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Porter Goss And Bin Laden (1 Viewer)


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Jun 1, 2005
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Porter Goss said today that he had a very good idea where bin laden is but we could not go after him because he is in a sovereign country.

Huh, wasn't Afganistan a sovereign country? We went after him there and did not get him. Why is this any different? Could it be that we are so bogged down in Iraq that we don't have the resources to go get him?
LazarusLong said:
Porter Goss said today that he had a very good idea where bin laden is but we could not go after him because he is in a sovereign country.

Huh, wasn't Afganistan a sovereign country? We went after him there and did not get him. Why is this any different? Could it be that we are so bogged down in Iraq that we don't have the resources to go get him?

I don't believe we recognized the Taliban which had taken over Afghanistan as a leglitmate sovereign government.

But if you want to make the case to invade Iran, which we do, in order to get OBL then go ahead and try to make it.
The big difference being that the sovereign country in question has nuclear weapons and is our "ally" in the GWoT. It wouldn't do to go around invading our allies, now would it?
Interestingly enough, this ally is also the world's greatest proliferator of illicit nuclear technology. This ally's military and intelligence services are known for the al Qaeda sympathies- they even helped set-up and train aQ personel.
I've been on about this country for years now.

Shows what I know, I suppose.
Simon W. Moon said:
The big difference being that the sovereign country in question has nuclear weapons and is our "ally" in the GWoT. It wouldn't do to go around invading our allies, now would it?
Interestingly enough, this ally is also the world's greatest proliferator of illicit nuclear technology. This ally's military and intelligence services are known for the al Qaeda sympathies- they even helped set-up and train aQ personel.
I've been on about this country for years now.

Shows what I know, I suppose.
Pakistan? There is one province there where the government of Pakistan rarely goes into that from what I was told is basically a sovereign nation in and of itself inside Pakistan. There have been foyers into there before, but I doubt what would be need to capture UBL would be worth the risk to our relations.

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