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Poll: Majority believe Bush misled to make case for war (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, released Wednesday night, finds that all five of Bush’s job approval ratings — on overall job performance, the economy, foreign policy, terrorism and Iraq — are at all-time lows in the survey. In addition, the CIA leak scandal seems to be taking a toll on the administration, with nearly 80 percent believing the indictment of Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff, Lewis “Scooter” Libby, is a serious matter, and with Bush experiencing a 17-point drop since January in those who see him as honest and straightforward.

Perhaps the best news for Republicans in the poll is that Democrats aren’t necessarily faring much better. “Both parties are having difficulties,” McInturff observes.

Indeed, Iraq — which has emerged as the public’s top priority in the poll — has become a particularly thorny issue for Bush. Fifty-seven percent believe he deliberately misled people to make the case for war, compared with 35 percent who say he gave the most accurate information he had. In addition, 58 percent are less confident the war will come to a successful conclusion, and 57 percent say the United States should reduce the number of U.S. troops there.

The CIA leak investigation also seems to be dogging the Bush administration. Seventy-nine percent think that Libby’s indictment is a serious matter. (Libby has since resigned from the administration.) Moreover, only 33 percent give Bush positive ratings for being honest and straightforward — a drop of 17 points since January, when Bush held a 50-to-36 percent score on this question.

All I can say is that we reap what we sew. The Bush Administration provided us only with the intelligence that supported its position to go to war. Nevermind allowing Congress to weigh the intelligence that was both positive and negative of Bush's stance on going to war.

And don't tell me that Congress had the exact same information as the President did because that is not true. The President provided Congress with the evidence that supported his position and kept secret the evidence that did not support his assertions. Tsk tsk.
scottyz said:

:2razz: The alernate reality MEDIA has you convinced, huh? It is WHAT the media, & senate democrats HOPE is happening.

It was no different with the phoney Kerry exit polls, ..ahh the media ALSO wanted people to believe Kerry was getting most of the votes in hoping to show the people that Kerry was the big favorite!

The mainstream majority KNOWS that the Joe Wilson/Valerie Plame so called "leak" is bogus, & crapola. Just wait until Libby goes to trial; & you better pray his attorneys are as incompetent as the democratic party leadership is, ..cause' the dems are gonna look like hell after its over.

They also believe that both Wilson, & Plame were more party hacks than anything else; ..& they also KNOW that Plame was NO covert agent, ..& they even KNOW that media people KNEW she was employed by the CIA, ..& they also know that Wilson, & Plame made NO EFFORT to hide their identity, or their relationship with each other.

The senate democrats THINKING they are gonna ride to Glory in 08' on the back of Joe Wilson, & the Iraqi war....better keep dreaming because most Americans see EXACTLY what is going on here just as they saw what the media, & the senate democrats were up to with the phoney, fraudulent, & forged military documents THEY tried to use against Mr. Bush right before the 04' election!

It must really suck for senate democrats to have to stoop so low in order to even have a chance at winning elections much these days.;)
Originally posted by Stu Gahtze:
It must really suck for senate democrats to have to stoop so low in order to even have a chance at winning elections much these days
I think its worth it just to see you excacerbate neo-reality everytime you lose another seat in Congress. Get used to it, Stu. You guys had your shot and you blew it. You people are a little too extreme anyway to be holding any kind of political office. Neo's are unfit to run a government. They don't have the necessary soft-skills to deal with global issues. And the rest of the world is sick of us dropping the hammer on little defenseless nations. Katrina ended Reagonomics. Deal with it. Maybe we can start getting some dignity and respect back that we lost five years ago.
Stu Ghatze said:
The mainstream majority KNOWS that the Joe Wilson/Valerie Plame so called "leak" is bogus, & crapola.

They also believe that both Wilson, & Plame were more party hacks than anything else; ..& they also KNOW that Plame was NO covert agent, ..& they even KNOW that media people KNEW she was employed by the CIA, ..& they also know that Wilson, & Plame made NO EFFORT to hide their identity, or their relationship with each other.

I love this. I can only imagine if a covert CIA agent was exposed during wartime when the democrats were in office -- the Republicans would have their heads on sticks just the same...
I mean, Bush seems to make it blantantly obvious, in the very least, that their is a conflict of interest. His whole cabinet comes from the oil industry, his biggest political contributor was Ken Lay's Enron who was involved in big scandals, the newspaper articles that have come out stating how Bush knew beforehand that the intel was incorrect about Iraq before starting the invasion. It's like in the very least, on the surface, the Bush Adminstration has to raise alot of suscipcions of corruption, given the huge conflict of interest that comes with him holding the office of the presidency and with his whole cabinet coming from the oil industry.
Stu Ghatze said:
It must really suck for senate democrats to have to stoop so low in order to even have a chance at winning elections much these days.;)

I'll tell you what is stooping low--planting a bugging device in your own office and accusing the other side of doing it; doing a whisper campaign accusing the opposing side of being a lesbian; doing a whisper campaign saying that a decorated prisoner of war had a love child with a black woman and has anger problems as a result of his detainment.

That, my friend, is the behavior of a party who stoops low.

Keep it going, Democrats! Nothing you could do could ever compare to what the Republicans do in order to win elections.
aps said:
I'll tell you what is stooping low--planting a bugging device in your own office and accusing the other side of doing it; doing a whisper campaign accusing the opposing side of being a lesbian; doing a whisper campaign saying that a decorated prisoner of war had a love child with a black woman and has anger problems as a result of his detainment.

That, my friend, is the behavior of a party who stoops low.

Keep it going, Democrats! Nothing you could do could ever compare to what the Republicans do in order to win elections.

Not to start a Clinton thread again, but Bill was even accused of the murder of Vince Foster. This is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Hoot said:
Not to start a Clinton thread again, but Bill was even accused of the murder of Vince Foster. This is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

I seriously and literally wouldn't put it past Clinton. Clinton and the democrats are just as criminal as Bush and the Republicans. I know first hand that Clinton is a criminal though. These are very powerful people that can get away with things that average people cannot get away with.
TimmyBoy said:
I know first hand that Clinton is a criminal though.
Do tell. Were you in AR at the time of your personal experience w/ Slick Willie?
Simon W. Moon said:
Do tell. Were you in AR at the time of your personal experience w/ Slick Willie?

No, I was in Bosnia and saw basically how he covered up alot of crimes and his role as acting as an accomplice to genocide. It was as if the Clinton that Americans saw on TV was not the REAL Clinton in REAL life that I saw in Bosnia, which the REAL Clinton is a criminal. But it seems that most politicans are criminals. Especially the more powerful ones. I just completely and totally lost trust and faith in the system. The system is broken and basically, politicans are criminals.
Simon W. Moon said:
Do tell. Were you in AR at the time of your personal experience w/ Slick Willie?

You seem to know a little bit about Clinton when he was in AR. I am interested in hearing what you know. Don't misunderstand me, I think both the republicans and democrats are crooks. Not just Clinton, I am just more famaliar with Clinton. But one thing is for sure, I know Clinton is a criminal and I am sure he did quite a bit in AR like he did with Bosnia.
Stu Ghatze said:
:2razz: The alernate reality MEDIA has you convinced, huh? It is WHAT the media, & senate democrats HOPE is happening.
It's a Wall Street Journal/NBC poll. The WSJ is not a liberal publication.
History will forget negligent, do-nothing, feel-good presidents like Bill Clinton, but Bush will be remembered for introducing democracy to the Muslim world. The difficulties in Iraq will eventually fade out of history's spotlight, as will President Bush's unpopularity for doing the right thing about a genocidal terror sponsor. The issue of WMDs will only be clung to by clueless fools who don't realize that Saddam was probably ditching the WMDs (the ones that are STILL UNACCOUNTED FOR) while we publicly discussed invading for months and months.

Nearly all the Dems who are screeching about intelligence now are on the record citing the same intelligence the President was acting on and drawing the same conclusions.

This manufactured outrage is a BS smoke screen, and the left know's it.
aquapub said:
History will forget negligent, do-nothing, feel-good presidents like Bill Clinton, but Bush will be remembered for introducing democracy to the Muslim world. The difficulties in Iraq will eventually fade out of history's spotlight, as will President Bush's unpopularity for doing the right thing about a genocidal terror sponsor.

It's possible you could be proven right, however, it's difficult to do the right thing when you start out by lying to the American people.

aquapub said:
The issue of WMDs will only be clung to by clueless fools who don't realize that Saddam was probably ditching the WMDs (the ones that are STILL UNACCOUNTED FOR) while we publicly discussed invading for months and months.

"...probably ditching the WMDS"

'Probably' is not a strong enough basis to take our nation to war.

aquapub said:
Nearly all the Dems who are screeching about intelligence now are on the record citing the same intelligence the President was acting on and drawing the same conclusions.

No way did Bush and congress have access to the same intelligence.

aquapub said:
This manufactured outrage is a BS smoke screen, and the left know's it.

No, it's not manufactured. We simply expect honesty from our 'elected' officials. Maybe that's asking too much from someone who has a history of lying and misleading throughout his political career?
Hoot said:
It's possible you could be proven right, however, it's difficult to do the right thing when you start out by lying to the American people.

"...probably ditching the WMDS"

'Probably' is not a strong enough basis to take our nation to war.

No way did Bush and congress have access to the same intelligence.

No, it's not manufactured. We simply expect honesty from our 'elected' officials. Maybe that's asking too much from someone who has a history of lying and misleading throughout his political career?

The America people know that Sadaam DID in fact have WMD's...lets stop the denial crapola. Where they went just prior to America's invasion in the 2nd Iraqi war is anybody's guess, most probably Syria!!

Sadaam knew WHEN America was coming, ..he had time to spirit out his WMD's, & his chemical, & biological weapons, & everybody KNEW that he had them.

Sadaam did in fact LUST for WMD's...so lets cut the crap, & all the denial.

It was Sadaam who was playing the shell game, ..kicking out weapons inspectors who went to sites that were NOT pre-ordained.

It was Sadaam who had a nuclear facility built by the French in 1980 that was destroyed by Israel in 1981, ..for what;..energy in a country awash in oil?
So Israel just destroyed a nuclear facility in 1981 for nothing, why? Oh, it must be that the zionists are evil, ..right? (liberal logic);)

For God's sake, ..STOP giving Sadaam; the "mass murderer" the benefit of doubt, ..just because the liberal democrats think they have something to exploit for 08'!!

Geezus, its so glaringly disingenuine, as is the scandalous behavior of the media, & an opportunistic immoral, & dishonest senate democratic leadership that will stop at nothing to regain power.;)
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Stu Ghatze said:
The America people know that Sadaam DID in fact have WMD's...lets stop the denial crapola. Where they went just prior to America's invasion in the 2nd Iraqi war is anybody's guess, most probably Syria!!

Sadaam knew WHEN America was coming, ..he had time to spirit out his WMD's, & his chemical, & biological weapons, & everybody KNEW that he had them.

Sadaam did in fact LUST for WMD's...so lets cut the crap, & all the denial.

It was Sadaam who was playing the shell game, ..kicking out weapons inspectors who went to sites that were NOT pre-ordained.

It was Sadaam who had a nuclear facility built by the French in 1980 that was destroyed by Israel in 1981, ..for what;..energy in a country awash in oil?
So Israel just destroyed a nuclear facility in 1981 for nothing, why? Oh, it must be that the zionists are evil, ..right? (liberal logic);)

For God's sake, ..STOP giving Sadaam; the "mass murderer" the benefit of doubt, ..just because the liberal democrats think they have something to exploit for 08'!!

Geezus, its so glaringly disingenuine, as is the scandalous behavior of the media, & an opportunistic immoral, & dishonest senate democratic leadership that will stop at nothing to regain power.;)

Remember Stu, the liberals aren't concerned with their views on WMD before the war. In fact, they'd just as soon you forget. It is their job to regain power, even if it means distorting history. They want you to believe that Bush was the only one making the case for war, when, in fact, nearly all of congress was supportive and had a belief in the WMD. But they see an opportunity to play politics, so they are now saying Bush lied and everyone else believed otherwise. :roll:
aquapub said:
History will forget negligent, do-nothing, feel-good presidents like Bill Clinton,

I try to do that. Otherwise it is too painful to think about where my country is at now compared to just 5 years ago.
Stu Ghatze said:
The America people know that Sadaam DID in fact have WMD's...lets stop the denial crapola. Where they went just prior to America's invasion in the 2nd Iraqi war is anybody's guess, most probably Syria!!

Of course we know Saddam 'HAD' WMD. I don't think anyone denies that? But you surely know that we had inspectors...on the ground in Iraq... before we invaded who were reporting that they could find no WMD.

Stu said:
Sadaam knew WHEN America was coming, ..he had time to spirit out his WMD's, & his chemical, & biological weapons, & everybody KNEW that he had them.

The last inspectors left Iraq on March 18th, 2003. These were the inspectors reporting no WMD. We invaded Iraq on March 23rd, 2003. ( I might be off by a day or two?) That gave Saddam apprx 5 days to 'spirit' his WMD out of the country. Let's use a little common sense here...we had satellite imagery trained on Iraq before the war...we would've seen Saddam moving truckloads out of the country, yet there is no concrete evidence to support this.

Stu said:
Sadaam did in fact LUST for WMD's...so lets cut the crap, & all the denial.

I don't deny that for a second, and no need to be rude. Although Saddam lusted for WMD, do you honestly believe he would've been stupid enough to use them against the U.S. when he knew doing so would bring down the full might and fury of the U.S. military?

Saddam may have been an evil blood-lusting dictator, but he was not stupid. He wanted to maintain his grip on power...attacking the U.S. with WMD, or giving WMD to terrorists to use against the U.S....knowing they might be traced back to Iraq, would've jepordized any chance Saddam had to keep his grip on power.

Stu said:
It was Sadaam who was playing the shell game, ..kicking out weapons inspectors who went to sites that were NOT pre-ordained.

I don't deny that either, but Saddam was cooperating right before the war. The question is....Was Saddam's "shell game" justification enough to take our nation to war?

Stu said:
It was Sadaam who had a nuclear facility built by the French in 1980 that was destroyed by Israel in 1981, ..for what;..energy in a country awash in oil?
So Israel just destroyed a nuclear facility in 1981 for nothing, why? Oh, it must be that the zionists are evil, ..right? (liberal logic);)

Most of us don't believe what happened in 1981 is reason enough to take us to war in 2003...sorry, but past history is just that...past.

Stu said:
For God's sake, ..STOP giving Sadaam; the "mass murderer" the benefit of doubt, ..just because the liberal democrats think they have something to exploit for 08'!!

Geezus, its so glaringly disingenuine, as is the scandalous behavior of the media, & an opportunistic immoral, & dishonest senate democratic leadership that will stop at nothing to regain power.;)

No, I resent a president that picked and chose only the intelligence he wanted to use to justify taking our nation to war. That's pretty much it for me, right there. This war was not necessary...the fact that we never found anything noteworthy proves this. I also resent the fact that latest reports show us spending apprx 6 billion dollars a month in Iraq...more money, per capita, on each Iraqi citizen, then we do on our own. We should've stayed in Afghanistan until that nation was back on its feet....that's where the people who attacked us on 9/11 had their training camps...not in Iraq.
KCConservative said:
Remember Stu, the liberals aren't concerned with their views on WMD before the war. In fact, they'd just as soon you forget. It is their job to regain power, even if it means distorting history. They want you to believe that Bush was the only one making the case for war, when, in fact, nearly all of congress was supportive and had a belief in the WMD. But they see an opportunity to play politics, so they are now saying Bush lied and everyone else believed otherwise. :roll:

With all due respect, Congress did not have access to the same intelligence as the White House, nor do I believe they should.

If we allowed Congress to know everything that crosses that desk in the Oval Office, our security would be far thinner than it is now.

The fact that many believed Iraq had WMD is not the point.

Believing Iraq had WMD and marching our young sons into downtown Baghdad is quite a different scenario then, perhaps, throwing some well aimed cruise missiles from a safe distance.

There's more than one way to take out an evil dictator...if we believe the threat is there.
aps said:
The Bush Administration provided us only with the intelligence that supported its position to go to war. The President provided Congress with the evidence that supported his position and kept secret the evidence that did not support his assertions.

That's a very interesting opinion. Could you present something that supports that theory?

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