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Port Deal Nothing Compared to Ptech -- MUST READ!!! (1 Viewer)


New member
Mar 13, 2006
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Political Leaning
Source: http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0603/S00079.htm

Port deal is nothing compared to Ptech -- US computer infrastructure compromised by terrorist-owned company; Cheney 'friends' with owner
By Patrick Devlin Buckley
March 6, 2006​

While Congress and the media focus on the potential dangers of a UAE-owned company running American port operations, any possible threat is dwarfed by the current insecurity of the US government's computer infrastructure, which has been compromised by a company with multiple connections to terrorist financing.[/QUOTE]


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As per Forum Rules...

9. Copyrighted Material - All material posted from copyrighted material MUST contain a link to the original work. Please do not post entire articles. Proper format is to paraphrase the contents of an article and/or post relevant excerpts and then link to the rest. Best bet is to always reference the original source.
Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107 http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

None of these two-pagers...If the forum members want to look through it, the link is supplied...

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Wow. Is anybody reading this!?
Did you just respond with amazement ('wow') at your own post?
Gibberish said:
Did you just respond with amazement ('wow') at your own post?
No, I was responding to the lack of interest in this story.
Foxhound said:
No, I was responding to the lack of interest in this story.

My main reasons to question the information in this article on first whim:
1. The FBI just released that it is in deals with a few contractors for restructuring it's technology communications which has not been upgraded in years, so this company is obviously not contracted with the FBI as the article states.
2. Nothing even remotely close to this article can be found on any credible news source with a quick google, yahoo, CNN, or MSNBC search.
Gibberish said:
My main reasons to question the information in this article on first whim:

1. The FBI just released that it is in deals with a few contractors for restructuring it's technology communications which has not been upgraded in years, so this company is obviously not contracted with the FBI as the article states.

Ptech (GoAgile) deals with high-level enterprise architecture. I don't know what you are referring to but the FBI certainly has more than one contractor providing technology. At least at one point, Ptech was contracted by the FBI, as stated in this article. Furthermore, as is stated in the original article, as of May 2004, Ptech still had contracts with several federal agencies, including the White House.

Gibberish said:
2. Nothing even remotely close to this article can be found on any credible news source with a quick google, yahoo, CNN, or MSNBC search.
Do some more searching, or simply click the links. Every piece of information in the article is backed up with a source.
Well I found a few articles on this man, assuming he is the same man vs a man with the same name.





It does appear he has been accused of being involved in terrorism alot.


"But the report complains that members of the Saudi elite who’ve allegedly financed al Qaida remain free and unpunished, including Yassin al Qadi — specially designated as a “global terrorist” by the U.S. Treasury Department."

I do wonder why this story isn't getting more attention?
The author of this thread is a spammer, posting this precise topic on several Political Boards.



These are links to two of the forums involved, I've seen the same guy posting the same stuff in several more forums. I'm uncertain whether he has a personal fascination with this particular story, or is an activist promoting a viewpoint, but I'd suspect the latter.

You'll note the rebuttal provided by "Chaney" in the second link, that's me (My first name was unavailable there, so I was using my middle name). I won't clutter up this forum by reposting the same corrections of this author's fascination with three-year-old media hype and fear-mongering.

Hopefully this constitutes a violation of the "no spamming" rule of this board sufficient to result in a perma-ban. I really like this board, but I don't care much for this particular spammer.

talloulou said:
I do wonder why this story isn't getting more attention?

Because it's three year old news, and there was never any indication or accusation of espionage. The story had to do with Jihadists exploiting the free-market system via investments, in order to finance Jihad.
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While the detective here has enough time track my movements from forum to forum, he strangely doesn't have enough time to issue a decent response to my posts. Feel free to click on his link to see his false claims picked apart.

Last time I checked, there is nothing illegal about submitting legitimate information for debate. I intend to continue posting in all of these forums, so please, spend more time concentrating on your arguments and less time trying to get me kicked off of message boards.
Carl said:


(Using the name GoldenKeys)

You'll note in most instances this author has only a couple of posts in the respective forums.
Also note how I am NOT the one who started the threads in these two forums!
Carl said:
My understanding is the Democrat Underground website is trying to spam this story as widely as possible.
I would love to here how you came to that "understanding," especially considering this story barely attracted any attention at DU.
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