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Poorest Countries Doing Best? (1 Viewer)


Just waiting for my set...
DP Veteran
Sep 29, 2007
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Political Leaning

How come most of the poorest countries are doing the best against Covid?
The worse your health care system is the better off you are.

Most of Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia have the least cases and deaths.

How come most of the poorest countries are doing the best against Covid?
The worse your health care system is the better off you are.

Most of Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia have the least cases and deaths.
Because poor countries actually respect their healthcare systems and arent spoiled brats desperately trying to be typhoid mary.

How come most of the poorest countries are doing the best against Covid?
The worse your health care system is the better off you are.

Most of Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia have the least cases and deaths.

I'm not sure why that is Bodi.

Tell ya what....maybe you could catch a flight to sub Saharan Africa and travel the countryside to all the remote villages and do a fact finding mission for everyone here? Compile your data and report back with any findings?
Because poor countries actually respect their healthcare systems and arent spoiled brats desperately trying to be typhoid mary.
Is that the scientific conclusion?
Relatively easy to explain:

It is all about the demographic setup of poor countries.

The poor countries have very young societies, in which 40-50% are under 18 and 80% are under 50 and just 2-5% of the total population over 65.

Coronavirus mostly kills those over 65.

Therefore, younger but poorer societies see almost no cases and if they do, they are not severe because of the young.
Relatively easy to explain:

It is all about the demographic setup of poor countries.

The poor countries have very young societies, in which 40-50% are under 18 and 80% are under 50 and just 2-5% of the total population over 65.

Coronavirus mostly kills those over 65.

Therefore, younger but poorer societies see almost no cases and if they do, they are not severe because of the young.

Not to mention poor countries don't have gathering accurate statistics as one of their top priorities
I would question the reporting. Who is collecting the data?

How come most of the poorest countries are doing the best against Covid?
The worse your health care system is the better off you are.

Most of Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia have the least cases and deaths.

Maybe they simply don’t report them as well. Another thing to consider is having fewer visitors to these places.
Relatively easy to explain:

It is all about the demographic setup of poor countries.

The poor countries have very young societies, in which 40-50% are under 18 and 80% are under 50 and just 2-5% of the total population over 65.

Coronavirus mostly kills those over 65.

Therefore, younger but poorer societies see almost no cases and if they do, they are not severe because of the young.
Good point.
Maybe they simply don’t report them as well. Another thing to consider is having fewer visitors to these places.

The Covid virus of course spread(s) in poor countries too, at a fast speed.

But nobody really cares, because these poor people have other daily concerns, such as to make a living and survive on 1€ a day. So, they don’t give much a damn about a cough virus or flu.

Especially not young people, who account for 90% of poor countries.

Besides, people in poor countries face much deadlier viruses and diseases: Ebola, Malaria, diarrhea etc.

Also, they have no infrastructure to test or report cases.
The Covid virus of course spread(s) in poor countries too, at a fast speed.

But nobody really cares, because these poor people have other daily concerns, such as to make a living and survive on 1€ a day. So, they don’t give much a damn about a cough virus or flu.

Especially not young people, who account for 90% of poor countries.

Besides, people in poor countries face much deadlier viruses and diseases: Ebola, Malaria, diarrhea etc.

Also, they have no infrastructure to test or report cases.

Yep, simply having fewer old folks helps with COVID-19 deaths a lot.
They could not afford in any near measure the killer inoculations or the torture equipment like ventilators . Being poor has paid off !!

Plus they have learned that totally reversing anything that comes out of America is a system which will always produce a positive end result .

How come most of the poorest countries are doing the best against Covid?
The worse your health care system is the better off you are.

Most of Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia have the least cases and deaths.
No testing means no cases!

How come most of the poorest countries are doing the best against Covid?
The worse your health care system is the better off you are.

Most of Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia have the least cases and deaths.
Because instead of whining about 'freedom' and opposing their governments out of nothing but 'principle', they do the responsible thing.

Not to mention poor countries don't have gathering accurate statistics as one of their top priorities
Yeah, that.

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