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Polygamist leader flees after slipping out ankle bracelet using oil, FBI says (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 20, 2013
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Very Liberal
While under house arrest awaiting a fraud trial, Bishop Lyle Jeffs of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints squirmed out of an FBI ankle bracelet with the aid of a lubricant.
"He used a substance which may have been olive oil to lubricate the GPS tracking band and slip it off his ankle," said FBI agent Eric Barnhart of the Salt Lake City field office.
He is now at large, has bodyguard protection and considered dangerous, according to the FBI.
Polygamist leader Lyle Jeffs slips out ankle bracelet, FBI says - CNN.com I hope they recapture this douche bag pronto.
Is this e guy accused of sleeping with and marrying young children?

If I am not mistaken you are thinking of his brother Warren Jeffs. It is the same church, and same family so yeah there is a good chance he did some kid loving. But Warren was the leader who is infamous for underage wives.
How stupid of the FBI. Someone with more than one wife is bound to have a lot of lubricant around the house.
I wonder, what makes him dangerous. Sounds white collar to me.

Serial child molestation is not white collar crime.
No love for the polygamist sects...but the CNN report doesnt indicate anything regarding child abuse or neglect...only food stamp fraud.

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