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Possibility about malware on DP (1 Viewer)

Glen Contrarian

DP Veteran
Jun 21, 2013
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Bernie to the left of me, Hillary to the right, he
Political Leaning
I just spent over an hour yesterday digging through my registry pulling out everything having to do with "Speed Browser" from trovi.com. I have no idea where it came from - the only sites that had been accessed on my computer were DP, hotmail, and Facebook, all on Google Chrome browser...and nothing on hotmail or FB was suspicious - I'm a pretty tame user. What's more, there's been no other access, no thumbnail drives or usb chips inserted into my PC for quite some time. I'm using McAfee - I'm not a big fan of McAfee by any means, but the full suite was free...and I got really ticked off at Kaspersky when I had to deal with them.

So this morning, after clicking on DP, I get the same kind of message that I saw before when "Speed Browser" started showing up. I really don't think that it's because of DP - it's more likely that I'm missing where it's really coming from - but I still have to address the possibility that it came from DP's servers and let others know just in case.
That particular piece of malware is typically spreads through freeware downloaders.
I just spent over an hour yesterday digging through my registry pulling out everything having to do with "Speed Browser" from trovi.com. I have no idea where it came from - the only sites that had been accessed on my computer were DP, hotmail, and Facebook, all on Google Chrome browser...and nothing on hotmail or FB was suspicious - I'm a pretty tame user. What's more, there's been no other access, no thumbnail drives or usb chips inserted into my PC for quite some time. I'm using McAfee - I'm not a big fan of McAfee by any means, but the full suite was free...and I got really ticked off at Kaspersky when I had to deal with them.

So this morning, after clicking on DP, I get the same kind of message that I saw before when "Speed Browser" started showing up. I really don't think that it's because of DP - it's more likely that I'm missing where it's really coming from - but I still have to address the possibility that it came from DP's servers and let others know just in case.

Do you ever read news articles on FB? I don't trust most of them. They can be very harmful according to our systems admin.
I almost never do - I honestly don't remember having read one. I normally get all my news from the apps on my iPhone.

Do you have virus/malware programs?
As I said in the OP, I've got the full McAfee suite - and as I stated, I'm no fan of McAfee, but it was free and I had a bad experience with Kaspersky.

Macfee sucks.
I have had Kaspersky for years, no issues.

Malwarebytes has free ware - time limit I think
Then another download is chameleon. Free
Here is the link
I just spent over an hour yesterday digging through my registry pulling out everything having to do with "Speed Browser" from trovi.com. I have no idea where it came from - the only sites that had been accessed on my computer were DP, hotmail, and Facebook, all on Google Chrome browser...and nothing on hotmail or FB was suspicious - I'm a pretty tame user. What's more, there's been no other access, no thumbnail drives or usb chips inserted into my PC for quite some time. I'm using McAfee - I'm not a big fan of McAfee by any means, but the full suite was free...and I got really ticked off at Kaspersky when I had to deal with them.

So this morning, after clicking on DP, I get the same kind of message that I saw before when "Speed Browser" started showing up. I really don't think that it's because of DP - it's more likely that I'm missing where it's really coming from - but I still have to address the possibility that it came from DP's servers and let others know just in case.

Malware can come from anywhere, even major sites like amazon have had them in the past. Even if a site has a policy of being clean, a hacker can hack any site with enough determination and inject malware into it. That is why it is a good idea to have anti malware software.
Macfee sucks.
I have had Kaspersky for years, no issues.

Malwarebytes has free ware - time limit I think
Then another download is chameleon. Free
Here is the link

Again, I'm no fan of McAfee (besides, I despise the idiot it's named after). I will check out the site you recommended.
Installed it, removed 479 instances of malware.

*sheepish grin*

More than welcome. Glad to help.
I check reviews - rating on freeware and use multiple sites - when i narrow it down I then expand my search on ratings - reviews- problems- before I even think about downloading.
1 crap download and I have done it, costs a ton of time and frustration
Use Linux. Problem solved.

How is it, in 2016, people using Windows don't know to use Malwarebytes???? :shock:
More than welcome. Glad to help.
I check reviews - rating on freeware and use multiple sites - when i narrow it down I then expand my search on ratings - reviews- problems- before I even think about downloading.
1 crap download and I have done it, costs a ton of time and frustration

Before I downloaded it, I did check CNet and PCMag, both of whom gave relatively glowing reviews.
Use Linux. Problem solved.

How is it, in 2016, people using Windows don't know to use Malwarebytes???? :shock:

I purchased my copies when it had a lifetime license offered. Took a chance and it has paid off and saved money.
Use Linux. Problem solved.

How is it, in 2016, people using Windows don't know to use Malwarebytes???? :shock:

Linux is not even problem solved, it still can have malware. I guess if someone used the linux route using a lesser known distro would be best, since linux has so many flavors, only the top one or two are attacked, which is ubuntu and debian and debian based.

Bsd is miles ahead of linux in stability and security, but is not user friendly, which is why it is more a business/server os than a desktop os. Windows has made major strides as well in anti malware, I hardly get major outbreaks anymore, last time I did was under windows 7, I am currently running 10.
As I said in the OP, I've got the full McAfee suite - and as I stated, I'm no fan of McAfee, but it was free and I had a bad experience with Kaspersky.

I you're using MacAfee you might as well being surfing naked. It's a crap piece of software that's better at slowing down your PC than it is at protecting it. Use MS Security Essentials coupled with a good anti-Adware program like AdAware.
Macfee sucks.
I have had Kaspersky for years, no issues.

Malwarebytes has free ware - time limit I think
Then another download is chameleon. Free
Here is the link

I've had really good luck with Avast. There's a free 'home' version which needs a years subscription renewal, but other than that, it's kept all that crap out of my machines.

Good luck Glen.
Actually, I've seen a lot worse - but not on my own computers. That's what I get for cheaping out.

You are using Chameleon from Malwarebytes?? Yes??
They have another free download that may help you.
Being cheap is not a good move. Now frugal is, do you have a friend - family member - if so go in on a multi year Security program.
You are using Chameleon from Malwarebytes?? Yes??
They have another free download that may help you.
Being cheap is not a good move. Now frugal is, do you have a friend - family member - if so go in on a multi year Security program.

Downloaded it and am scanning now - thanks!
As I said in the OP, I've got the full McAfee suite - and as I stated, I'm no fan of McAfee, but it was free and I had a bad experience with Kaspersky.

Comcast supplies mine, so easy now. Am I spoiled?

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