz said:
A threat against NY coming out of Iraq at a time when support for the war is low,Bush's approval ratings are low and he is struggling to form a tie between Iraq and terrorism is suspicious to me. Seems like whenever the admin is having trouble with it's agenda a new terrorist "threat" pops up.


Notice how you place BLAME on the Federal government?...Now it comes out that the Federal government were the ones that DIDN'T want New York officials to react the way they have...proving your accusation wrong...

Blatent hypocracy or ignorance of facts?...You make the call...:roll:
What's the big deal here?

We all know an attack is certain, so why not just use this as a form of exercise, even if it does not happen, or is credible? I just don't understand those who are poo pooing this extra security, it's ignorant, and dangerous to begin to act in this way.:roll:

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